A trans person I have referred to several times posted this: that trans people suffer mental health issues four times as often as other people.
Let that sink in.
Then consider this, 
According to JohnsHopkinsMedicine.org, 26% - over 1 in 4 people in the USA suffer from mental health disorders.
So, if the odds of anybody having a mental disorder is 26% (let's say 25% just to make a point) and transgender people suffer mental disorders four times as often as the rest of the population, that means that virtually 100% of transgender people suffer from mental health disorders.
With that correlation, it is safe to say that since all transgender people suffer mental health issues, that being transgender IS a mental illness.
But to be clear, transvestites who wear women's clothing are usually NOT transgender. This is yet another reason why I don't like groups of people being lumped together. LGB people are ATTRACTED to people of the same gender without necessarily being mentally ill. Supposedly, most TransVESTITES are actually straight! The transGENDER people are mentally ill.
The reason I am saying this is not because I hate transgender people, BUT people should be aware that transGENDER people are mentally ill (as are 25% of the rest of the population). Why would anybody KNOWINGLY get into a relationship with someone they KNEW was mentally ill? My father's 2nd wife was mentally ill, but that probably was because she so desperately wanted to have a little baby girl, and was unable to. Once she realized that, her mental state collapsed. I have a friend who got trapped into a relationship with a transgender and after just 2 months of living together, found out what a disaster he got himself into. He is trapped into an apartment lease with this person.