@raphjd Not sure what you've been reading, but I've been seeing this story everywhere. You're also wrong about President Obama, he called this situation disgusting. It is disgusting and I'm so grateful that the four people who committed this hateful act have been arrested. However, it is worth noting that they actually were arrested and no one had to march or beg the authorities to investigate. It's sad but we all know had this been four white people attacking a black disabled teen, thousands of black and white people (disabled and able-bodied) would've had to march just to get investigation started and then get the NAACP involved to actually pressure the authorities into charging the attackers. When James Byrd, Jr. was murdered by those white supremacists, it took the federal government headed by Bill Clinton at the time to get justice for the hate crime that took his life, and it took a lot of people getting involved to have the white men charged. The state of Texas barely wanted to do an investigation. And he was decapitated by those white supremacists, not just beaten. You can deny it but we've just witnessed situations within the past few years where black and other people of color have been attacked and it has taken the action of protesters to get charges filed, even in situations where camera footage is present. With that being said, this situation is awful and once again thank goodness the criminals who committed it have actually been arrested and charged with hate crimes.

Posts made by royalcrown89
RE: 4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
RE: How do you think Obama will go down in history?
The only "ist" in MY comment was "extremists," and when you consider lifelong racists like Jeff Sessions and the Biggest Loser threatening (promising?) a new nuclear arms race, that description seems inarguable. As for lo-info voters, when very substantial chunks of one party's supporters claim their candidate won by a majority of the popular vote, increased unemployment, had declining job numbers during the longest continuous period of job growth, and otherwise live in some fact-free alternate universe where Russian cyber intrusion is A. disputed and B. welcomed and defended, their mirror world seems indisputable too.
Obama was far from perfect, but accomplished more than his detractors give him credit for and, to the extent there is any history left for most of us, will be well regarded for running a productive, scandal-free administration that pulled the world economy back from a precipice despite unprecedented obstruction from before he was even sworn in.
Certainly what Obama has done to normalize gay rights, including open military service, marriage, spousal benefits, and gay families is impressive in its own right and should be more highly regarded on a site like this one without a lot of bogus both-siderism to muddy the waters.
I'm taking a wait and see approach myself. If Trump/Pence do not try to reinstate DADT or introduce legislation to undermine same-sex marriage and/or the benefits that come with marriage, then I think they should be applauded for not going the typical Republican route on that issue. However, if they do decide to go that route then they'll be known as bigots and there is no other way of putting it; especially for Trump because it would've meant he flat-out lied about his support for the LGBTQ community simply to get enough of the community to vote for him. They have the opportunity to continue the progress President Obama began by changing the rules surrounding gays serving in the military and same-sex couples receiving the benefits that opposite-sex couples have always received.
RE: White Pride vs Black Pride
Black pride = being proud of who you are in spite of the racism, discrimination, oppression etc you experience for having a darker skin tone.
White pride = actively proclaiming hatred of others for no reason and advocating the extermination of others for the simple fact that they're different than you.
Thank you! Go to a white pride parade and you'll see KKK members (which are not at all equal to the Black Panthers). The KKK has MURDERED people in this country and have a very bloody history. Many leaders within the Black Panther movement were murdered by the government.
RE: White Pride vs Black Pride
LOL, you just don't get it do you?!
Blacks have the privilege to tell Bernie Sanders to "shut the fuck up" and demand that he pander to their whims, without fear of reprisal because if they got into trouble, it would be a racist issue. Bernie is a jew, look it up.
Blacks have the privilege of doing many things that would get whites arrested if the races where reversed, like forcing white students to walk through a creek to go to class.
The rest of your post is a bunch of racial studies apologetics bullshit.
You are not interested in any discussion, you are only interested in forcing your racist SJW version of reality on everyone.
You are comparing a protest to Sanders and a one off student protest in a University (which white people participated in) to fucking Jim Crow and Black supremacy?
What the fuck man?
They aren't one-offs and if you paid attention you would know that. Blacks have been hijacking everything in sight and demanding that everyone pander to them. They know they can get away with it because no one wants to punish them because it would then become an anti-black racist thing.
You are blind. It's black people who are now demanding we bring back Jim Crow.
Black Supremacy has always been around and it's ok for people to be black supremacists.
Student protest = Jim Crow
I'm sorry man. Clearly nothing is going to change you and you are going to see the world in the only way you want to see it.
That's exactly what I said. What he is doing is attempting to erase the atrocities that have taken place historically and currently against black people in America. He's completely disregarding what we know to be true by falsely equivocating damning acts of brutality and the ramifications of those acts with students (black and white by the way) protesting Bernie Sanders. That is so disgusting and harmful to do. You cannot equate someone's hurt feelings to years of oppression against a set of people sanctioned by the very land we all call home. It's very disappointing and the saddest part is he doesn't even realize he's doing it. You can't attempt to erase the heritage (good and bad) of a people and expect to win an argument based off of that attempt at erasure.
RE: How do you think Obama will go down in history?
It's kind of odd that not many of you have brought this topic up yet given that most of us are gay, but since I am gay and was able to get married in late 2015, I'd say President Obama will go down in history as the president who did not argue against the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage that year. Nearly all the Republicans (with a few exceptions) running for president criticized the court for that ruling, believing state's should determine if same-sex couples should be allowed to get married; which means the overwhelming majority of the country's lawmakers would have continued denying the right for same-sex couples. You can make the argument that President Obama flip-flopped on gay marriage, but you simply cannot leave out the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans did not want to see gays receive rights until recent years and had previously overwhelmingly preferred a constitutional ban on gay marriage. Also he will be seen as the president who let same-sex couples bring their children to the White House Easter Eggroll and take part in many other traditions at the White House, something I hope the Trump White House will continue to do as it shows same-sex couples and their families are just as important as any other family. If not, then that would be unfortunate; especially given some of the things Vice President-Elect Mike Pence has said and done over the years.
Either way, I'm grateful that I was able to marry the man I've loved since the day I met him in 2012 and that we can share the many benefits and privileges that comes with marriage. Unlike the millions of people who wished from day one that President Obama would fail (including Mitch McConnell who famously called for and carried out total obstruction in the U.S. Senate from 2011-present), I wish Trump luck because if he is successful then I believe the country will be successful. However, if he and the Republicans begin talks of challenging the Supreme Court's ruling then that will be highly upsetting as it will put my current situation in limbo. I do agree people are speaking as if the world is about to end without even waiting to see what will be done LOL. For all we know, Mike Pence could pull an about-face and welcome the LGBT community into the White House. He'd probably lose millions of supporters for it but he'd also gain some new ones.
RE: White Pride vs Black Pride
The last thing I'll say on this topic is some of you need to learn what false equivalence means. If I bring up slavery or Jim Crow and the effects those two still have on black life in today's world and your response is "two black people booed Bernie Sanders off stage," then you are comparing a man being booed to the effects of hundreds of years of constant degradation of an entire population of people by another population of people who had more rights than the population being degraded. Slavery and the Jim Crow era were very, very complex. You had freed black people buying and selling slaves sometimes to reunite families torn apart and sometimes for malicious reasons; Native Americans involved with the capturing of runaway slaves in order to keep parts of the land stolen from them; and many other complicated instances involved; therefore, you cannot compare slavery or Jim Crow to someone's hurt feelings. You simply cannot compare hurt feelings to the literal death and second-class treatment of an entire population of people that has had long-lasting effects on said population of people. That is what I have been calling disgusting, and it is disgusting. You can only equivocate mass discrimination, mass murder and the degradation of a people to mass discrimination, mass murder and the degradation of another population of people. If you have nothing to equivocate that with, then what exactly is the point of your argument? Is it to deflect and try to end important discussions that we need to have?
RE: College creates a "safe space" where students can be free from white people
So are you accepting the fact that by calling it a "dictionary fallacy" that you are attempting to discredit all acts of racial violence against blacks in the US based on the sole belief that blacks are inferior to whites? Are you attempting to compare those who call out real injustice and discrimination based on the idea of white supremacy to "gangbangers?" Are you comparing an entire population of people to Larry Elder (not Elders by the way) to say ALL black people should be like that ONE black person or are you saying Larry Elder is the ideal black? So black people have to be one way for you to either respect them or see them as deserving of basic rights and humanity? We cannot question real acts of racism or discrimination without being labeled "gangbangers" or "conspiracy theorists" or "whiny SJW?" There is something seriously wrong with what you're proposing and the fact that you do not understand it is very alarming. Also, ask the banks that discriminated against black and Latino people of all races in the US and were punished billions of dollars for it by the federal government if that system of keeping us down is fake.
Strawman. The dictionary fallacy is about you changing the definition of words to suit your personal needs/wants.
Geek dot moo sebum, are toe weekday. See what it's like when we just randomly change the definition of words?
AGAIN, Strawman. I was comparing people like Larry Elder to gangbangers because you are trying to push the narrative of a single black culture.
YES, Larry Elder and those like him are not whiners and they don't play victim at every turn. They also admit, unlike you and your ilk, that every race can be/is racist.
AND YET AGAIN, Strawman. Your "arguments" are extremely dishonest or based on SJW hysteria. Not sure which.
Fine, I have an answer. You are indeed making an argument to justify racism and are basing it on your want for all black people to be like one black individual in order to gain your respect. I asked you direct questions and you diverted to "SJW hysteria" and claimed black people "play victim at every turn"–-when in real instances of clear racism---as a response instead of offering real solutions or even adding any real substance to this dialogue. You have repeatedly referred to me and those like me who call out real injustices as "gangbangers" and "whiners." I have never been in a gang nor have I ever advocated for violence. You have lumped me in with people who commit acts of violence; meanwhile, I have only posed questions to you or have simply tried to explain the need for safe spaces yet I am the one basing my arguments on "dishonesty" or "hysteria." My life experiences are my life experiences and whether you believe them or not is simply not my problem. What I can assure you of is that once again, I have never held the belief that white people are inferior to black people and I never will hold that belief. White supremacy, white pride, etc. is centered around the idea that white people are superior to black people.
Until you provide some form of REAL EVIDENCE that black people hold enough power to substantially devastate the lives of white people to the point that the ramifications will impact them across many periods of time, your entire argument will remain baseless and overall unhelpful to furthering this conversation. With all of that being said, I am no longer interested in this discussion with someone who is unwilling to provide rational and substantive arguments other than "SJW" this and "SJW" that.
RE: White Pride vs Black Pride
I called you disgusting for the very reason why you ignored what I wrote and just simply ran with "Another black who denies racism against whites exists." You are disgusting because everything in my statement is fact based. Where are your facts? Show me the effects of a system designed for and created by black people in America that has been used to oppress white people in the way white people oppressed black people. Show me the evidence that said system continues to deny white people basic rights and opportunities today. I could have all the white prejudice in my mind (which I don't) and it will mean absolutely nothing at the end of the day because if I act on it there would be real consequences. Simply put, you're disgusting.
I'm "disgusting" because I don't agree with your SJW dictionary fallacy world view. You change the definition of words to suit you. Do I get to change the definition of words I don't like as well or is it racist for whites to do it?
How are you oppressed with 50 years of Affirmative Action (and quotas for many of those years) where you get to have lower SAT scores than I do to get into college? You get extra points on the civil service tests and you get a racial benefit when it comes to military promotions.
Don't bitch about Jim Crow, when your fellow blacks are screaming to bring it back.
Don't scream about racism when your fellow blacks are forcing whites to walk through creeks to get to class.
Don't scream about racism when, as above, black people get away with treating whites in a way that whites can't treat blacks without being arrested and it making world news headlines.
Don't scream about racism when blacks can tell a US Senator who is running for President to "shut the fuck up" as they did to Bernie Sanders after they bum-rushed the stage to hijack his campaign event.
Don't scream about racism when blacks shouted "whites to the back" at a political rally, when we know that everyone would lose their minds if the races were reversed.
Blacks get to do all kinds of racist shit with impunity because if they get called on it, they scream racism.
My SAT combined verbal and math score was 1540 in Spring 2007 and 1580 in Fall 2007 and my GPA was a 3.9 (not a 4.0+, I know). I was first accepted into Clemson University but later transferred to the University of South Carolina, later graduating from there magna cum laude in 2012. You're right, I probably did benefit from affirmative action because many of my white friends from high school got into both Clemson and UofSC with way lower SAT scores and GPAs than I had and although I had at least four black friends who had SAT scores and GPAs either similar or greater than mine, they were denied acceptance into either of those schools. Myself and one other black student that I barely knew were the only two blacks from our high school graduating class to get into Clemson or UofSC that year while nearly 20 of our white counterparts got in. Only 3 of those white students graduated with honors–-they put the asterisk beside your name in the graduation booklet if you graduate with honors---from our high school like me and the other black student, meaning the others got into the universities with less academic performance and lower SAT scores than me or the other black student. Like I said, I was friends with some of those white students and knew they had SAT scores much lower than mine.
I limited myself going to both the universities because I could've gone outside of the state with as many MERIT-BASED scholarships and grants that I had, but I chose those schools because I'm not only proud to be black but I'm also proud to be an American from the South and proud to be a South Carolinian, no matter what racial barriers I've had to face in my life. Nothing will change the pride I have for my country or for the state I was born and raised in by my parents. I love this country and I am grateful for the educational opportunities I received; however, I am conscious to the fact that millions are denied those opportunities and had it not been for affirmative action, another white student with a lower SAT score and GPA than mine would've been accepted over me and the one other black student.
I have the right to criticize FACTUAL RACISM and call for an end to it. However, I refuse to further reply to someone irrational and in denial of historical and current facts.
RE: College creates a "safe space" where students can be free from white people
I actually do speak out against anti-white prejudice and hatred. However, there truly is no such thing as anti-white racism. Say if I were in a position of power to deny you an employment opportunity because you are white and I indeed denied you of that opportunity for that sole reason and you found out and had proof that I did it, I WOULD BE RIGHTFULLY FIRED IMMEDIATELY. The other way around, it would pretty much depend on where I am in the US and what kind of proof I have. For you most likely, your word would be enough for the company to investigate me and I'd ultimately be fired. For me most likely, I'd have to have video or some other form of documented evidence just to get the investigation started to get you fired. In an extreme case I'd have to contact the EEOC and take it federal. And even if you do get fired, you'd end up employed somewhere else WAY quicker than I would. FACTS (please do research) state that white men without even a high school diploma get FAR more employment opportunities than black men with COLLEGE DEGREES. Do you see the difference?
Another thing, white pride is not the same as black pride in that black pride is the result of so many black people in the US not knowing their direct ties to Africa due to slavery. Most white people can celebrate German pride or Irish pride because many know for a fact that they're Irish or German. Well, Africa isn't a country. It is a continent with many, many diverse cultures and many of us do not know which one we belong to unless we come from a lucky family that documented everything or if we do expensive genealogy tests. White pride is pride in what exactly? I'm sure you know what your heritage is if you're white. So you want to be proud of the fact that you're white without celebrating what your actual heritage is, such as French or Italian? Black pride isn't black skin pride, it's black CULTURE pride. We have had to create our own culture within America that is unique (for better or worse) because of our slave heritage. Black pride is our way of saying we are proud of who were are, we celebrate that heritage (good and bad, because we all can agree slavery was bad and complex), and in no way is black pride synonymous with anti-white. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in black people having pride in our heritage. Are you saying he's wrong? How come white people always cite him when trying to combat black people but fail to realize he himself was a black man who was proud to be black and was murdered by a white man?
So to make a long post longer (lol), no, black people cannot be racists. We can be prejudiced against white people, which is absolutely wrong and should be discouraged, but IT IS NOT RACISM. Racism is more than just words or actions that can be quickly reprimanded, it is a belief and a construct. I DO NOT BELIEVE WHITE PEOPLE ARE INFERIOR TO BLACK PEOPLE. I have never believed it and never will. I also said that I believe white racists, who are consciously racists and aware of it, are a very very small minority of our population. Our systems never changed and as a result, we are giving those people TOO much power. We need to start having realistic conversations about REAL RACISM such as denying people of color REAL housing, education and employment opportunities the way we do white families. Why are white people given better loans for housing and businesses, better chances with education with better schools and more qualified teachers, and better employment opportunities with sometimes less education than blacks? We need to have realistic conversations about the policing and state-sponsored murder of black bodies. We need to have realistic conversations about the causes of black on black violence, which are directly tied to a) the constant depreciation of black lives and b) the lack of importance shown to black people about that constant depreciation. Until white people are ready to have those conversations, we need safe spaces to get ourselves on the same page without white people trying to divide us more than they already have. Either you can add to our conversations with realistic approaches and FACTS or stay out of them, hence the need for the safe spaces.
So we have an example of the dictionary fallacy. You don't get to change the definition of words to suit your needs/wants.
You sound like a hysterical conspiracy theorist. "Everything is white and it's conspiring to hold me and my people down".
Not all blacks in the US are the result of slavery, so you are wrong. Not all black culture in the US is the same. Larry Elders is not the same as some gangbanger. Nor is he some whiney SJW BLM. There are millions and millions of blacks like him.
So are you accepting the fact that by calling it a "dictionary fallacy" that you are attempting to discredit all acts of racial violence against blacks in the US based on the sole belief that blacks are inferior to whites? Are you attempting to compare those who call out real injustice and discrimination based on the idea of white supremacy to "gangbangers?" Are you comparing an entire population of people to Larry Elder (not Elders by the way) to say ALL black people should be like that ONE black person or are you saying Larry Elder is the ideal black? So black people have to be one way for you to either respect them or see them as deserving of basic rights and humanity? We cannot question real acts of racism or discrimination without being labeled "gangbangers" or "conspiracy theorists" or "whiny SJW?" There is something seriously wrong with what you're proposing and the fact that you do not understand it is very alarming. Also, ask the banks that discriminated against black and Latino people of all races in the US and were punished billions of dollars for it by the federal government if that system of keeping us down is fake.
RE: White Pride vs Black Pride
You're disgusting. Seriously. And the moment I can create an entire system based on slavery against you and then later a Jim Crow type system (backed up by some elements in law enforcement) to keep you from even the basic set of opportunities, tell you for hundreds of years that you are worth nothing while using that system to back me up, create a terrorist organization to keep people like you from voting for over a century, destroy anything you build (research Black Wall Street), and then commit a heinous hate crime in a church (Charleston Church Shooting of 2015) with supremacists raising money for my bail instead of condemning my actions then and only then can you even begin to say racism against whites exist. Until then, shove it. Seriously.
Another black who denies racism against whites exists. Who'd'a thunk it.
And he calls me disgusting. :blink:
I called you disgusting for the very reason why you ignored what I wrote and just simply ran with "Another black who denies racism against whites exists." You are disgusting because everything in my statement is fact based. Where are your facts? Show me the effects of a system designed for and created by black people in America that has been used to oppress white people in the way white people oppressed black people. Show me the evidence that said system continues to deny white people basic rights and opportunities today. I could have all the white prejudice in my mind (which I don't) and it will mean absolutely nothing at the end of the day because if I act on it there would be real consequences. Simply put, you're disgusting.
RE: White Pride vs Black Pride
I'm not an American but I honestly have a single question:
What is black culture in the US?
Don't get me wrong, I will support anyone who celebrates their culture, as soon as the culture exists.
But you yourself mentioned "black pride" in the sense of "pride of people that are born in the US and raised in the US" and as far as I know, since those people do not have any ancestor traces to a specific country or tribe or cultural group, they only have one culture themselves: American culture. So in that sense, black pride is not really a celebration of heritage, pretty much like white pride.To clarify it even more, I'm going to take as an example 4 imaginary people:
- Alan is a white man born and raised in the US. He cannot trace his ancestry and always considered themselves just an American. He has American Pride.
- Bella is a white woman born and raised in the US. Unlike Alan, she knows that her ancestry goes back to Italy, since her parents are Italians born and raised in Italy. Her family has Italian pride, and so does she. However, she has American pride too.
- Cory is a black man born and raised in the US. His grandparents however, came to the US from Congo. He knows his ancestry and this is why both him and his family have Congolese pride. He might also feel American pride.
- Dana is a black woman born and raised in the US. She is the case you mention, aka an African-American who cannot trace their ancestry to a specific country or tribe, since it goes back to slavery era. Since she cannot trace her ancestry, and does not have any cultural associations with anything from any tribe of black origin since both her and her parents were raised by the American standard, how come her "pride" is different than the pride that Alan has? Shouldn't her pride also be just American pride?
But here is the difference: Cultural prides, such as "Greek pride", "Irish pride", "Chinese pride" or "Hindi pride", all have to do with appreciating the "cultural particles" of your ancestral culture (that means the language, cuisine, history, art, music, dances, religion, clothes, etc). Black pride is not like that since black people cannot appreciate their respective cultural particles, since they don't know their ancestral culture. And you might say "but they are black, they are celebrating the cultural particles of black culture". NO. Seriously, that's pretty much racist since you consider all black people (including indigenous people of Africa) having THE SAME CULTURE. Which is far from the truth since there are hundreds, if not thousands, of different cultures, each one bonding onto a specific country, tribe, or cultural group. But if that's so, why is "Black Pride" still used as a term by black people themselves? This is because black people use it in the same way that gay people use the term "gay pride": they are not pride of the black culture. THEY ARE PROUD BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. Black, as in skin color. So, in a sense, it is pretty much the black counterpart of White Pride; aka it's a type of RACIAL PRIDE. It is definitely different however, considering how brutal White Pride supporters have been to people of other races, but I will ask you one thing: how do you know that one day in the future, Black Pride supporters won't do the same acts towards whites as whites did back in the days?
TL;DR: Dichotomy between "cultural pride" and "racial pride"
Black pride in the US is cultural pride because or culture is one WE DEFINED since our original cultures were erased from us. It is a culmination of the experience (slavery, accomplishments, setbacks caused by our own people, celebrations, movements, and much more) of being black in America. It's not just being proud in black as in our skin color (that has more to do with colorism and trying to end that), it is more about OUR experience and how complicated and unique it is. It's funny how you say we should just say "American pride" because I will never forget when I first transferred to the University of South Carolina in one of my history classes we were discussing slavery and the Jim Crow era and how it directly correlates to the problems of today, and white students complained saying why did they have to sit through that since it was an American history class and we should be learning about American history. That's the problem with saying simply have "American pride," you're unknowingly erasing our identity in that because many in this country do not think of black people when they think of America. I am proud to be an American, and I am proud to be black. Those are not synonymous.
Also, things would drastically (very drastically) have to change for us to even have the power structure to do such a thing to white people. Beyond that we'd have to collectively believe that white people are inferior to us and I know I do not have that belief nor does anyone I know whether it be friends or family members. Name a time or situation where millions of blacks came together to make an attempt to disenfranchise white people, mass murder white people through state-sponsored lynchings, deny white people basic rights or deny white people opportunities to lower their chances of being successful economically, socially, or even mentally in America's history. You cannot include slave rebellions for obvious reasons, but name a time in America's history where any of that has happened. If you cannot name any factual instances then why should I take your concern of, "how do you know that one day in the future, Black Pride supporters won't do the same acts towards whites as whites did back in the days," seriously? History often repeats itself; therefore, since there are no known instances in history of any of the things I listed happening to white people on such a large scale that it caused very real effects in how white people in America live today, then I'm sure you could agree a history that never existed cannot repeat itself.
RE: College creates a "safe space" where students can be free from white people
As someone who is black, I think it's sad that theres people who see nothing wrong with this.
And I have no idea where the above person went to school that white people apparently treat him like a circus monkey, but I haven't known anyone to do that.In any case, I don't care what kind of discrimination you think you're facing. It's nothing compared to what it was 60 years ago and they didn't have "Safe spaces" back then. All this does is promote minorities to staying in their own little bubble, which is only gonna hurt them in the long run when they realize to obtain any kind of success in the real world they're going to have to step out of it eventually. Not going to get very far in this country without interacting with white people.
What kind of discrimination I "think" I'm facing? I know what the hell I saw and what I experienced at Clemson University. You can look up the "black parties" they had for yourself and see that I am not lying. I transferred to the University of South Carolina and had similar incidents happen to me. AND WHITE PEOPLE HAVE TOUCHED MY HAIR ON SO MANY OCCASIONS THAT I HAVE LOST COUNT. Do not dare try to tell me what my life experiences are or try to compare my life experiences to whatever "bubble" you yourself live in. And no one said anything about not interacting with white people. I work with white people and I have lived with white people as roommates and what I've learned is not only are racists a very small minority of our population, non-racist whites RARELY SPEAK OUT AGAINST REAL INSTANCES OF RACISM. I've had roommates come to me and tell me their friend used racial slurs when talking about me but those same roommates failed to speak out against it. So no, I do not believe closing ourselves off completely to white people is the answer. The answer is for white people who aren't racist to SPEAK OUT AGAINST RACISM. Why is that so freaking hard for them?? Lastly, this is the biggest misconception about safe spaces. I DO NOT HATE WHITE PEOPLE. I DO NOT THINK WHITE PEOPLE ARE INFERIOR TO BLACK PEOPLE. BLACK PRIDE DOES NOT EQUAL WHITE HATE. WHITE PRIDE/POWER IS DIRECTLY TIED TO WHITE SUPREMACIST THEORY AND TERRORISM. You can ask Dylann Roof all about it, or do you think he doesn't exist either?
Do you speak out against anti -white racism or do you believe that anti-white can not exist?
Your views are at the very least BORDERING on racism, in that you claim black pride isn't racist, but white pride is.
This is where I'm betting you will change the dictionary definition of racism to show that only whites can ever be racist.
I actually do speak out against anti-white prejudice and hatred. However, there truly is no such thing as anti-white racism. Say if I were in a position of power to deny you an employment opportunity because you are white and I indeed denied you of that opportunity for that sole reason and you found out and had proof that I did it, I WOULD BE RIGHTFULLY FIRED IMMEDIATELY. The other way around, it would pretty much depend on where I am in the US and what kind of proof I have. For you most likely, your word would be enough for the company to investigate me and I'd ultimately be fired. For me most likely, I'd have to have video or some other form of documented evidence just to get the investigation started to get you fired. In an extreme case I'd have to contact the EEOC and take it federal. And even if you do get fired, you'd end up employed somewhere else WAY quicker than I would. FACTS (please do research) state that white men without even a high school diploma get FAR more employment opportunities than black men with COLLEGE DEGREES. Do you see the difference?
Another thing, white pride is not the same as black pride in that black pride is the result of so many black people in the US not knowing their direct ties to Africa due to slavery. Most white people can celebrate German pride or Irish pride because many know for a fact that they're Irish or German. Well, Africa isn't a country. It is a continent with many, many diverse cultures and many of us do not know which one we belong to unless we come from a lucky family that documented everything or if we do expensive genealogy tests. White pride is pride in what exactly? I'm sure you know what your heritage is if you're white. So you want to be proud of the fact that you're white without celebrating what your actual heritage is, such as French or Italian? Black pride isn't black skin pride, it's black CULTURE pride. We have had to create our own culture within America that is unique (for better or worse) because of our slave heritage. Black pride is our way of saying we are proud of who were are, we celebrate that heritage (good and bad, because we all can agree slavery was bad and complex), and in no way is black pride synonymous with anti-white. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in black people having pride in our heritage. Are you saying he's wrong? How come white people always cite him when trying to combat black people but fail to realize he himself was a black man who was proud to be black and was murdered by a white man?
So to make a long post longer (lol), no, black people cannot be racists. We can be prejudiced against white people, which is absolutely wrong and should be discouraged, but IT IS NOT RACISM. Racism is more than just words or actions that can be quickly reprimanded, it is a belief and a construct. I DO NOT BELIEVE WHITE PEOPLE ARE INFERIOR TO BLACK PEOPLE. I have never believed it and never will. I also said that I believe white racists, who are consciously racists and aware of it, are a very very small minority of our population. Our systems never changed and as a result, we are giving those people TOO much power. We need to start having realistic conversations about REAL RACISM such as denying people of color REAL housing, education and employment opportunities the way we do white families. Why are white people given better loans for housing and businesses, better chances with education with better schools and more qualified teachers, and better employment opportunities with sometimes less education than blacks? We need to have realistic conversations about the policing and state-sponsored murder of black bodies. We need to have realistic conversations about the causes of black on black violence, which are directly tied to a) the constant depreciation of black lives and b) the lack of importance shown to black people about that constant depreciation. Until white people are ready to have those conversations, we need safe spaces to get ourselves on the same page without white people trying to divide us more than they already have. Either you can add to our conversations with realistic approaches and FACTS or stay out of them, hence the need for the safe spaces.
RE: White Pride vs Black Pride
You are correct, of course. There are numerous cultural festivals and holidays celebrating European nationalities in North America. "White pride" in the USA is the like "straight pride." It is meant to be antagonistic and exclusive rather than positive and uplifting.
African slaves were banned from using their native tongues or practicing their traditional religions. Despite the oppressive lash of slavery, somehow they were able to develop a unique culture with African, European, and Native American elements. In the mid 20th century "pride" became a rallying call for the Civil Rights movement as African Americans attempted to shed racial shame and embrace their heritage.
Black Pride is forcing whites to walk through creeks to get to class. It's also chanting about killing cops. It's demanding segregation be returned. Black Pride is also about black supremacy and white hatred.
White Pride isn't allowed because whites are supposed to be self-loathing or they are deemed evil.
Social media bans for racism, except racism directed at whites. Similar thing with sexism.
You're disgusting. Seriously. And the moment I can create an entire system based on slavery against you and then later a Jim Crow type system (backed up by some elements in law enforcement) to keep you from even the basic set of opportunities, tell you for hundreds of years that you are worth nothing while using that system to back me up, create a terrorist organization to keep people like you from voting for over a century, destroy anything you build (research Black Wall Street), and then commit a heinous hate crime in a church (Charleston Church Shooting of 2015) with supremacists raising money for my bail instead of condemning my actions then and only then can you even begin to say racism against whites exist. Until then, shove it. Seriously.
RE: College creates a "safe space" where students can be free from white people
As someone who is black, I think it's sad that theres people who see nothing wrong with this.
And I have no idea where the above person went to school that white people apparently treat him like a circus monkey, but I haven't known anyone to do that.In any case, I don't care what kind of discrimination you think you're facing. It's nothing compared to what it was 60 years ago and they didn't have "Safe spaces" back then. All this does is promote minorities to staying in their own little bubble, which is only gonna hurt them in the long run when they realize to obtain any kind of success in the real world they're going to have to step out of it eventually. Not going to get very far in this country without interacting with white people.
What kind of discrimination I "think" I'm facing? I know what the hell I saw and what I experienced at Clemson University. You can look up the "black parties" they had for yourself and see that I am not lying. I transferred to the University of South Carolina and had similar incidents happen to me. AND WHITE PEOPLE HAVE TOUCHED MY HAIR ON SO MANY OCCASIONS THAT I HAVE LOST COUNT. Do not dare try to tell me what my life experiences are or try to compare my life experiences to whatever "bubble" you yourself live in. And no one said anything about not interacting with white people. I work with white people and I have lived with white people as roommates and what I've learned is not only are racists a very small minority of our population, non-racist whites RARELY SPEAK OUT AGAINST REAL INSTANCES OF RACISM. I've had roommates come to me and tell me their friend used racial slurs when talking about me but those same roommates failed to speak out against it. So no, I do not believe closing ourselves off completely to white people is the answer. The answer is for white people who aren't racist to SPEAK OUT AGAINST RACISM. Why is that so freaking hard for them?? Lastly, this is the biggest misconception about safe spaces. I DO NOT HATE WHITE PEOPLE. I DO NOT THINK WHITE PEOPLE ARE INFERIOR TO BLACK PEOPLE. BLACK PRIDE DOES NOT EQUAL WHITE HATE. WHITE PRIDE/POWER IS DIRECTLY TIED TO WHITE SUPREMACIST THEORY AND TERRORISM. You can ask Dylann Roof all about it, or do you think he doesn't exist either?
RE: College creates a "safe space" where students can be free from white people
I see nothing wrong with it. There needs to be spaces where we don't have to worry about people saying/doing stupid crap just because they don't understand and/or don't want to understand anything about our culture. White students wore blackface (something used to negatively impact black intellect and black identity) at quite a few parties when I was in college and said problematic crap all the time about black students, but being a part of multiple black student groups on-campus made me feel better about having to go to school with such racist disgusting people who only wanted to mock my blackness and insult me and people like me. It's either create spaces for us to avoid people who mock and harass us constantly or we'll be forced to protect ourselves. I shouldn't have to see you wear blackface at a public institution where I have to pay tuition at just like you. How is that fair? And if one more white person touches my hair without permission, I'm taking it as assault and you're getting punched. This is why we need safe spaces, we have no right to our own bodies anymore.
RE: Make America great again
When did America STOP being great?
November 4, 2008
What I remember about that date the most was that I lost like 100+ friends on Facebook because white students I'd known most of my life who I thought were my friends said very, very disgusting things and I unfriended them. Some of them were friends who had been to my home and I'd been to their homes, our parents used to carpool us to school on rotating shifts. I got on Facebook after the election results that night and not only were my former friends saying those disgusting things, their parents were also saying similar things. I'd been to these people's homes and they'd been to mine, and their true colors came out that night. It was devastating and a nightmare, all because our country elected its first African-American president. They were not discussing issues like taxes or healthcare, it was "n-word," this and "black people are trash," and many other disgusting things directed squarely at people like me.
I was in my first year of college at the time and I will never forget how crazy it got. My family moved to another neighborhood, as did many if not all of the other non-white families in the neighborhood. It wasn't us, we said nothing wrong or anti-white to anyone. No one of color in my neighborhood had Obama/Biden signs up, we NEVER even discussed politics with each other. I was 18 and had no opinion on Barack Obama at the time to be honest. I would never wish death on someone I knew personally because of who was elected president. Multiple white kids I'd known most of my life wished death on my family because Barack Obama was elected president. That is disgusting and indefensible and I will never forget it. November 8, 2016 is nothing compared to what happened to me on November 4, 2008. All Trump's victory did was confirm what I'd already learned from white people's reactions in my personal life to Barack Obama winning in 2008. I learned just how deep racism runs in this country that night and that either white people do not know when they're being racists or they do know and hope that some of us will believe their bullshit excuses for saying racist things. Either way, numbers and time just aren't on their side and it's either come to terms with race and make amends or face the future consequences when their actions are detailed thoroughly in history books. Think about who will be writing those history books and what accurate narratives will be told.
RE: Make America great again
So… does this mean he will cancel the legalization of same sex marriage? ???
Not necessarily. Since the Supreme Court upheld and landmarked same-sex marriage, it is going to be difficult for him to remove it and that's if he truly wants to remove it. The Republicans want to get rid of it and invalidate same-sex marriages, but they first have to either get enough votes (Republican and Democrat) to create and pass override legislation against the Supreme Court's ruling from 2015 or somehow get a case in front of the Supreme Court that would make the Supreme Court reverse its decision. Same-sex marriage is safe and all those who married should not get too worried too quick. I do not support Trump in any way but I'm seeing many people panicking over things that will take an overwhelming majority of Congress (Republican and Democrat) to change. Do you honestly think Democrats will cave in and vote with Republicans to remove the right of same-sex marriage?