@Kingmale-0 The tudio logo at the end seems to point to a French porn studio called Phuture.
The pic with the white writing seems to be actor or character names.... Namely, it lists "The Submissives" as Aurélien & Vincent Bitch.
Hope this helps.
@Kingmale-0 The tudio logo at the end seems to point to a French porn studio called Phuture.
The pic with the white writing seems to be actor or character names.... Namely, it lists "The Submissives" as Aurélien & Vincent Bitch.
Hope this helps.
@Estion-0 The issue with these 3 torrents may have to do with quality of seeds and seeder port forwarding settings. I have put them on freeleech for 156 hours and promoted them. This usually works wonders for torrents like these.
@zeniii-0 This scene is Treasure Island Media - 1000 Load Fuck
@lololulu19 No actually.... This is a database issue that only @Joker is able to fix
If no other car was involved, that makes me wonder if perhaps he was driving way faster than he should have been and lost control for some reason because of that.
@rtim To take what @raphjd said a little further, I would encourage you to click the report button on these torrents so that staff can more easily narrow down on such torrents and can also enforce these rules if needed.
@lololulu19 When using a public tracker, it is best to turn the private flag OFF. This will allow DHT and local peer discovery.
It should be noted though that our tracker is considered a PRIVATE tracker, which is why all torrents downloaded from the site have private turned ON.
The passkey is contained in the URL for the tracker. DO NOT post it here, but you will find yours in the URL of the torrents you have downloaded. The URL will be as follows:
The part I have shortened to ... will be your private passkey for your account. If you use this URL when creating a .torrent file for the site and set the private flag to ON when you create the .torrent file, you will not need to change anything to use our tracker after uploading the torrent, but unti the torrent is uploaded, the tracker will return an unregistered torrent error.
@lololulu19 If you're using the torrent file you created, you likely haven't set the private torrent flag, so the torrent is running on DHT and Local Peer Discovery. The way to get around this is to make sure the content of the torrent is in the folder that your torrent client downloads into by default, then download the .torrent file from the tracker and open it in your torrent client.
When you upload a torrent file to the tracker, the system overwrites the tracker information, so what you put in (if anything) becomes irrelevant. The system also sets the private torrent flag so that when users download it, they are forced to use the tracker to find peers. It is only when you are seeding with the torrent from the site where the torrent is flagged as private and your personal unique passkey is inserted in the tracker URL that the torrent will work for the site.
@raphjd Liberals (at least in Canada) say literally anything that doesn't fit their agenda is racist lol
@KTD I am in the works of getting things together to make a home made version of content that can only be described as the gay version of sexually broken.
@KTD You're speaking my kind of language.... I may soon have some private videos of that nature that would thrill you to no end.
@Richiroma They go into our photo approval module, which staff review as they have the time.
@Richiroma Pictures that are added after the torrent is uploaded require mod approval. You will only have this issue if adding the pictures AFTER the upload. All pictures added when you upload the torrent should automatically be approved.
@kalayaan Well... Luggage has size and weight restrictions before you start getting extra fees, so why shouldn't the passengers too? I'm all for this.
@raphjd Stating biological fact does not all by itself. The problem (at least under Canadian law) is that gender identity is a bit of a protected hot button topic. It is protected in the same way that sexual orientation, biological gender, race, country of origin, age, disability, etc are. Under our current dictator's rule, any speech which displays intolerance of a group of people based on one of the protected criteria is classified as hate speech. It's a bit extreme, but it is what it is.
@raphjd Knowing the way the Canadian courts have been for some time now, I don't see this going anywhere anytime soon. He effectively wants to use "religious freedom" to fan the flames of hate. That kind of thing has long ago been barred in Canada.
@rtim Also, it should be noted that if you see that kind of thing in the torrent comments, we encourage you to click the report button. We have rules surrounding user conduct, which apply to EVERYONE on the site. We do not tolerate threats, harassment, flaming, or any other such disruptive behaviour from ALL of our users.