The problem is, there are no campaigns by the "good" feminists. This is why I call them sofa feminists, because all they do is sit on their asses claiming to believe in true gender equality.
I'm an egalitarian.
In defense of egalitarian women with honest and educated "feminist concerns", AKA "good feminists", I'm sure you know how social mob justice via the Internet goes. Most "good feminists" would rather not be harassed by their peers and all the useful idiots that like to unquestioningly parrot what great sociopolitical wisdom they pick up from Buzzfeed and MTV and "this one zine I picked up while attending a workshop" for going against the grain. Even greater numbers of women simply reject the "feminist" label outright because of the term's negative connotations. But there are still plenty of rational women who are concerned about women's issues while refusing to drink the PoMo, critical theory-regurgitating, radfem, man-hating, social Marxist Kool-Aid. It's the "harpy" contingent keeping many women who might otherwise speak up or label themselves feminists from doing so.
The well-known/"controversial" feminists (controversial among radfem fruitcakes and/or third-wave feminists, that is) that do refuse to be intimidated by radfems and useful idiots incapable of critical/independent/objective thought face a lot of harassment, public shaming and protest at their speaking engagements. Very few people, away from their keyboards, have any desire to get mixed up in the the utter chaos and insanity that so many extremists (feminist or otherwise) exude. Sane, rational people simply do not want to put up with the vocal minority's hysterics, attempted character assassinations and general shitstorm-mongering. Who can blame them?