@lololulu19 I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Left wing or right wing... They are both of the same bird.
Posts made by MrMazda
RE: NY's George Santos: Did Russia just buy a House of Representative seat?
RE: Why does cookie sessions last such a short time?
@ianfontinell This setting modification was made for security reasons. As such, the session cookie will only last for 6 hours. This is for your security.
RE: Markiplier has an Onlyfans :9 What are your thoughts?
@jonwalkee Ah yes.... Gotta love the good 'ole days of dial up internet! Haha!
RE: gagaoolala
@hans143 That all depends on your preferences. From what I can see at first glance, and from the other images posted in this thread, it would be very much not for me. Again though, it depends on your preferences.
RE: Pelosi 'attacker' innocent (& a Green), says son
@raphjd I've said it before and I'll say it again. Most media in North America is but the propaganda mill to push the agenda of the real powers that actually run things. You may speak freely, but if you say something that does not fit the pushed narrative, you are immediately silenced or otherwise buried deep into the abyss.... It's sad really.
RE: Content lacking
@vanman Would you like some cheese and crackers to go with that whine? Haha!
RE: Uploads not being credited, mods not responding
@vanman It is also important to note the difference between your total upload stats and the session upload stats. The stats against a seeding torrent in your profile will only show the amount of data that has been transmitted for the current session, whereas your torrent client often shows the total amount transmitted since the torrent was added to your torrent client.
As well, there's the issue of the tracker updates themselves. Your torrent client will only update with the tracker once every 30 minutes for each torrent. For this reason, there is a delay in the stats being updated, as they are not updated in realtime like your torrent client will update them.
RE: Vanishing torrents ...
@jokuihmemies Generally this is done when mods remove a torrent. If it is a dupe, they'll get a message saying that it's been confirmed to be a dupe. If it's a DMCA take down, they'll also get a message as such.
There are a handful of other reasons why a torrent may get deleted. Generally, mods do message the uploader to let them know WHY the torrent is being removed.
RE: USA *not* a democracy: FBI controlled Twitter to rig public discourse
@raphjd That's the other problem.... Anything that speaks out against the agenda that bigger powers want to push gets buried, silenced, or otherwise removed under the guise of "false information".
If it's not outright removed, it gets buried in such a way that even if you search for it specifically knowing what it is you're looking for, it will get buried deep in the results, which unfortunately, most people don't get that far into, and thus, never find what they are looking for.
Call me a conspiracy nut if you must, but I have been of the firm belief for some time now that in Canada the United States, and many other countries in the world government officials are but a bought puppet for which some "higher power" (for lack of a better term) is pulling the strings. This is the same power that controls even the big companies like Google, YouTube, Amazon, Facebook, etc. Democracy is but an illusion at this day and age.
This is actually the very reason why although the company that owns Google is literally hemorrhaging money with YouTube, they refuse to sell it off because it's the biggest such platform on the internet, and it gives them the ability to control the flow of information. Sadly, this means that even freedom of speech is not really a thing anymore. In most places now, you can speak freely, but only if your point or view is in line with the narrative that the powers that be want to push.
RE: Joe Biden on marriage equality and DOMA
@blablarg18 Sadly, I can't say that Canada is all that much better in that regard. At the last election, we had 3 options to choose from, all 3 of which were as corrupt as the day is long. Just like in the USA, most politicians that are in power here have been bought and paid for by some form of higher authority.
RE: Joe Biden on marriage equality and DOMA
@raphjd That's exactly what I mean... It's sad when your only political choices are bad and worse...
Wouldn't it be great if there actually WAS a GOOD choice for a change?
RE: Joe Biden on marriage equality and DOMA
@raphjd Granted.... But let me ask you this.... Are republicans really any better in a lot of other critical areas?
Simply put, whether it's left wing or right wing, are both wings not of the same bird in the end?
RE: Blank page after uploading a torrent
Here's your problem. If this field is filled in, it needs to be a valid URL. Generally, it would start https://
So... Leave this field blank and put what you have in that field in the big description box. This should fix your problem.
RE: Joe Biden on marriage equality and DOMA
@raphjd Can you really say that his opposition is any better though?
Sadly, North American politics as of late seems to be such that there is no "good" option.... Only bad and worse.
RE: Seeding issue with new torrents
@nix54 This sounds like a port forwarding issue. Our tracker is very sensitive with port forwarding for some reason. In order to get proper upload traffic all the time, you need to make sure that the port your torrent client is using is forwarded through your home router or VPN to your computer, both in TCP and UDP. Without this, you will notice the exact symptoms you seem to be having.
If it's of any help, your current torrent client is reporting that it seems to be using port 63357.
RE: Rightwing radicals coup in Germany
@serenity There is one thing I don't think you quite realize..... Both right wing and left wing are of the SAME BIRD.... Just sayin'
RE: Proof Biden hates America - Griner trade
@raphjd Am I detecting that you're allergic to bullshit?
RE: Need more space for all that porn and video collection?
@john32123666 Those are for physical storage... I'm looking for the kind of storage you need to store mass amounts of digital porn haha
RE: Swallowing VS Spitting
Of course spitting is highly offensive... You earned it, now swallow it! LOL
RE: Greenies are racist and sexist, by their own virtue
@serenity And you are sooooooo out of touch with reality. It must be nice living in denial. I should try it sometime!