@blablarg18 All three in that order...
taken over by CCP / Communism
This has already happened, just a less extreme / more concealed version of it that we call socialism. But the globalist left-wing uniparty maintains its grip on governance through its relentless propaganda narratives (both in the media and in education) which demonize any opposition that could threaten their control, and the average citizen hands over the vast majority of their income to the state (far more than they realize due to all the hidden taxes and inflation etc) so it's essentially 90% communism.
taken over by Islam / Africa
This will inevitably happen. Demography is destiny and there are many examples in history that teach us what will happen: the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the 1989 coup in Sudan, the Algerian Civil War, even the recent Taliban re-takeover of Afghanistan. Each time the Islamists formed alliances with naĂ¯ve (left-wing) opportunistic parties, then as soon as they became strong enough they either sidelined their former partners completely or murdered them outright. The Islamists are also straight-up telling us what they intend to do once they grow numerous enough in Europe. We should believe they mean what they say.
taken over by Christian revival. "Make Europe Great Again"
This one isn't guaranteed but I believe there is a decent chance it will happen eventually, because the peace-loving Christians & co will run out of other countries to flee to and be forced to make a stand. It remains to be seen if there will still be enough of them left to mount an effective resistance by that point. If it does happen it will almost certainly be through civil war rather than through the democratic process, because it's essentially a race between Westerners waking up and Muslims growing in numbers, and so far the left has managed to keep the latter outpacing the former. By the time most Westerners realize what's about to happen they will be too few in number to change course democratically. Either way the potential Western revival is still decades away, possibly centuries.
PS: I run the IT systems for childcare benefits in my country so I have access to all the data and can make pretty solid projections for the future. The indigenous population is already a clear minority in the new generation. Within a few decades we will be an absolute minority in the total population.