And for those of you who keep trying to use Dr. King to shame black people, please remember (or lookup) that Republicans (many who are still in office today) were the main people arguing against making MLK Day a national holiday and urged Ronald Reagan not to observe it. Please watch the video in this post because there's no denying that it truly did happen:

Posts made by royalcrown89
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
Does anyone still wonder why race can never be discussed?
:police: "you piece of shit" :police: Is a clear violation of the rules.
As usual, if I follow the forum rules I made years ago and punish the person, then I'm a racist. As the forum admin, I can't win for losing.
I clearly got too emotional in that post and I do apologize, but you will not be accused of being racist by me for punishing me. I did indeed violate the rules; therefore, I should be punished. I am just sick and tired of people trying to minimize the effects of slavery and Jim Crow on our lives today. It is wrong and it needs to be called out. You cannot erase the effects of the torture, enslavement and second-class citizenship of a people for centuries and then pretend like none of it happened and the descendants of those people have no right to feel any kind of way about this country's bloody history OR they have no right to make arguments about the effects of this country's bloody history. No one is calling for white guilt or any of the crap you keep ranting against. It's about acknowledgement and understanding. Why is that so hard to agree with?
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
[Trump] was CLEARLY referencing his current tenure in Congress, where Lewis has been nothing but a partisan hack, and who represents one of the worst districts in all of Georgia in terms of quality of living.
Here is a BIG CLUE for you, amicusets, and the other Trump-zombies here.
My sister and her wife have lived in Rep. John Lewis' district for over 35 years. They have repeatedly voted for him as their representative to Congress. He is a hero to them as he is to a great many people who live in Atlanta.
I have been to and stayed in their home. Where they live and the surrounding area are very nice and peaceful and the neighbors who live there are extremely friendly to my sister and her wife as they are to them. Every year my sister and her wife celebrate Halloween by putting a huge display, much of it made by themselves, in their yard open to all to come and see. (Last year I bought them a pair of zombie flamingoes for their year.) They bag treats for the up to 400 children who come to visit them. Their neighbors take part and help them on Halloween night.
Lewis's district is NOTHING like what Ignorant, Egotistical Trump ranted it was.
The day of and the day after Trump's obnoxious tweet, people who lived in that district were posting picture of where they lived and what was around them in the area. Again, it is NOTHING like what the Clueless-Elect LIED it was.
On the same days, the major newspaper of the City of Atlanta posted even more photos and statements by the people who live in Rep. Lewis' district – proving once again that Trump is a Clueless Idiot who rarely, if ever, knows that he believes he does.
Being as Willful-Ignorant and Stupid as Donald Trump is, amicusets, is not something a rational and reasonable person would aspire to.
. . .Isn't it disgusting how they think every single district that is majority black is plagued with crime and high unemployment? I live in South Carolina and where I grew up, it was nothing like that. We had a neighborhood watch program and a very calm neighborhood where everyone looked out for each other. Would you believe my first experience with homophobia came from white people while I was at Clemson? My second and third occurred once again by white homophobes at the University of South Carolina. But that's beyond the point of this thread, John Lewis's district was racially stereotyped by Trump and he also criticized the legacy of a living Civil Rights hero. An apology is definitely needed or this whole situation is about to get so much worse. How low can that approval rating go?? ;D ;D
oh no a stereotype that may be accurate. and look, your anecdote is suddenly data? no one's lived experience matters a lick here. oh, and good on you for being one of the privileged ones where all you have to worry about is white homophobes calling you names as you are suddenly making this about yourself and an issue of race..
let's totally forget "the new black"
but hey, anything so you can circle jerk for trump hate when his opponent's husband put in Don't ask don't tell, and ran in the 2008 primary to not put in gay marriage.
The election is over, Donald Trump won and will be our 45th President; therefore, bringing up Hillary Clinton at this point is simply ridiculous and hurts your argument severely. Hillary who? Also, yes I am black AND gay so no I'm not going to ignore my full identity to make people feel comfortable. Your "circle jerk for Trump hate" comment is also ignorant since I've said many times in this thread and on his site that I truly believe Trump was elected legitimately and that I was willing to give him a chance until this point. Unlike the obstructionist Republicans (2009-2017), I believe when the president does well, we all do well. However, when the president attacks Civil Rights heroes who nearly died trying to bring Dr. King's vision to fruition, that president will continue to see his support decline among the people, not just congressional members.
my full identity.
King's dreamand it seems that that King's message didn't even reach you. just on that contradiction alone.
for a man that is so fixated on identity you seem to praise the very person that was for smashing identity politics.
way to go! I'd say go fuck yourself but you've done such a brilliant job of that.
thanks for the last and greatest betrayal of the last and greatest of human dreams.
Dr. King was a proud black man, belonged to a historically black fraternity (Alpha Phi Alpha) and was murdered by a white man because he was a black man trying to change this country. Are you seriously trying to erase Dr. King's blackness? His dream wasn't about erasing yourself, it was about being proud of who you are and fighting for your right to be who you are. His dream was about accepting one another as we are, not destroying what makes us the people we are. I am supposed to look past the fact that you are white, black, etc. and see that you are a great person, not erase the fact that you are white, black, etc. to make myself comfortable with you existing. You are the one twisting the legacy of Dr. King, not me.
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
[Trump] was CLEARLY referencing his current tenure in Congress, where Lewis has been nothing but a partisan hack, and who represents one of the worst districts in all of Georgia in terms of quality of living.
Here is a BIG CLUE for you, amicusets, and the other Trump-zombies here.
My sister and her wife have lived in Rep. John Lewis' district for over 35 years. They have repeatedly voted for him as their representative to Congress. He is a hero to them as he is to a great many people who live in Atlanta.
I have been to and stayed in their home. Where they live and the surrounding area are very nice and peaceful and the neighbors who live there are extremely friendly to my sister and her wife as they are to them. Every year my sister and her wife celebrate Halloween by putting a huge display, much of it made by themselves, in their yard open to all to come and see. (Last year I bought them a pair of zombie flamingoes for their year.) They bag treats for the up to 400 children who come to visit them. Their neighbors take part and help them on Halloween night.
Lewis's district is NOTHING like what Ignorant, Egotistical Trump ranted it was.
The day of and the day after Trump's obnoxious tweet, people who lived in that district were posting picture of where they lived and what was around them in the area. Again, it is NOTHING like what the Clueless-Elect LIED it was.
On the same days, the major newspaper of the City of Atlanta posted even more photos and statements by the people who live in Rep. Lewis' district – proving once again that Trump is a Clueless Idiot who rarely, if ever, knows that he believes he does.
Being as Willful-Ignorant and Stupid as Donald Trump is, amicusets, is not something a rational and reasonable person would aspire to.
. . .Isn't it disgusting how they think every single district that is majority black is plagued with crime and high unemployment? I live in South Carolina and where I grew up, it was nothing like that. We had a neighborhood watch program and a very calm neighborhood where everyone looked out for each other. Would you believe my first experience with homophobia came from white people while I was at Clemson? My second and third occurred once again by white homophobes at the University of South Carolina. But that's beyond the point of this thread, John Lewis's district was racially stereotyped by Trump and he also criticized the legacy of a living Civil Rights hero. An apology is definitely needed or this whole situation is about to get so much worse. How low can that approval rating go?? ;D ;D
oh no a stereotype that may be accurate. and look, your anecdote is suddenly data? no one's lived experience matters a lick here. oh, and good on you for being one of the privileged ones where all you have to worry about is white homophobes calling you names as you are suddenly making this about yourself and an issue of race..
let's totally forget "the new black"
but hey, anything so you can circle jerk for trump hate when his opponent's husband put in Don't ask don't tell, and ran in the 2008 primary to not put in gay marriage.
The election is over, Donald Trump won and will be our 45th President; therefore, bringing up Hillary Clinton at this point is simply ridiculous and hurts your argument severely. Hillary who? Also, yes I am black AND gay so no I'm not going to ignore my full identity to make people feel comfortable. Your "circle jerk for Trump hate" comment is also ignorant since I've said many times in this thread and on this site that I truly believe Trump was elected legitimately and that I was willing to give him a chance until this point. Unlike the obstructionist Republicans (2009-2017), I believe when the president does well, we all do well. However, when the president attacks a Civil Rights hero who nearly died trying to bring Dr. King's vision to fruition, that president will continue to see his support decline among the people, not just congressional members.
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
[Trump] was CLEARLY referencing his current tenure in Congress, where Lewis has been nothing but a partisan hack, and who represents one of the worst districts in all of Georgia in terms of quality of living.
Here is a BIG CLUE for you, amicusets, and the other Trump-zombies here.
My sister and her wife have lived in Rep. John Lewis' district for over 35 years. They have repeatedly voted for him as their representative to Congress. He is a hero to them as he is to a great many people who live in Atlanta.
I have been to and stayed in their home. Where they live and the surrounding area are very nice and peaceful and the neighbors who live there are extremely friendly to my sister and her wife as they are to them. Every year my sister and her wife celebrate Halloween by putting a huge display, much of it made by themselves, in their yard open to all to come and see. (Last year I bought them a pair of zombie flamingoes for their year.) They bag treats for the up to 400 children who come to visit them. Their neighbors take part and help them on Halloween night.
Lewis's district is NOTHING like what Ignorant, Egotistical Trump ranted it was.
The day of and the day after Trump's obnoxious tweet, people who lived in that district were posting picture of where they lived and what was around them in the area. Again, it is NOTHING like what the Clueless-Elect LIED it was.
On the same days, the major newspaper of the City of Atlanta posted even more photos and statements by the people who live in Rep. Lewis' district – proving once again that Trump is a Clueless Idiot who rarely, if ever, knows that he believes he does.
Being as Willful-Ignorant and Stupid as Donald Trump is, amicusets, is not something a rational and reasonable person would aspire to.
. . .Isn't it disgusting how they think every single district that is majority black is plagued with crime and high unemployment? I live in South Carolina and where I grew up, it was nothing like that. We had a neighborhood watch program and a very calm neighborhood where everyone looked out for each other. Would you believe my first experience with homophobia came from white people while I was at Clemson? My second and third occurred once again by white homophobes at the University of South Carolina. But that's beyond the point of this thread, John Lewis's district was racially stereotyped by Trump and he also criticized the legacy of a living Civil Rights hero. An apology is definitely needed or this whole situation is about to get so much worse. How low can that approval rating go?? ;D ;D
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
While I didn't agree with Rep. John Lewis when he called Donald Trump's win illegitimate, I understood why he came to that conclusion. None of the Russian ties to the Trump candidacy have been proven; however, they have NOT been disproved either. The only way to end any and all speculation is for Trump to release his tax returns and then divest himself from his companies; which he has flip-flopped on for the past year and a half. Rep. John Lewis is one of the people who is not convinced and he has a right to believe what he believes.
Donald Trump just attacked a living Civil Rights icon, one who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to gain access to the ballot box for African-Americans in this country. The right to vote had been given to black men long ago; however, racist white people intimidated black people particularly in the South and many black people were even murdered by the KKK to prevent them from voting. John Lewis himself was nearly killed in Alabama while peacefully protesting by white police officers and white attack mobs. For Donald Trump to attack someone so important to our country's history and to black culture is truly disgusting and harmful. Also, what he said in the tweet was a lie. Rep. Lewis' district is not falling apart. It is a majority black district and over 80% of the adults in that district have high school diplomas, and another 46% have college degrees. The poverty rate in that district is not as high as many other majority black districts in the country, which by the way is a problem because of inadequate funding to such districts.
Trump will be sworn in on January 20th and he has until then to apologize. No, Rep. Lewis does not have to apologize to Donald Trump because Donald Trump can easily take the argument from Rep. Lewis by RELEASING HIS TAX RETURNS. If Trump does not apologize to John Lewis then he will not be my president and like John Lewis, I will see Trump as illegitimate. Donald Trump questioned the citizenship of our country's first and only black president and NEVER apologized for it. The "Hillary Clinton came up with it first" excuse is irrational now given that Hillary Clinton is not currently our President-elect. Hillary Clinton has nothing to do with anything now, so using her as an excuse means you automatically lose any argument you begin or try to finish at this point. Donald Trump needs to apologize NOW or his approval rating will be lower than its current 39% going into becoming our 45th President. I can promise you that.
this was his "attack"
you have the ego the size of the damn moon. and your argument for the "russian hackers" is if we don't have proof of [it] then it still can exist… much how a catholic goes "ok so i can't prove God exists, but you can't DISPROVE it either". that's not how the burden of proof works.
so it's no wonder people think you're suffering from psychosis. because you are.
I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but the attacks I am talking about are these tweets: (1) (2)^tfw (3)
John Lewis's district is not plagued with high unemployment and crime. A part of his district includes the Buckhead section of Atlanta, which is upper-middle class. He racially stereotyped John Lewis's district. And the "all talk no action" comment is a direct hit at Lewis's Civil Rights legacy. Trump did not deny that he was talking about Lewis's Civil Rights legacy.
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
Only one person here is constantly bringing up race and turning everything into a racist conspiracy theory and it's not the white people. That's quite telling.
Black people nearly dying because they wanted to vote is a "racist conspiracy theory?" What the hell is wrong with you? That is a part of my culture you piece of shit. Don't you dare call what happened to my ancestors a "racist conspiracy theory." You need to fucking clarify your statements.
^^^This is not a "racist conspiracy theory," it really happened! Are you out of your mind? -
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
Donald Trump centered his campaign around lies and making irrational claims without any evidence or proof. And now that there are some questioning his legitimacy, it's a problem? Like I've said, I believe he was legitimately elected by our democratic system. There's no denying he won the election freely and fairly at this point. However, that doesn't erase the effect Russia's hacking and the FBI's biased info leaking had on the election. Some people, especially those who have seen classified documents that we cannot see, have a right to question the legitimacy of Trump's win. They know things that we don't, and the only person who can put an end to it is Donald Trump himself. And until he does, there will be more rallies against him. There will be backlash against anyone who tries to normalize him. There will likely be riots. Look at the crowds that have been forming all around the country. They're not just black faces. One rally I saw was all white people (in a heavily Republican district) prepared to grill their Republican congressman for threatening to take away their healthcare. When the reporter talked to them, many of them stated they regretted voting for Trump. A large majority of this country is not happy about this incoming administration and now I'm one of them. You can look at the "How Obama Will Be Viewed…" thread and see exactly what I said about Donald Trump and Mike Pence; how I was ready to give them a chance before this week. My stance on race relations had absolutely nothing to do with my support of Donald Trump as our next president. I was willing to put some of his horrible statements to the side because I still believe he and Pence will not turn the clock back on LGBT rights. I really hope he'll either apologize to John Lewis or prove John Lewis wrong so that John Lewis will have to apologize to him. That is the only way I will support Trump again.
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
You should really make friends with Google search, because it can help with a lot of your inquiries… Multiple credible polls from places like Gallup and even Fox News...
I'm illogical for getting upset at Donald Trump saying a Civil Rights leader who got his head cracked open by racist white people while trying to secure the right to vote for disenfranchised blacks is "all talk and no action" because of an opinion held by that Civil Rights leader? He's "all talk and no action" after nearly dying for something important and meaningful in this country? By saying that, Donald Trump has made an attempt to discredit the entire Civil Rights accomplishments. You, along with Trump and others, are disgusting for trying to minimize the heroic steps people like Dr. King and John Lewis took to bring about change.So once again, Donald Trump can shut this whole thing down by releasing his tax returns (which other presidents have done) to prove he has no ties to Russia and that John Lewis nor anyone else can question his legitimacy to be our new commander-in-chief. If he continues to keep his tax returns hidden then he owes John Lewis an apology. This situation is going to go from bad to worse and it will be one of the things that defines the Trump presidency, I can guarantee you that.
A couple of things, but it is obvious that facts and logic don't play into your thinking:
- Gallup did zero presidential polling in 2016, but anyone who thinks the polls were correct in 2016 must be standing on a very thin ledge to contort themselves into such a position as to see the rainbows and unicorns they must also see.
- Why do you keep trying to obfuscate Trump's words to mean something entirely different than what they actually meant. He said nothing about Lewis' work 50 years ago as a civil rights protester– he was CLEARLY referencing his current tenure in Congress, where Lewis has been nothing but a partisan hack, and who represents one of the worst districts in all of Georgia in terms of quality of living.
- Why in the world do you keep referencing tax returns? Even the insane race-baiter Lewis doesn't try to make that link to Russia.
Seriously dude, step away from the crack!
Gallup is currently keeping track of President-elect Donald Trump, so I don't know what the hell you're talking about in your first point. I'm not talking about 2016, I'm talking about NOW as in this week, Trump is at between 37-39% approval and the handling of his transition is at a dismal 44%, those are numbers agreed upon by virtually everyone, including Kellyanne Conway. I'm not obfuscating any damn thing. He literally said that John Lewis was "all talk and no action." He didn't clarify what he meant, he didn't say currently. He simply said John Lewis was, "all talk and no action." To me and to many, many others; hearing someone describe a man who nearly died for believing in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s vision is more than just heartbreaking. What in the hell has Donald Trump done to make things better in this country? Did he nearly die trying to help disenfranchised black people get the right to vote? Did he fight in any wars that were in our best interests as a country? This is why this whole situation is pushing me towards not supporting this incoming administration, whether he'll support LGBT rights or not.
And the fact that you're just perfectly fine with a man who will be our president not releasing his tax returns is highly disturbing. President Obama had to release his, on top of many other things, and his legitimacy was still questioned by the very man who is about to be our 45th President. FOR OVER 5 YEARS! A faction of the Republican party still believes President Obama was born in Kenya and/or is a Muslim. But we were all told to move on from that whole racist birther thing, right? Moving on from that, Trump needs to release his tax returns like every other president in recent history because it is his only way out of this mess. Why not shut down everyone by releasing them and proving there's nothing to hide?
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
"He won," right? He sure did, but at what cost? His own voters are saying they regret voting for him due to his reckless behavior on Twitter and the people he picked for his cabinet, now more are backing away because of this situation. He has a record low approval rating for a President-elect, his transition has the lowest rating in history and instead of trying to pull the country together he is attacking a Civil Rights leader.
How can we be supportive of him when he attacks someone who nearly lost his life trying to secure the right to vote for black people?
What voters are saying they regret voting for him? Also, who did the approval polling? Probably the same people that gave him a less than 1% chance of winning the election.
As for the next statement, it shows how illogical you are. Just because someone did something good 50 years ago does not mean everything they have done since then is also good. I also think it is disingenuous to say that Trump attacked the Congressman. He countered a vile attack (based on lies and misinformation) on him by stating verifiable facts in a suggestion to the actual attacker.
You should really make friends with Google search, because it can help with a lot of your inquiries ( Multiple credible polls from places like Gallup and even Fox News have him at either 39% or 37% approval and his transition at a dismal 44%, which is historically low. I'm illogical for getting upset at Donald Trump saying a Civil Rights leader who got his head cracked open by racist white people while trying to secure the right to vote for disenfranchised blacks is "all talk and no action" because of an opinion held by that Civil Rights leader? He's "all talk and no action" after nearly dying for something important and meaningful in this country? By saying that, Donald Trump has made an attempt to discredit the entire Civil Rights accomplishments. You, along with Trump and others, are disgusting for trying to minimize the heroic steps people like Dr. King and John Lewis took to bring about change.
So once again, Donald Trump can shut this whole thing down by releasing his tax returns (which other presidents have done) to prove he has no ties to Russia and that John Lewis nor anyone else can question his legitimacy to be our new commander-in-chief. If he continues to keep his tax returns hidden then he owes John Lewis an apology. This situation is going to go from bad to worse and it will be one of the things that defines the Trump presidency, I can guarantee you that.
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
A Congressman can say what he wants because he's black, but the President can't because he's white.
Nah, blacks aren't entitled.
NO ONE SAID DONALD TRUMP COULDN'T SAY ANYTHING. And John Lewis isn't just some "congressman," and the fact that you see it that way is a serious problem. When you say that, you are disrespecting the deaths and near-deaths of the people who peacefully protested to bring change to this country. Do you honor what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did for this country or do you consider him a communist like some conservatives do? We're not going to go backwards on Civil Rights in this country so I don't know what your point is. Donald Trump can say whatever the hell he wants, which he has been doing, and how well has that worked out for him? "He won," right? He sure did, but at what cost? His own voters are saying they regret voting for him due to his reckless behavior on Twitter and the people he picked for his cabinet, now more are backing away because of this situation. He has a record low approval rating for a President-elect, his transition has the lowest rating in history and instead of trying to pull the country together he is attacking a Civil Rights leader. I hope he has some big surprise for the inauguration because that will be his only chance to unify us. He will get no other chance.
There is no way to sugar coat this. I don't care if this is his "method," this is a dangerous path to set us on and it could have very real and very terrible results. The last time we had a president go completely against the will of this country there were bad riots and people died. A white man motivated by this country's historic hatred of black people murdered Dr. King and there were riots. This is not a path that we should be going down right now. And for it to take place after we've had a black president is just so telling. The last thing we need is for nearly 60% (black, white, Latino of all races, Asian, etc.) of the country to be anti-Trump because that means we'd be anti-President and that's not good. We should be supportive of the president. How can we be supportive of him when he attacks someone who nearly lost his life trying to secure the right to vote for black people? This is beyond politics at this point and if Donald Trump does not change to become the upstanding, respectful and honorable man it takes to be a president, HE IS DONE. Simple as that.
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
Let me also say again that I do not agree with what John Lewis said. I believe Donald Trump was elected fairly and I do not believe Russia hacked into actual voting databases and literally changed votes. My problem is with Trump's disrespect of someone who nearly died trying to bring Dr. King's vision to fruition. John Lewis is no saint but like I have said many times already, there's a reason why he said what he said and only Donald Trump can either prove him wrong or apologize to him and let it go. If he does then I will let this go and I truly will support Trump once he becomes president because I still believe he will be a decent president for LGBT rights. You can believe what you want about me but I am not you and you are not me. I've said on here that I believe racists are a small minority in this country. I've said on here that I believe black people can very well be prejudiced. It is you guys who are twisting my words and trying to change the point of these topics. My point in this thread is very, very simple. I will not stand for someone, president or whoever, disrespecting a man who marched with Dr. King and nearly died trying to bring change to this country and how it treated black people at that time. I will not stand for that. Donald Trump has a choice to make and if he chooses to keep this behavior up then he simply will not be my president and there will be millions of others who will feel that way. He is at a 37% approval rate right now. Do you honestly think he has the political capital for this?
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
Yeah that's right, deflect from what this topic is about. Like I've said, I'm willing to give Donald Trump a chance if he apologizes or releases his tax returns to disprove what John Lewis has said. Donald Trump questioned the legitimacy of Barack Obama for 5 years and NEVER ONCE APOLOGIZED. Even after that, I and many others were willing to say it's fine, he doesn't have to apologize for that opinion because he was a private citizen with no real power. HE IS CURRENTLY THE PRESIDENT-ELECT to be sworn in on January 20th. He will not disrespect someone who nearly died trying to gain access to the ballot for black people. You cannot twist that in any way and if you do then you're the sick ones with the problem. Someone who attacks Civil Rights leaders will not have my respect and I will never call him president if he does not either apologize or release his tax returns and be more transparent to prove he does not have ties to Russia. This is MLK Day weekend, MLK Day is tomorrow. I can't believe the President-elect would do something like this at a time like this. It is truly disgusting. You will not tarnish the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. while in the same breath trying to use Dr. King's words to condemn black people. Disgusting.
RE: I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
I am sorry, but your whole premise is absurd. Somehow you find it acceptable to question the legitimacy of the presidential election (based on zero evidence– and then state that it hasn't been disproved-- which is impossible), which in effect questions the legitimacy of every elected official in this country, which could bring about anarchy and chaos, BUT you take issue with the man who has been attacked responding to said attack with a factual statement, instead of hyperbolic political-speak?
No, I hate to say that you were lying when you said you were willing to give Trump a chance, but you were at the very least disingenuous.
Nope, I said it on here in a forum post about how President Obama will be viewed after leaving the White House that I was giving Trump a chance. That was a couple of weeks ago and I said I was giving him a chance because I was able to get married and I do not believe Trump and/or Pence will set out to challenge the SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage. My stance has now shifted due to his current utter disrespect to John Lewis. John Lewis nearly died trying to get black people the right to vote and I will not support Donald Trump at all if he does not either apologize for what he said or release his full tax returns to prove what John Lewis has said is wrong. He can keep his tax returns secret all he wants but he cannot disrespect Civil Rights leaders for questioning the legitimacy of his win, they have a right to question it due to Trump not releasing his tax returns or divesting himself from his businesses. You cannot agree with the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. while disrespecting someone who was so close to him and damn near lost his life to bring Dr. King's vision to fruition. We're not gonna go down that road in this country and if we do then Trump better prepare himself for another record-low approval rating.
I Was Willing to Give Trump a Chance Until Now…
While I didn't agree with Rep. John Lewis when he called Donald Trump's win illegitimate, I understood why he came to that conclusion. None of the Russian ties to the Trump candidacy have been proven; however, they have NOT been disproved either. The only way to end any and all speculation is for Trump to release his tax returns and then divest himself from his companies; which he has flip-flopped on for the past year and a half. Rep. John Lewis is one of the people who is not convinced and he has a right to believe what he believes.
Donald Trump just attacked a living Civil Rights icon, one who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to gain access to the ballot box for African-Americans in this country. The right to vote had been given to black men long ago; however, racist white people intimidated black people particularly in the South and many black people were even murdered by the KKK to prevent them from voting. John Lewis himself was nearly killed in Alabama while peacefully protesting by white police officers and white attack mobs. For Donald Trump to attack someone so important to our country's history and to black culture is truly disgusting and harmful. Also, what he said in the tweet was a lie. Rep. Lewis' district is not falling apart. It is a majority black district and over 80% of the adults in that district have high school diplomas, and another 46% have college degrees. The poverty rate in that district is not as high as many other majority black districts in the country, which by the way is a problem because of inadequate funding to such districts.
Trump will be sworn in on January 20th and he has until then to apologize. No, Rep. Lewis does not have to apologize to Donald Trump because Donald Trump can easily take the argument from Rep. Lewis by RELEASING HIS TAX RETURNS. If Trump does not apologize to John Lewis then he will not be my president and like John Lewis, I will see Trump as illegitimate. Donald Trump questioned the citizenship of our country's first and only black president and NEVER apologized for it. The "Hillary Clinton came up with it first" excuse is irrational now given that Hillary Clinton is not currently our President-elect. Hillary Clinton has nothing to do with anything now, so using her as an excuse means you automatically lose any argument you begin or try to finish at this point. Donald Trump needs to apologize NOW or his approval rating will be lower than its current 39% going into becoming our 45th President. I can promise you that.
RE: 4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
I'm grateful that this teen is alive after this vicious attack. Too bad the same can't be said about the 9 innocent black lives taken in my home state by white pride activist Dylann Roof. They're dead and there will be no coming back or healing for them. My state still hasn't built a case ready for trial for him either. The federal government had to prosecute him whereas the state was ready to let him out on $1 million bail, which the KKK and various other white pride groups raised for him quickly.
He was convicted on all charges. So what are you talking about? Wednesday, 4 Jan 2017, was the start of the sentencing phase.
According to Wikipedia, he is also awaiting trial in South Carolina. He's also the 1st person in the US to be facing the death penalty in both state and federal court on the same charges.
He was originally to be tried in South Carolina, but the feds pushed in and got their case first.
Please do a bit of research before you make all these racist conspiracy theories.
Listen, I LIVE HERE. You do not. Do not tell me what is right and wrong about that case because you have no idea what the day to day has been in South Carolina since that incident happened. Got it? Another thing, my point was to show the state of South Carolina was ready to give him a $1 million dollar bail. What do you think would've happened had Donald Trump been president and Jeff Sessions was Attorney General when this happened? Would they have said let the state of South Carolina handle it? The things I have heard from white people in this state about this case has been truly disgusting and disheartening. I love this state and I truly do not want to live anywhere else, but things need to change. It is time for change. Why do you think Dylann Roof did what he did? His own words prove that he did it for white pride.
Lastly, how dare you? Seriously, how dare you? Those people are dead. Like I said, thank God the young man in Chicago is alive but for the people who DIED in Charleston, they don't have that opportunity. I am not going to let you minimize their deaths because they were black. If that's what you are trying to do then you are sicker than I thought. Please do not be that disgusting.
RE: White Pride vs Black Pride
Black pride = being proud of who you are in spite of the racism, discrimination, oppression etc you experience for having a darker skin tone.
White pride = actively proclaiming hatred of others for no reason and advocating the extermination of others for the simple fact that they're different than you.
Thank you! Go to a white pride parade and you'll see KKK members (which are not at all equal to the Black Panthers). The KKK has MURDERED people in this country and have a very bloody history. Many leaders within the Black Panther movement were murdered by the government.
ALSO, GWB arrested those Black Panters shouting and threatening whites outside the voting station in 2008, Obama and Eric Holder dropped all the charges. I bet they wouldn't have done it if it were KKK members arrested for that.
Two black men associated with something called the "New Black Panthers" is not connected to the historical Black Panther Party, so try again. And um hello, it was two guys. Have you seen KKK members march before? It's usually more than 100 men.
RE: 4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
@raphjd Not sure what you've been reading, but I've been seeing this story everywhere.
YEAH, it only became a news story at least 12 hours after the local Fox station reported it.
You're also wrong about President Obama, he called this situation disgusting.
His assistant Press Secretary did. When did Obama? "I'm sure he would agree" by the APS isn't the same as Obama saying it. Did Obama race bait it like he does when the races are reversed?
It is disgusting and I'm so grateful that the four people who committed this hateful act have been arrested. However, it is worth noting that they actually were arrested and no one had to march or beg the authorities to investigate. It's sad but we all know had this been four white people attacking a black disabled teen, thousands of black and white people (disabled and able-bodied) would've had to march just to get investigation started and then get the NAACP involved to actually pressure the authorities into charging the attackers.
Do you mean like Tawana Brawley?
When James Byrd, Jr. was murdered by those white supremacists, it took the federal government headed by Bill Clinton at the time to get justice for the hate crime that took his life, and it took a lot of people getting involved to have the white men charged. The state of Texas barely wanted to do an investigation. And he was decapitated by those white supremacists, not just beaten.
I lived in Houston at the time and I think you have a distorted view of the case to fit your narrative. He as decapitated as part of the dragging behind the truck.
It was the Jasper County DA that called in the feds because the suspects were known white supremacists. The FBI is best suited at these types of crimes.
You can deny it but we've just witnessed situations within the past few years where black and other people of color have been attacked and it has taken the action of protesters to get charges filed, even in situations where camera footage is present. With that being said, this situation is awful and once again thank goodness the criminals who committed it have actually been arrested and charged with hate crimes.
Are you referring to the cases where it was black on black crime and no one is cooperating with the police? It's always fun watching blacks getting pissing about the lack of police solving crimes in black areas, while blacks refuse to cooperate with investigations.
It's great how you skipped over my point to make your own point. THESE 4 PEOPLE WERE ARRESTED AND CHARGED, WHEREAS IN MANY INSTANCES OF WHITE ON BLACK VIOLENCE, IT TAKES MARCHES AND PROTESTS TO GET CHARGES. Look at what happened last year in Louisiana when that white man shot that former NFL player. The cops let him go and it took people getting involved to have him arrested and charged for an incident that has happened more than twice with that white man. My other point is, states are capable of handling hate crime issues BUT SOME DO NOT BECAUSE THEY HAVE FAULTY STATE LAWS RELATED TO HATE CRIMES; especially states in the South. Hmm, I wonder why that is. Is it because of what the South is known for? Stop trying to rewrite history buddy, it doesn't suit you very well.
RE: 4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
I'm grateful that this teen is alive after this vicious attack. Too bad the same can't be said about the 9 innocent black lives taken in my home state by white pride activist Dylann Roof. They're dead and there will be no coming back or healing for them. My state still hasn't built a case ready for trial for him either. The federal government had to prosecute him whereas the state was ready to let him out on $1 million bail, which the KKK and various other white pride groups raised for him quickly.
RE: Crazy US gospel singer Kim Burrell: gays ‘will die from the homosexual spirit"
I love Ellen so much for blocking Kim Burrell from coming on her show to perform today; however, I do not understand why she was allowed to be on the soundtrack of that movie in the first place. She's okay with taking money from the LGBT community but behind our backs she says we're perverted and no different than child molesters. Who the fu*k thought it was a good idea for someone like that to be involved with a movie showing black women in a positive light? No more fake religious fanatics, please. If you wanted a real Christian, go to a homeless shelter or any other place that offers help to the homeless and the poor. You won't find many fake Christians at a place like that. They look down on the poor.