I've updated my signature to better show what my intent was, as I explained, to resist the status quo on here so that we can start a foundation to build better dialogue. It is NOT a message to resist those who oppose me. It is NOT a message about resisting the president. It is NOT a message in support of communism, the far-left or Antifa. I am a freaking free speech loving Christian capitalist for Christ's sake :laugh: Liberal is not synonymous with far-left extremism, it's just one way to define one portion of our very large and complex political spectrum.
Posts made by royalcrown89
RE: Civility Poll
RE: Good citizen VS Traitor
The characteristics of a good citizen include being honest, fair, patriotic, and having a big cock.
The opposite of being a good citizen is being a traitor.
So.. what do we call people who are dishonest, unfair, resist the government, and have a tiny dick?
I call them moonbats, but traitor also works.Nah, you can continue to be a government sheep. People should oppose the gov, you probably would be doing that too had Hillary won, hypocrite.
Wrong.. I endured 8 years of that idiot muslim Sheik Obama without resisting him. I was just counting the days for him to be GONE.
That's fine, but others have chosen to resist what they feel is awful, disturbing and disgusting behavior by the president to show that it's not the accurate reflection of America. There were calls to resist President Obama and there were many, many protests against many of his actions on both sides (drone strikes, crackdowns on reporters, broken promises, etc.). That's the beauty of living in a country that allows us to criticize the actions of our president and other elected officials. If you feel that such criticisms are unfair, you can always state why you believe they are unfair and why you think the president should be supported.
RE: Good citizen VS Traitor
Unless he uses the :police:, raphjd's comments are basically from him as a regular user of the forum. He actually hasn't misused his moderator position from what I've seen. When he makes statements like the one in this thread, that's him speaking as a user not as moderator. When he stated the forum will no longer accept the use of libt*** or trumpt*** in any discussions, he was speaking as moderator.
RE: Civility Poll
So the language, the image, the color palette, all these three things are all associated with the violent far left.
Also, there are many resist banners of different types and colors so it doesn't matter what colors I used, you most likely would have pulled this same stunt. Here are examples of what showed up when I clicked on your Google search link:
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/691718142842818560/M4uF-40W.jpgAre all of those only in black and red? There was actually only 4 results on the first page of black and red resist banners, and most of the fists are of the left hand and not the right. The fist in mine is a right hand fist, not left.
RE: Civility Poll
My new signature, to me, is to promote a resistance to the staus quo and that to truly move on we must find some form of common ground and use it to start building better dialogue.
The image itself, the word, even the color choice are both associated with Antifa and Communism.
Look up "resist" on google images. These images are similar, and they are all associated with far-left, often violent rhetoric.
So the language, the image, the color palette, all these three things are all associated with the violent far left.
Look, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that all of these choices may have been unintentional and/or subconscious. But if you're going to continue insisting that simply pointing out these obvious associations is me "just making a huge assumption" about you, and not simply pointing out clear associations; if you're going to continue trying to gaslight me into thinking like I'm trying to pull some armchair psychoanalyst crap here;
Then I'm going to have to tell you to fuck right off with your intellectually dishonest uncivil horseshit.
But of course, I don't want to do that, I DO want things to be more civil around here.
We can start here. Whether intentional or not, your banner conveys far left extremism that is not AT ALL conducive to civil dialogue between people of opposing views.
I am not changing my signature banner because that's not why I made it. If you feel that way, then that's on YOU. I have never said anything in support of Antifa or the far left; therefore, I do no support them. I have been VERY outspoken against liberals committing violence to prevent free speech. VERY OUTSPOKEN. I have also called out BLM on here multiple times and have said they need to be criticized more. I have stated that social platforms like YouTube and Facebook unfairly target conservatives and remove their content no matter what the intention, yet leave up far-left things and never remove far-left extremist, even when they make threats. You have absolutely no proof that I have taken up for Antifa or the far-left or that I made my banner with them in mind. Stop making huge assumptions or you indeed are trying to bring incivility to this thread. You cannot deem something I made as far left extremism unless you have damning proof that I support far left extremism. I have freedom of expression and I created that banner to tell everyone here to resist the status quo and let's start, no matter who we are, a foundation to build on to encourage more civility. Sorry, but you don't get to tell me what something I created is or isn't.
RE: Civility Poll
How can we expect to bring more civility to this forum when we automatically assume the worst about each other? This prejudging has to stop because it's very counterproductive. I understand, it wasn't long ago that I would see threads started by certain members and automatically think they're just spamming or trying to get seed bonus points. However, it's something we're going to have to work together on getting rid of. Attacking each other constantly over things we "think" the other is attempting to do accomplishes nothing. No, you shouldn't engage in every single discussion unless you have the time and patience, but we should make an attempt to see where each person is coming from before spewing out prejudged thoughts we already have about each other.
RE: Civility Poll
The two choices in your poll are obviously loaded responses. It is therefore a meaningless poll and doesn't do anything to move forward what you, ostensibly, claim you want to move forward.
Similarly, your communist red "resist" banner betrays your true intentions. You aren't here to have a debate; having a debate means the possibility of two sides. When you aren't treating your opposition as equals in order to "debate", but rather as an enemy that must be "resisted", shall we say, by any means necessary, you've already ceded the debate stage and have moved on to other options. And do not even bother to say that I'm putting words in your mouth; we both know what the symbology has always entailed.
I'm just going to stop by saying "be the change you want to see". You call for civility, but anyone with a brain knows that it is beyond easy to be "uncivil" and intellectually dishonest without directly insulting others.
My new signature, to me, is to promote a resistance to the staus quo and that to truly move on we must find some form of common ground and use it to start building better dialogue. That's why I have resist in different languages. What it means for other people is up to their interpretation, which you yourself interpreted as a "communist red resist banner." That's more of a reflection on your thought than mine. It has absolutely nothing to do with "resisting my opposition." You just made a huge assumption about why I created the signature when in reality that's your own mind prejudging me. Who are you to call me a communist? Have I ever spread communist propaganda on here? Where is your evidence to back up the claim? The fact of the matter is, I have debated with other members of this forum and on multiple occasions I have actually agreed with those who often have opposite views than I have. I have gotten many thumbs down from fellow liberals because I continuously call out violence on the left that the media ignores. Who are you to say I'm not here to debate? Are you a mind reader? Are you some kind of prophet that knows all?
With respect to the poll, you either want to see more civility or you do not. I have admitted that I have been a part of the problem as well, where is that admission by others? Have I name called in recent days? Have I started 15 or more threads in one day with the same topic? Have I dropped into any threads to deflect or spam without offering my opinion and/or defending my opinion?
RE: Democratic and GOP Governors Urge Senate To Rethink Health Care Bill
What about states that not only refused to set up their own exchanges, but also did whatever they could to make sure the legislation could not be fully executed? How can you call President Obama a liar when some conservatives in power caused many of the problems in most states, counties, cities and towns? Yes, the ACA has problems but many of those problems can be fixed. The Republicans are doing this to create extra tax cuts for the wealthy and voters know this; which is why protests are so big even in Republican-controlled states. This will break the Republican party no matter how much money they spend in ads for it. Gerrymandered districts cannot save you if the people in your district believe you're trying to harm them just to give tax cuts to the super wealthy.
RE: Democratic and GOP Governors Urge Senate To Rethink Health Care Bill
The hypocrisy is also appalling. The same Republican senators that complained about Democrats creating the ACA behind closed doors (even though there was a year-long process of hearings, debates, townhalls, etc.) are now trying to pass this monstrous disaster without any hearings or input from anyone. I strongly believe if they do this and the president signs it, the Republicans will lose everything just like Democrats did in the 2010 midterm. The AHCA is polling at 17% and while some believe polls are obsolete in these times, seeing the angry protests in REPUBLICAN MAJORITY states should be enough to show you that poll is actually pretty accurate. It will create a deep rift between Congressional Republicans and Republican governors across the country also because of the disastrous effect it will have on the 19 Republican-controlled states that expanded Medicaid coverage. Here in South Carolina, Medicaid wasn't expanded yet the majority here do NOT want the ACA repealed and support a Medicaid expansion. Congressional Republicans may cause this state to get a Democratic governor again, something we haven't had since the 1998 election.
RE: Civility Poll
I agree. I think if someone can't take it they shouldn't dish it out. The liberals and the conservatives on this site are both out of control, one is not better than the other and there are no good guys.
I mean, to be honest, even your banner is asking for conflict since some might either take you as advocating for Trump grabbing genitals or that you are attacking Trump supporters.
I agree with your sentiments for this post, but civility has to start somewhere and maybe people like us should start by not being the ones to post offensive topics or use flame bait banners?Fair enough, I will remove my signature pic and replace it with something else tonight to show I am serious about making a turning point in this forum. However, I have a feeling it nor this poll will create any change. I'm truly starting to believe this forum is past the toxic point of no return.
Civility Poll
Please take the time to respond to this poll. I, along with others, feel like this forum is completely out of control. It has gotten so toxic that a user has resorted to attacking underage children with highly disgusting and offensive comments. There were multiple calls not to politicize a recent shooting in America involving a Congressman and several others for at least 24 hours and people decided to politicize it anyway. This is serious. It should not be this hard to remain civil, especially when it comes to tragedies. I admit, even I have gotten in heated discussions on here and have said stupid things, but I have realized that constant name calling and other childish behavior does not help anything. Beyond that, the point of debating about politics is to not only establish your position on different topics, but to defend your position and explain why you believe the opposing position is wrong. Name calling does not accomplish that point. Deflecting does not accomplish that point. We need a reset on here and I don't know if that requires more rules or what, but something needs to change because this is ridiculous. There's a reason why the most recent forum posts were removed from this site's homepage, because toxicity level of this politics thread was offending people coming to the site.
RE: RULES for this section
Attacks on children should also be banned on this forum. For the sake of civility, can we please leave innocent children out of this? One thread was closed because it was an attack on our current president's family, yet there is a thread on here now attacking the Obama children yet it's still up. I'm reporting it and hopefully this isn't tolerated since it wasn't tolerated when someone attacked #45's children and grandchildren on here.
RE: Six resign from presidential HIV/AIDS council because Trump 'doesn't care'
Yes, this is very dangerous. What Mike Pence did in Indiana is just downright awful; however, if these investigations leads to #45 resigning or being removed from office, it's up to people to hold Pence accountable to what he did to his own state and keep him from being elected to a full term.
We're going to see more people resign from multiple councils because it's obvious at this point that our president has zero plans for anything. Even if he does, there's too much infighting in the Republican party to get anything done. The only thing they're focused on doing is snatching healthcare away from 23 million people and forcing people to choose between feeding their children or dying. I'm not sure the president understands the need for an HIV/AIDS council, but we all know for a fact Pence doesn't care because of his own disgusting record as Indiana's governor. He was chosen as #45's VP because the state Republican party knew the Democrat would have defeated Pence had he run for reelection there as governor.
RE: The name calling and lack of civility…
My point: I have been willing to agree with people on here and I have been attempting to be more civil, I can't say the same for others.
Fair enough but you seem to be the only one. You even get downvoted by your side for being honest. Doesn't that bother you?
No it does not bother me. What bothers me is people taking what I say out of context and applying it to things that have absolutely nothing to do with another topic, something both you and raphjd have done. It shows that neither of you have any intention of being civil, mindful of your posts, reasonable with your opinions, supportive of others who actually agree with you, or sympathetic to people who do not look/think like you. I have officially given up and will no longer debate anything with people who have horrible intentions and continue to be unreasonable. Why should I find things to agree with you on and trying to find common ground when you have no intention on doing the same? Done.
RE: Peacefulness and calmness.
I didn't say no one should talk about it, I said we should attempt to be civil for at least 24 hours.
You said: "Therefore, I will not be participating in any of the discussions on the shooting."
I'm not going to further explain anything to someone who clearly has no intention on understanding anything I say.
I'm simply showing you that you pretended to take the high road by saying you won't discuss it in the previous thread, but then just going ahead and discussing it in this thread, in a backhanded manner to boot. What you said wasn't that complicated, so I'm pretty sure I understood what you said.
I said that I would not be participating AFTER THE FACT. READ THE TIME STAMPS. You are conflating different things I said at VERY different times to try to prove your wrong point. My very first post on this issue was asking users on here to please wait 24 hours before making the discussion toxic. When that didn't happen, I called it out and then much later I said I would no longer participate. You are twisting the context of my posts and the times at which I made them to fit your wrong point and it's sad. Since I won't sling filth on this topic like others have, you're coming at me to start something else and I'm not going for it. If you continue to reply to me or address me, I will reply with: :spam: because I have nothing else to say to you.
RE: Peacefulness and calmness.
For the user who started this thread, hopefully you can see by now that it just isn't possible. A Congressman was nearly assassinated and is still in critical condition and it did nothing to change this forum. There was a call for 24 hours of civility on that issue, yet threads were still made trying to politicize the situation. If we can't even do 24 hours of civility then there is no civility in this forum. It's sad but it's the truth at this point. I wholly disagree with every single thing Steve Scalise stands for, yet I would never support violence against him and I refuse to engage in partisan bickering over his attempted assassination. That is disgusting behavior and beneath the acceptable level of civility in my opinion.
Dude, why don't you just say what you really want to say. You hate Frederick. It's his fault for all the incivility here. He made a naughty post correctly pointing out the link between the hate-environment the left media has created and people feeling they have no choice but to resort to violence against conservatives. Despite everyone, deep down, knowing it to be true. It hurts your fee-fees that he doesn't make his point in a PC manner.
In the other thread you said:
Also it wasn't a Republican event, it was practice for an event that brings Republicans and Democrats together.
The shooter asked targets if they were Republican or Democrat first, and only shot Republicans.
Therefore, I will not be participating in any of the discussions on the shooting. It's pointless bickering if you're only going to call people names and not even defend why you have the position you have.
Yet here you are, discussing it. "A Congressman was nearly assassinated and is still in critical condition." Do you see how it comes off as hypocritical and facetious?
I didn't say no one should talk about it, I said we should attempt to be civil for at least 24 hours. Do you know what civil means? It doesn't mean not discussing the matter at all. And a Congressman was nearly assassinated and is still in critical condition. What's political about that? How am I a hypocrite by stating what happened and why we all should have been more civil for at least 24 hours after the shooting happened? You're so quick to take a shot at me that you clearly didn't read my responses carefully. Also, you have no idea what you're talking about in relation to me and Frederick. I have talked to him in private on here through inbox messages, something I have not done with you so you have no room to say who I hate or don't hate. I would advise you to leave me alone after this. I'm not going to further explain anything to someone who clearly has no intention on understanding anything I say.
RE: Trump Under Criminal Investigation
He is indeed under investigation and we know that because he isn't combating the reporting; he's instead been combating the "way" it was leaked and how it's being reported, not the actual fact that he is under investigation. I do agree people are jumping far ahead of what the reality is at this point, nothing has been proven. We have NO evidence that Russia was actually able to change votes. We have NO evidence that anyone in #45's administration colluded with Russia. The investigation is ongoing and when it's complete, hopefully we on the left will accept it even if it clears the president and his administration of any wrongdoing. We cannot be like the Republicans and keep this ongoing like they did with those pointless Benghazi investigation and pointless Fast & Furious investigation that found absolutely nothing, with the exception of the Benghazi investigation uncovering the Hillary email situation that began another pointless investigation.
For those on the left: nothing has been proven so far.
For those on the right: nothing has been ruled out so far.
RE: Covfefe was not a typo
This thread is severely misleading because that act wasn't introduced into Congress until after the "covfefe" mess. #45 posted the tweet on May 31, 2017 and the act was introduced on June 12, 2017. So, you're arguing that the president tweeted about something that did not exist at the time?
RE: Where's all the denouncing of this Trump hater? I can hear a pin drop!
For some reason, this site isn't letting me report you anymore (possibly raphjd's bias) but I'd wish you would give it 24 hours before you politicize the assassination attempt on Steve Scalise's life. This is not the time for disgusting political statements when people's lives are in critical condition as a result of this morning's shooting. Tomorrow, post all the mean-spirited disgusting posts you want but please not today. There needs to be a higher level of civility following such a tragic day.
How do you report the assassination attempt on a US representative in Congress.. at a republican event.. without getting political?
By stating that it happened and that it is a reason why we need more civility in these times, not by posting "moonbat" this and "moonbat" that. Yes, Steve Scalise is a Republican and yes he serves in the US Congress and yes an assassination attempt was made on his life; you could have said all of that without the disgusting other comments you made just hours after Scalise was shot. Steve Scalise's entire life is not Congress. He has a family. Someone's husband was nearly killed yesterday. Someone's father was nearly killed yesterday. Do you think about who people are individually before you go on the attack and bring uncivil behavior into a tragic discussion? Also it wasn't a Republican event, it was practice for an event that brings Republicans and Democrats together.
Frederick, I am a liberal. I could have easily gone off into a disgusting tangent with this but I chose not to because it would be wrong. I've noticed no one on the left HERE ON THIS FORUM politicized this story in the first 24 hours in the way you did. Do you have a sense of right and wrong? I get it, I used to jump into these threads ready to uphold the left's messages no matter what. But I realize that does NOTHING and it accomplishes NOTHING. And then horrible things happen like what happened to Steve Scalise and the others who were wounded; and instead of stressing the point of being civil during a time like that, users in this forum recycle the disgusting behavior that has taken over politics everywhere else. All I and others wanted was to see at least 24 hours of civility on this one topic, but nope, couldn't even do that on here. With the way that went, there's absolutely no expectation that any substantial debate can come from discussing this shooting on here. Therefore, I will not be participating in any of the discussions on the shooting. It's pointless bickering if you're only going to call people names and not even defend why you have the position you have. -
RE: Peacefulness and calmness.
For the user who started this thread, hopefully you can see by now that it just isn't possible. A Congressman was nearly assassinated and is still in critical condition and it did nothing to change this forum. There was a call for 24 hours of civility on that issue, yet threads were still made trying to politicize the situation. If we can't even do 24 hours of civility then there is no civility in this forum. It's sad but it's the truth at this point. I wholly disagree with every single thing Steve Scalise stands for, yet I would never support violence against him and I refuse to engage in partisan bickering over his attempted assassination. That is disgusting behavior and beneath the acceptable level of civility in my opinion.