@Pintheo Isn't this the sequel to the movie where Shaq plays a genie?
Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Has anyone watched Shazam 2?
RE: Ideas how to profuce more cum?
@fickle-0 The only thing that I really know of is testosterone supplements.
RE: Sleeping guy in uniform
@cinemacapman Hawt damn... I want his babies!
RE: Old Site Reseeed Requests
@tlkoss501 It's because the old domain is still being used in the PM it sends you, and signing in on .rent will not sign you in on .ru as well. You need to either change the domain in the URL when you get the 404 error, or you need to sign in on the .ru domain as well to see the torrent.
RE: And still another hate crime liberal media won't tell you about
@raphjd Haven't you heard? White people are the only people you're allowed to both hate against and discriminate against?
It's rather scary to see how anti-white a lot of things are these days. You're almost at a disadvantage in a lot of ways these days simply for being white. If you're anything but white, you almost have a carte blanche for doing anything you want these days.
RE: Police search for man caught defecating on Pride flag at NYC bar
@raphjd said in Police search for man caught defecating on Pride flag at NYC bar:
He has been charged with an anti-LGBTosfso;f[oefhvefg87357t
67rtfkg'pdtjoth+ hate crime.Because of how many letters and such that are being added,I say we just refer to such people by the blanket term "alphabet people".
RE: Are liberals really that stupid?! (banning guns)
@raphjd As I have always said... The government would only want to disarm its people if they plan on doing something that would make the people want to shoot them.
We still have some gun problems here in Canada despite the outrageous restrictions that have been placed on them in the last few years by our complete moron of a prime minister because the problems we've always had with guns have NEVER involved legal guns.
RE: UK proves it doesn't have free speech
@raphjd I would like to say that this kind of thing would never fly in Canada because the Charter of Rights gives you a constitutional right to a peaceful protest, however we all know what happens when you criticize your leader in this country.... The leader invokes the Emergency Act to give himself dictator like powers to do very much the same thing, only worse. He went so far as to freeze all of their assets and hold them up on unconstitutional charges without bail because they have no access to their assets in which to post their bail with.
RE: Mother with her 2 sons at McDonalds
@lololulu19 Whoa there.... TEENAGE sons? Jail bait much?
RE: Netflix cancels Spanish gay rom-com series Smiley
@frostycab From my experience, the shows that get cancelled are some of their best content. Their lesser content that they keep is exactly that.... Lesser quality and value. It makes no sense to me why they keep doing this to their users.
Also, with their latest stunt in North America at least with the Netflix can only be used in one household BS, it's a wonder how they haven't had to start jacking their prices again because they're losing subscribers up, down, and sideways because they keep getting greedy and only cancelling the good stuff.
RE: Pictures not visible on the frontpage
@yepyep7891 I just pulled up the pic approval module, gave your pictures a quick once over, and since they're all good, approved them all for you. They are now visible to everyone.
RE: Pictures not visible on the frontpage
@yepyep7891 Yes... When you upload a new picture to an existing torrent, it goes into a module that mods have access to that lets them review the pictures to verify they meet the rule standards, then either approve them (which will make them visible), or delete them.
As long as the pictures are an accurate representation of the contents of the torrent and is of a decent size, you should have no problem getting pictures approved. It's just a matter of time.
RE: Gay Pride Flag & Woke-fascism
@raphjd That's how I understand it as well. My understanding is that the brown stripe is to represent "brown people" (to use the politically incorrect term), and the black stripe is specific to black people.
RE: None of torrents aren't uploading? (Torrent app Transmission on MAC)
@fickle-0 The issue in your case seems to be a combination of two things...
There are no leechers actively downloading any of the torrents you have recently finished... At least not the ones that appear in your profile
You may not have your port forwarding settings correctly configured on your home network. By default, Transmission uses port 51413. This port (or the port you have changed it to use) needs to be forwarded through your home network to your computer, both in TCP and UDP in order to get proper upload traffic.
RE: Gay Pride Flag & Woke-fascism
@hubrys There's only two reasons that people are homophobic. Either they're just an asshole, or they're secretly afraid that dicks taste delicious!
Some people also describe homophobia as the secret fear that gay men will treat you the way you treat women.
RE: Hi from Estonia
@fickle-0 People always say they want "hung" people... Does anyone ever ask for someone with a SMALL dick?
RE: Fucked again.. and not in a good way
@lololulu19 Would you like some cheese and crackers to go with that whine? LOL
RE: Trackers not working on Qbittorrent?
@ianfontinell Fun fact: You can also change the tracker URL in the existing torrent to the announce URL for your account with your passkey. This will work as well, and sometimes works better than deleting the torrent, especially if the contents of the torrent are not in the directory your torrent downloads into by default.
RE: Does using anal toys, affects erections?
@yolodude For myself personally, I find that something up my rear end tends to have the opposite effect, especially if it is long and thick. It gives me a raging hard on. If it hits all the right spots enough times, it will actually make me cum.
RE: Trackers not working on Qbittorrent?
@Kingcherno When you pull up the tracker properties, do you see an error message? If so, what is it?