You are a liar because you claim to want civility, but attack me.
If I, or another conservative, did that to a liberal, the site would be broken from you guys smashing the hell out of the REPORT button.
I noticed you didn't go into the John Lewis conversation, where I pointed out recent 2 proven lies by him and you went bat shit crazy claiming I hate black people because of it.
You and your leftist friends are thread Nazis who think they control each and every topic. We're only allowed to talk about Obama and Hillary if it's in worshipping tones.
Questioning if you are a liar is not attacking you. You directly called me a liar on multiple occasions. Are those also attacks? Also, when have I reported YOU? Name the time and show the report. I'm waiting.
I've only objected to bringing up Hillary and Obama when a post has absolutely nothing to do with them, but if you want to bring them into a discussion that has nothing to do with them, I'll continue to point out the irrelevance as I've always done. I've never said, "stop talking about Hillary or President Obama if you have nothing nice to say about them." "Thread Nazi," is another attack. Got any more?
Relating to the John Lewis situation, the only thing I repeatedly posted was his legacy and how his legacy was related to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I specifically stated that I personally disagreed with him saying #45 was illegitimate. I can actually copy and post where I said I disagreed with him questioning #45's legitimacy as president. I stated I believed #45 was elected legitimately and is our president, I have always held that belief and made it known. All I said was John Lewis has a legacy and so does Dr. King and those legacies are related and I support those legacies. I asked you did you agree on the importance of those legacies and as usual, you deflected and derailed; leaving me to believe you do not view the advancement of people of color as important in America; therefore, you left me no choice but to question if you are indeed a racist and/or white supremacist.