For some reason, this site isn't letting me report you anymore (possibly raphjd's bias) but I'd wish you would give it 24 hours before you politicize the assassination attempt on Steve Scalise's life. This is not the time for disgusting political statements when people's lives are in critical condition as a result of this morning's shooting. Tomorrow, post all the mean-spirited disgusting posts you want but please not today. There needs to be a higher level of civility following such a tragic day.
royalcrown89, you're expecting Frederick, an alt-right person, to be a decent human being; This is just not possible. The truth is the alt-right is desperate for anything they can use to attack their opponents, they don't care about this attack, only that they can use it as a political tool for their agenda.
I've talked to him privately on here and was hoping he wouldn't go down this route, specifically after I and others asked for at least 24 hours of not using this for political attacks. If we can't get through 24 hours then the civility in this forum truly is dead and someone would have to make the argument for getting rid of the forum all-together. It should not be this hard to be civil over a real assassination attempt.