@blablarg18 yes, it seems that there are many factors in testosterone levels dropping. I suspect it has a lot to do with food additives.
As for "Tina", a healthy body takes in nutrition and converts it into usable energy and stores what it can't use as fat. Of course, this is affected by genetics and what people consume. However, in the case of "Tina" people lose weight abnormally by disrupting the functionality of their own body. When people get over 80 years old or are suffering some chronic disease, their bodies often begin to go into a "wasting" mode in which their bodies no longer produce energy, absorb nutrients, and store energy (fat). Taking things like meth (tina), marijuana and antidepressants has a short-term effect which people want, but over chronic use result in premature wasting, senility, impotence, dementia, etc. Take a look at some people who smoke tobacco, marijuana, use meth, etc. heavily. They even LOOK much older than their actual age. They lose muscle mass, are impotent, hair is gray, skin wrinkles and has poor skin tone, etc. I have seen many people who are 30 who look 60.