@hubrys What's your point, or are you just trying to be a troll?

Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Dungeons & Dragons goes woke
RE: Who's the actor playing an insanely hot cop in this movie?
@leeniedo You're not kidding... I took a quick look at IAFD, and I'm a little stumpped....
RE: Dem-Controlled Senate Passes Same-Sex Marriage Bill; 12 Republicans Support
@Rotron I couldn't agree more. Religion can be a good thing if used properly, however too many people use their religion to create a divide between them and others.
Many wars that have been fought over the years have been fought in the name of religion. The problem comes in when a religious view is forced upon the masses, especially when this view is misguided or has been spun into something it was never intended to be.
RE: Nothing Downloads! HELP!
@cinemec This appears to be an issue with the latest version of uTorrent. The only known way to get around this is to downgrade uTorrent to a previous version.
RE: Club Q shooter: non-binary
@blablarg18 I don't know about in other countries, but in Canada, many inmates were released either on a parole type basis, or on more of a compassion basis due to the pandemic.
Within Canada, the inmates that were released early were limited to either people who stand convicted of a non violent offence or to people who were particularly vulnerable and therefore more likely to suffer severe consequences should they contract COVID who are at a very low risk of re-offending.
In Canada, anyone who stood convicted of a violent offence, were too high of a risk to re-offend, or who would otherwise be likely to pose an immediate danger to public safety were all overlooked for this early release. Many of the people who were released early in Canada were convicted of more petty charges like theft under $5000, possession of a controlled substance (but not ones who had intent to sell), or were convicted of an offence that does not necessarily carry a risk to public safety. I cannot speak for other countries though, as I only know the circumstances of the early release of prisoners within Canada where I am located.
RE: Show Result
@john32123666 Yes... Sometimes something goes a little wonky in the database, causing it to need to be refreshed and given a bit of a tune up of a sort. This usually doesn't take very long to complete, but it is something that can only be done by our sysadmin. Since he has a full time commitment of his own to tend to, this can sometimes take a while.
My understanding is that the search should now be fixed and working as intended once again.
RE: Search is broken again
@semurg30 I'm not sure of the exact details, but something goes wonky in the database, causing it to need to be refreshed. Once it's refreshed and given a bit of a tune up of a sort, the performance and functionality of the search feature returns to its normal state.
RE: Club Q shooter: non-binary
@blablarg18 I understand where you're coming from, but I respectfully must disagree. IMHO, the death penalty is too easy of an out for the person. I personally would much rather see them have to suffer under insufferable circumstances for the remainder of their natural life, which would be much longer, and could be dragged on and carried out in such a way as to make the person wish that they were to be executed for a very long time.
Granted, I think that many of the things that come to my mind to make the suffering drag on would be considered cruel and unusual punishment (at least under Canadian law where I am), however the whole point of it is to make the person endure more suffering for the rest of their natural life than the suffering that they brought onto their victims and their families. After all, for many of the families of the victims, the suffering will stay with them for the rest of their natural life, so to me it only seems fair to make the punishment of eternal suffering match the permanent suffering that the families of the victims must endure.
I will concede though that keeping inmates in any form of prison or confinement does take up resources, which in all fairness could be spent on more useful and/or productive things. My only trouble with this in general is that as @raphjd mentioned, there are far too many cases of innocent people being executed, only to find out later through undeniable evidence such as a DNA test that they were actually innocent, but were executed for anyway. With the death penalty, there is no way to come back from that in cases where that happens. With the option of life without parole, at least the innocent person can eventually be released, compensated for their wrongful imprisonment, granted a new identity, and able to live out the rest of their life.
Having been wrongfully convicted and jailed myself for a crime I did not commit, I can sympathize with these cases, as I know first hand just how bad things can get over a crime you didn't commit. While MOST of the people who are executed are indeed guilty, IMHO I stand with @raphjd that too many of them aren't in fact guilty of the crimes for which they have been accused.
It should also be noted that in my case, there was undeniable evidence that I did not commit the crime that I was accused of, wrongfully convicted of, and jailed for, but that didn't stop it all from happening anyway. Now here we are some 12 years later, and I am still suffering consequences for a crime I did not commit, trying valiantly to clear my name so that I can get back into good standing with the legal system and move forward from the whole thing. That is to say that to this very day, I still pay a heavy price for a crime I did not commit, which really makes my heart go out to those people who are indeed wrongfully convicted. I know first hand how hard it can be to come back and recover from such a thing.
RE: Site changes 7 March 2022
@Fennekin Actually, it's quite the opposite of sketchy. There were legal reasons behind it being necessary in order to not just protect the site owner, but also protect our users.
While it may seem a little strange or like it would be counter productive, most changes that have come to the site in recent times have been for the protection of our staff and users alike.
RE: Search is broken again
@DandyLion I too alerted the sysop to this. I saw this in the helpdesk before I came into the forum to see that once again, the DB bug is back.
RE: Club Q shooter: non-binary
@blablarg18 This could just be the evil Canadian in me, but I think that the death penalty lets the person off too easily. There are much more unpleasant things that I can assure you would be much worse than death that could be done and dragged out for the rest of his life.
I know that line of thinking is just slightly sadist, but a part of me would be rather delighted to see him suffer insufferable pain for the rest of his life rather than getting his suffering over with in a relatively short order by comparison where he can move onto other things.
RE: Anyone else having difficulty searching torrents (no results)?
@justmejon There is a known issue that creeps up from time to time when the database needs a tune up. I have alerted the sysadmin to the issue and it should get resolved soon.
RE: SSL error for all 'tracker.gaytorrent.tw' torrents
@ianfontinell That's because the .tw domain is for HTTP and isn't meant to be used with HTTPS
RE: Help with downloading, please (Qbitorrent)
@esterlion What's affecting your uploads is the fact that there are no leechers actively downloading any of the torrents you're seeding. I'll see what I can do about getting you some traffic on your seeding torrents.
RE: Help with downloading, please (Qbitorrent)
@esterlion You are in a low ratio state. When this happens, you can only download two torrents at a time. It seems that you are currently leeching two torrents, which is why other torrents will not download.
RE: Tracker not works - unable to connect to tracker
@PojuLover Just out of curiosity, was there an update to BitTorrent before this happened?
RE: Tracker not works - unable to connect to tracker
@PojuLover The only thing that comes to mind is something to do with your queue settings. Perhaps there's a maximum number of active torrents setting that needs to be changed? I'm racking my brain trying to come up with an explanation.
RE: Tracker not works - unable to connect to tracker
@PojuLover I see you actively seeding 5 torrents. Those torrents do not have any leechers though, so it may be difficult for the current moment to get active upload traffic on them. Are you still having this issue? If so, what error message are you getting from the tracker?
RE: Uploaded torrent for the first time - still seeding?
@zoheb Survey says you have seeded your torrent to completion and should qualify for the First Time Uploader Program.... PM @kalayaan with the torrent URL for your reward.