This is why more states need hate crime laws. There needs to be a deterrent for this crap. Maybe his execution will serve as one. If the bigots knew they could face death for killing us, it'll make them think twice. If not, there will be one less bigot spewing their murderous hatred towards us.

Posts made by royalcrown89
RE: FLA Gay Killer to be Executed
RE: Russian LGBT+ activist murdered after being listed on ‘Saw’ website
Hmmm, I mentioned that the Orthodox Church is pushing homophobia but some of the worst are places like Dagestan and Chechnia.
And now people are only talking about how bad Muslims are while Yelena was almost certainly killed by Christians and the Saw website is run by Christians. To be fair, there's no reports of homophobic violence coming out of the Pagan or Buddhist parts of Russia.
And I have met some of the people who have been brought to Toronto from Chechnia by Rainbow Railroad.
They're participating in whataboutism and deflection by bringing up Muslims. It's typical behavior in this forum and why some of us have limited our participation when it comes to topics like this one. :blind:
I'm an atheist, so I think all religions suck ass.
It's a very real fact that the mulsim areas of Russia are far worse. They have concentration camps for people accused of being gay. It's akin to the Salem witch trials in these regions.
Are the christian areas of Russia bad? YES, of course, they are. However, thy don't have concentration camps and "culls".
Let's not forget that you are the one that says that calling someone a communist means you also call black people "monkeys". You derailed a topic to go on that idiotic crap.
You used the language of a known white supremacist who indeed did call black people "monkeys" in reaction to me stating typical liberal ideas. Yes, calling someone who isn't a communist "communist" is exactly what Ronald Reagan did and Ronald Reagan is a white supremacist. When you attempt to designate common liberal ideas as "communist" then you are indeed participating in Reaganism and Reaganism is a branch of white supremacy due to him being exposed as a white supremacist who called black people "monkeys" during a phone call to Nixon. Google it. Oh, I forgot people like you are against Google right now because you're being "targeted." Bing it. :crazy2:
The bottom line is both religions in the region have been horrific towards gays and have killed gays. Death is death. Concentration camps, witch trials, etc. is irrelevant to the people who are actually being murdered by both Christians and Muslims in the region. You deflected and derailed to make the discussion all about the bad brown Muslims. As usual.
RE: President Obama's New Redistricting Organization
And most modern presidents have released their tax returns. If Trump gets to ignore a standard that has been around for a long time, then President Obama can argue against and start initiatives to counteract white supremacist MAGA policies instead of stepping back from the political landscape. :cheers:
RE: Judge: Georgia must scrap old voting machines after 2019
Legal citizens with photo ID should be able to vote without Republicans coming up with ways to stop them at every turn. Hopefully, the upcoming reforms in Georgia will highlight the problem nationwide and provide a roadmap on how to correct the problem.
RE: President Obama's New Redistricting Organization
GWB left office with a 22-28% approval rating. President Obama left office with a 60% approval rating. Yeah, he should definitely go away. ::)
I am against the unfair gerrymandering practices Democrats have used in Maryland and I am against the unfair gerrymandering practices Republicans have used everywhere else. President Obama is right, it's time to draw districts fairly and let the chips fall as they may.
RE: Judge: Georgia must scrap old voting machines after 2019
–- Before I get into this topic, I just have to say I am sad to see how low participation in this forum has become. I had a feeling this would happen due to how one-sided this section of the forum was becoming and how the constant trolling/derailing was making this an uncivil place to debate (example of my prediction: That being said, I'm happy to see the Politics & Debate section is still here and it was a joy revisiting some of my old threads and topics I participated in. –-
Anyway, back to Georgia's voting system and the reform efforts, I hope the reforms are in place before the special election to fill Johnny Isakson's senate seat. Along with Georgia's other senate seat, it's going to be one of the most-watched races now as Democrats try to take back the Senate in the 2020 election. Given how close the 2018 race was, I'm sure there are a lot of angry people who are still highly upset with now-Governor Brian Kemp's suppression efforts. This is going to get very interesting, especially since Georgia came within 8 points of flipping in the 2016 election.
Good riddance, Senator Isakson. And game on, Senator Perdue.
RE: Baltimore - it's only racist when Trump says it
Once again, if the economy was doing so well then everyone would be able to work at the most 1 job and be able to at least pay their bills and not qualify for food stamps. Instead, we have people working 2,3, and even 4 jobs and are still struggling. Those at the top who offer employment were given pretty a big tax cut December 2017. Where are the opportunities to pull people out of poverty as a result of giving the tax cut? Where are your stats from reputable sources showing an unbelievable drop in the poverty rate and an expansion of the middle class as a result of the tax cut and the deregulation this president has been pushing since taking office?
You have no data. You have no evidence. All you have are childish accusations of Communism at someone who is a supporter of regulated Capitalism.
RE: President Obama's New Redistricting Organization
I also love the name, Redistricting U. It's catchy and isn't filled with white supremacist dog whistles like MAGA :cheers:
President Obama's New Redistricting Organization
President Obama has announced a new effort to help the push for fair maps when it comes to redistricting. While some have already gone down the conspiracy theory route, as always when it comes to President Obama, I am all in on this fight. It is time to finally redraw maps in a fair way instead of the way partisan operatives have been doing for the past two decades. This has been a problem with both Democrats (Maryland) and Republicans (everywhere else) and I'm glad President Obama is ready to organize and help get rid of super-partisan gerrymandering.
RE: Judge: Georgia must scrap old voting machines after 2019
Umm, "communist" wasn't and isn't only said by Reagan. I'm sure I could find a word or 50 you have said in common with a number of child rapists.
I agree, a person can have family that's mixed race and be prejudice. However, when my mixed-race sister and her black inlaws don't think I'm a racist, you lost the point, unless you are saying they are white supremacists too.
You love to wallow in the past that, don't you.
Let's not forget the history of the word "slave". It's from the Slavonic people (now Slavic) who were enslaved en masse by the Moors and the Ottomans. These people were sold throughout Africa and the Middle East. Also, slavery existed long before whites got to Africa and it's still going on.
Do you mean how Obama/Holder dropped the charges of the New Black Panthers in Philly? You know the ones, brandishing nightsticks and spewing hate toward whites outside the polling place.
What about the multiple scandals involving the black woman Broward County elections official. Ballots being transferred between that black pickup and the official truck. Ballots found in the trunk of a rental car at the airport. Taking ballots into a private room. Threatening monitors with arrest.
It is a known fact that Reagan and his supporters, as well as those who followed Joseph McCarthy, called anyone on the left calling for equality Communist. To this very day, white supremacists who want to stop a debate with someone on the left will throw out the term Communist. It's a very recognizable dog whistle and was used by Ronald Reagan many times, who as I said, is a proven white supremacist who considered black people to be "monkeys."
I talk about the past so much because it is my people's history we're talking about here. Slavery stripped away my ancestors' original heritage and permanently severed the connection between Africa and African descendants of slaves like myself. By demanding that I or people like me forget that, you're telling us to abandon our history and our heritage. Without taking a DNA assessment for genealogy, I cannot claim I'm a direct descendant of any African cultures. My people's history is well-documented in this country and it's a history of blood and triumph. Thankfully, white supremacists have failed to erase us and our experiences. We're still here and we will continue to be here, no matter what any white supremacist says or does.
I highly doubt you talk to black people in your family on a daily basis; and if so, I highly doubt you tell them they're in the position they're in because of AA or any of the other nonsense you spout on here. If you do and they still like you, they're probably the type of black people who constantly bring up stereotypes about other black people because deep down inside, they hate being black themselves. No proud black person who has respect for the ideals Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. died for would entertain anti-black attitudes from anyone. Hmm, didn't Reagan and white conservatives like Jesse Helms (another Southern Democrat who became a Republican) oppose recognizing Dr. King for his contributions to this country? He even questioned whether it would be revealed if Dr. King was a Communist in 35 years, once again throwing out the dog whistle even as he was about to sign the proclamation for the Dr. King holiday.
I'll let words I've already said be my final words for this diversion you've taken this thread to:
Yeah, black supremacists exist but they don't have the bloody murderous reputation as white supremacists in America. History tells us that. Show me pictures of black people lynching white people and I'll agree with you. Show me pictures of black people enslaving white people for more than two centuries and I'll agree with you. Show me evidence of black people putting the fear of death in white people to keep them from voting for decade after decade and I'll agree with you. Show me evidence that laws had to be passed to keep black supremacists from terrorizing white people to keep white people from demanding civil rights and I'll agree with you. The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act had to be passed because of white supremacist conservatives and their disgusting bloody acts of terrorism inflicted on black people. There are people still alive–-like Rep. John Lewis---who know all too well about this topic. Try telling him and other civil rights leaders that black supremacy is the exact same threat as white supremacy in America. White supremacy, conservatism, and our own federal government killed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
RE: Baltimore - it's only racist when Trump says it
It says a lot about you that you can't even admit that non-white employment records are the highest they have been since they've kept such records.
Let's give a big hand for low wage McDonald's jobs and other jobs like it where non-whites have to work 3x harder than whites and STILL receive less money and opportunities :cheers: Thanks to our Lord & Savior aka the "Chosen One" Donald J. Trump!
I'm so glad I never have and never will drink the orange Kool-Aid. When the recession comes, I'll be proud to say I NEVER supported the criminal-in-chief.
Tax cuts don't tend to bring recessions.
And once again, he doesn't tend to get attacked by Reps from poverty-stricken white areas.
Let's not forget that it's your party that cares more about illegals than poverty-stricken areas regardless of skin color.
NYC spends 10x more on sending illegals to college than they do on all the services the families of fallen soldier's & first responder's families ($27 million vs $2.7 million). The Chairwoman admitted they needed to do more for them, but there was no money left over. Service to your country/state is less important than being illegal.
Like in Scotland, there's no money for the native homeless population, but there's plenty of money for economic migrants. Scotland raised income taxes to bolster welfare, but nothing is improving on the ground, except that we're importing more people from 3rd world shitholes so they can get a welfare check.
He's been attacked by white congressmen and white congresswomen who represent districts from all over the socioeconomic spectrum and never called their districts "infested." John Lewis' district isn't poverty-stricken and it was called "infested." How come he never calls out Katie Porter (D-CA45) and call her district "infested?" She's attacked him plenty of times and he's never mentioned her name. He never seems to mention white people who call him out and when he does, he's never as disgusting with them as he is with black people who call him out. He never even used the term "infested" with Hillary Clinton. It's always with black people. Hmm :blond:
RE: Judge: Georgia must scrap old voting machines after 2019
See, you are doing it. You get butt hurt because I don't agree with you so you claim I'm a racist. You proved my comments in the other thread 100% correct. If a honkey dares disagree with a non-white, they are racist, no matter what the disagreement is about.
Also, my sister would laugh in your face if you tried to tell her I'm a racist. The same with her husband and my niece.
Black supremacists, along with supremacists from all other racists exist.
Fake hate crimes are on the rise.
You called me a Democratic Communist, which is a term Reagan used a lot and Reagan is a proven white supremacist bigot who called black people "monkeys." Why are you using the white supremacist language of Ronald Reagan all of a sudden?
FYI, you can be prejudiced or a racist with a black spouse, biracial grandchildren, biracial nieces and nephews, etc.; having people of color in your family means nothing if you see people of color who aren't a part of your family as inferior and/or undeserving of natural rights.
Yeah, black supremacists exist but they don't have the bloody murderous reputation as white supremacists in America. History tells us that. Show me pictures of black people lynching white people and I'll agree with you. Show me pictures of black people enslaving white people for more than two centuries and I'll agree with you. Show me evidence of black people putting the fear of death in white people to keep them from voting for decade after decade and I'll agree with you. Show me evidence that laws had to be passed to keep black supremacists from terrorizing white people to keep white people from demanding civil rights and I'll agree with you. The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act had to be passed because of white supremacist conservatives and their disgusting bloody acts of terrorism inflicted on black people. There are people still alive–-like Rep. John Lewis---who know all too well about this topic. Try telling him and other civil rights leaders that black supremacy is the exact same threat as white supremacy in America. White supremacy, conservatism, and our own federal government killed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
RE: Baltimore - it's only racist when Trump says it
This president has done nothing to help non-whites except get a supermajority of us on the same page to vote him the hell out next year. It is a fact that more people are working; however, one person is working multiple jobs just to make ends meet and is still in poverty. Let's see how well the economy is doing when his tariffs and tax cuts bring on a bigger recession than 2008.
And once again, he has never referred to white poverty-stricken drug-ridden areas as "infested" before. Ever. The moment he does that on live TV or writes it on Twitter, then I won't use it as an example of why he's racist. I'm pretty sure you know he won't stop though. It wouldn't matter if the person who attacks him is rich, poor, gay, straight, etc.; if they're black he's going to call their city/town/neighborhood "infested" because he's a bigot and that's what bigots do. They see all black people as piss poor hoodlums with no values no matter where we come from. Donald Trump truly is no different than the bigots I've encountered my whole life in South Carolina.
RE: Judge: Georgia must scrap old voting machines after 2019
Yeah, the Squad are so low-IQ that they have you and the president constantly talking about them and stressing over their existence lol. It sounds like they're actually quite smart. He told them to go back to their country when 3 of them were born here. So, who is the low-IQ individual again?
Nothing you say will change the fact that there are proud white supremacists popping up within the Republican Party all over this country. They're being led by the president, who is also a white supremacist. The cat is out of the bag and we will continue to see the number of black Republicans decrease because of it.
"Communist Democrat?" Who are you, Reagan? I guess it's only a matter of time before you refer to Africans and other black people as "monkeys" the way Reagan did, huh? Like I said, the white supremacy on the right is finally being exposed and America will have a decision to make. I'm just hoping everyone who can legally vote will be able to exercise that right and kick every single Steve King and Donald Trump the hell out of Washington next year.
Oh, and by me being a Christian who believes in Heaven and Hell, I sleep peacefully knowing Reagan and all other disgusting dead white supremacists like him are roasting like chestnuts on an open fire for eternity.
RE: Baltimore - it's only racist when Trump says it
Why not attack using valid, sound arguments to counter what his critics are saying? Why does he have to go full-on racist every single time? If I were to criticize the president in person, he would most likely make the racist and invalid counter-argument that I'm an uneducated thug who has probably spent time in prison when in reality I come from a working-class Christian family and I have a bachelor's degree. I'm done with this president and if the 2018 midterms are any clue, the 3 states responsible for this president have changed their minds on him. If they haven't, Democrats need to win the Senate back and keep the House with enough numbers to make sure he is powerless and can't even veto anything. If we're in recession by the election, it will be a Democratic landslide. His racism won't matter then because he'll simply be a figurehead with no real power.
RE: Judge: Georgia must scrap old voting machines after 2019
You clearly have not been paying attention to what your party has been saying and doing the last 10 or so years, if you think it's not anti-white.
Have Democrats been using the term "infested" against white people and/or majority-white areas? Have Democrats been going around calling every white person who disagrees with them, "low IQ?" You don't have any data proving your point; therefore, your argument is flawed.
As for conservatives, it's not about blacks hating blacks, it's about taking personal responsibility. Liberals want to blame everyone else for their failures. Jesse Lee Peterson has a YouTube and podcast channel where he talks to liberals (mostly blacks). Anyway, he had a highly privileged black chick on there, who had 2 Harvard Law grad parents and she grew up in a well off area. She admitted she had all the advantages. She defended Affirmative Action saying that if it wasn't there that she wouldn't have gotten into college. After dragging it out of her, she eventually admitted that she couldn't be bothered to do her school work and that's why she needed AA.
It's your party that refused to extend AA to poor white boys living in these shitholes we are talking about in the other thread but giving it to uber-wealthy blacks who couldn't be bothered.
Obama's kids get AA, but I don't, even though I had none of the advantages they got and still have.
Dems won't let AA to be extended to people like me.
I've always believed AA should be critiqued on a person by person basis. While some definitely should not have benefitted from it, others undeniably needed the benefit. I am a prime example of someone who would not have gotten into at least 3 of the colleges I applied to without it and I can explain why. Out of the 20+ white students from my high school who got into the University of South Carolina in 2008, I was one of only 2 black students from my high school who applied and got in. The other black student and I graduated high school with honors and had damn near excellent SAT scores. I know for a fact out of the 20+ white students, 9 of them graduated with a high enough GPA to receive honors while the rest did not. I also know for a fact that me and the other black student scored higher on the SAT than a majority of our graduating class. I know of maybe 15 other black students from my graduating class who also had higher scores and a higher GPA who applied to the University of South Carolina and were rejected. They were rejected while 11+ white students with a lower GPA and most likely lower SAT scores were accepted.
I graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2012 and I can tell you only 5 of those white students who were accepted in 2008 graduated with me and the other black student. Had it not been for AA, neither I nor the other black student would have been accepted. There would probably be one or two black people at the entire university because this is South Carolina, a state that did not willingly accept the Brown v. Board decision of 1954.
I understand that there are white children who are refused opportunities as well, but maybe their parents should stop voting against their interests in hopes of keeping black people down. The Republican Party preaches all the time about personal responsibility but forgets to tell people that there is a system in place working against poor people. Complain about the Democratic Party all you want, but it's us who actually realize there are inequities in this country and have real solutions for those inequities. Had we never had a Republican president after GHW Bush, there would be no poverty in America, everyone would have the right to vote without any schemes to stop them, and the quality of life would be much higher for everyone.
RE: Baltimore - it's only racist when Trump says it
I have yet to hear an explanation for why EVERY majority-black area of the country–-regardless of socioeconomic status---is referred to as "infested" while actual majority-white poverty-stricken, drug-ridden areas aren't called that term. Can anyone provide an explanation? If not, then how exactly are you going to persuade me that President Trump isn't racist? My opinion is that he is racist and one of the many reasons why I think so is because of the difference in terminology he uses to describe black people and white people. Can anyone provide me with evidence of President Trump referring to a non-black area of the country as "infested?" Yes or no are simple answers for a simple question.
RE: Judge: Georgia must scrap old voting machines after 2019
Current Democrats hate whites. I stopped being a Dem because of the hostility of the party.
My very existence oppresses Obama, Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Beyonce, P Diddy, Will Smith, my Congresswoman Shiela Jackson Lee, etc, etc, etc as the Dems love to tell us. Michael Brown was a justified kill, but Dems keep pushing the lie of "hands up, don't shoot" despite Obama's DOJ proved it was a lie.
While Dems keep demonizing whites, they keep doing the racism of low expectations when talking about nonwhites, especially blacks. If voter fraud by conservatives is so high, then Dems should demand that voters need to have ID and other things to prevent voter fraud.
I did a thread after trump won about 2 cases of voter fraud in Texas; 1 Dem and 1 Repub. The Dem case was due to no ID and the Repub was an illegal who was able to register to vote because Texas allows illegals to drive.
I do question why, as a black man, you don't find the Dem narrative to be shitty. They claim you are too stupid and useless to have an ID. As I said many times before, in these threads, I don't know a single black person who doesn't have ID. Also, virtually all of them support voter ID. When I lived in Chicago, I knew some blacks on welfare and they had ID, in order to get their welfare. The window washer for the store I worked at was one of them.
Democrats do not hate whites, but Republicans do hate blacks unless there is a black person who hates other black people. Look at all of the black Republicans of today and what do you see in common? Well, first of all, a lot of them are resigning because they can no longer defend Trump's racist rhetoric :cheers: They all have the same thing in common, they have never ever in their lives advocated for the advancement of black people. Take your pick from Mia Love to Allen West to Alan Keyes to Tim Scott to John E. James; they all have that common thread and eventually, they stop making excuses for Trump's racist behavior. Will Hurd is retiring and Republicans themselves flipped and voted Democrat in Utah last year to get rid of Mia Love. Even Tim Scott of my state has said he will not run for reelection after 2022 and I suspect he won't even finish out his next term were he to get reelected. Once he's gone, that will leave zero black Republicans in the entire Congress.
North Carolina Republicans committed massive election fraud and there will be another election next month because of it. Election fraud is on the right, not the left and thankfully people are waking up to that fact.
As a black man in the Southern United States, I'm well aware that Republicans would rather I not vote at all. They'd love it if no one black voted here because we're over 95% Democrats here due to the history of what conservatives have done to us. It was conservatives who murdered black people for trying to vote in the South all those years ago, not liberals. And it's conservatives today who commit election fraud and use intimidation tactics to keep black people from voting today. Some Republicans have admitted that voter ID laws were passed in the hopes of limiting the number of people of color who vote. Once again, it didn't work so I do believe Democrats should stop making the argument so much but we agree the origins came from the 2008 presidential election where Barack Obama won the presidency with the most votes ever cast in an election.
It wasn't liberals or Democrats who tried to stop members of my family from voting early in Georgia last year. I believe Brian Kemp's office targeted people of color online to see what they were up to and used Georgia state officers to intimidate in hopes of lowering black turnout. Thankfully it didn't work and Stacey Abrams came close to beating Kemp. Had it not been for purging voter rolls and handing out an unprecedented amount of provisional ballots, I truly believe Kemp would have lost. With all of Trump's help and constantly visiting Georgia during 2018, Kemp didn't win a Republican state in a landslide. Thanks to his crooked actions and Stacey Abrams's lawsuits, Georgia's elections will be under a microscope from now on. If only we can get some significant oversight over South Carolina's election practices. Oh, what's that? That's right, that's already in progress here: may find themselves in much closer elections in 2020.
RE: Baltimore - it's only racist when Trump says it
Trump attacked the district of a Congressman who attacked him. Of course, to Dems, you can't disagree with a non-white about anything or you're a racist. Rocky is a racist because he punched Creed in a boxing match.
Congressman Lewis's district is NOT rat-infested and has very low crime, yet the president decided to lie as usual and described the district as rat-infested. He always uses the term infested to describe majority-black areas, no matter how rich or poor the black area is. Hmm, if only there were a term to describe his racial and prejudicial behavior…Oh well.
But these places are shitholes. You and your fellow Dems even admit that when Trump wants to deport people back to these places.
Slavery existed long before white people and it still exists to this very day in many places in Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East. The word "slave" comes from the Slavonic, now Slavic people who were enslaved en masse by the Moors and Ottoman Empire.
Many countries are shitholes, with rampant corruption. You can't blame white people for Mugabe murdering his best friend so he could rule the country instead and being a corrupt dictator. Unless you are saying that black people have no agency.
Can you show me any evidence where anyone other than the president and his supporters have called any country a "shithole?" I do not, will not, and have not supported placing 100% blame on any country that became horrible after being either (1) ravaged by America and/or (2) devastated after accidentally/purposely allowing white people from around the world to disrupt and divide cultures within the country. Whether you like it or not, white people have contributed to a lot of brutality around the world. There are places where there were natural divisions and those divisions made countries brutal and unsafe overtime, but there are also countries where it was the intervention of Europe and later the US that caused a lot of anger, pain, and brutality.
Once again, slavery is not the only institution I'm referring to.
Sure, many places in the US are shitholes that most people wouldn't want to live, but they are far from being the countries Trump is talking about.
Like I said before, Dems scream that these places are lovely until Trump wants to deport someone, then they become shitholes. Make up your minds.
Ok, maybe PBS didn't directly say "rat-infested" but their 2 shows proved it to be true. They showed the rat infestations and piles of garbage.
Cummings cares so much about his district that a bunch of (mostly) white conservatives had to go in and clean it up because he couldn't be bothered to do anything for 26 years. Again, hating on white people while giving a black man a pass.
You're still overlooking the point I'm making. President Donald Trump has yet to refer to a county, city, town, neighborhood, etc. that is majority white and overrun with drugs and death as "infested." You can dance around the point I'm making all you want but this point is the basis of why I personally believe the president is racist. I don't agree with the media painting him as racist because it's up to how someone personally perceives one's words and actions and the media shouldn't tell us who is or isn't racist. For me not to see the president as a racist, he'd have to stop only referring to majority-black areas–-regardless of their socioeconomic status---as "infested" and actually propose ideas on how to make the troubled areas better by working with local leaders instead of calling out random black congressmen who may or may not even represent the entirety of a city. Some cities have two, three, or even four representatives and one mayor. Why can't the president work with a mayor to better an area or inspire the people to vote for a mayor they can hold accountable? Once again, the fact that he singles out black congressmen/congresswomen and calls their districts "infested" kind of sums up why many are calling him a racist now.
Also, let's not forget why Trump targeted Rep. Cummings. As the Chairman of the Oversight Committee in the House of Representatives, it is Elijah Cummings' job to provide oversight of the government. Donald Trump never turned over his tax returns and is still profiting from his business as a sitting president. I don't give a rat's ass if he found some loophole that allows it, I want him investigated to make sure he's not taking money from foreign governments and making decisions for this country based off of what foreign governments want. For him to attack Rep. Cummings for making sure we get some transparency out of this crooked administration further proves he has no business being president. And shame on those who got us here. I don't care how much time goes by, I will always remember what this country did by electing someone like Trump as president. Like everything else this country did horribly wrong, Trump's presidency will go down in history books as a dark and ugly stain on America's legacy.
RE: Judge: Georgia must scrap old voting machines after 2019
Ah, so every Dem in Georgia was a klansman in 1995 and that explains the law.
Plenty of klansmen stayed in the Dem party, like Sen Byrd (one of Hillary's racist heros).
That's not what I said. No, it wasn't every Democrat in Georgia but you should look up just how many Democrats became Republicans between the 1960s and 2000s. A large number, like I said including future Governor Sonny Perdue, were Democrats before they became Republicans. Perdue is actually one of the Democrats you're referencing because he voted for that law as a conservative Democratic state senator. While Democrats might have made up the majority back then, it was mainly because of conservative Democrats and not Democrats of the current Democratic Party like Stacey Abrams. I'm pretty sure Senator Byrd no longer believed in the KKK by the time he died and even if he didn't, I'm sure the backward-thinking voters in West Virginia liked that about him which is why he lasted so long in a state that now mostly favors the Republican Party.
I never said that "blacks are too stupid to have ID". I am saying that Dems keep pushing that shitty narrative so people can vote without any ID, which fuels corruption/fraud.
Okay, sorry I misunderstood your reasoning for including that before. While I don't agree that the "narrative" is shitty, I do believe it's talked about too much. It is an important argument to make because prior to the election of Barack Obama, photo ID wasn't pushed as hard by Republicans across the country. It also doesn't help Republicans that in Pennsylvania prior to the 2012 election, a sitting state senator declared they were passing photo ID to ensure Mitt Romney will become the next president. You can't honestly believe Republicans didn't set out to disenfranchise millions from voting when they passed those laws and other restrictive measures between 2009 and 2013. know for a fact that there was NO voter fraud from Democrats between 2008 and 2015 because Congress was taken over in 2011 by very hostile Republicans who combed through the Obama presidency and the Democratic Party and found nothing outside of wild conspiracy theories that were never proven to be true.