@F46660T It sounds like the moderators/help desk have been more than patient with you. They are very busy people, and don't have time to read long, run-on narratives asking for a favour that isn't accommodated by the site software.
I suggest that before posting on this (or any other topic), you might type out your message in a text editor, and clean up your writing to be shorter and focused on the points you want to make. You might consider using a structure like:
- This is what happened
- This is why I don't like it
- This is what I'd like to see done to "fix" this.
You'll get more attention, and possibly some action, if you do this.
Also, the bottom of your pasted in chat window says "WikiDude wrote:" and then nothing follows. If you got a response to your concern, it's not fair to omit it from your discussion.
Finally, I see that you've pasted that very long chat image to three different threads in the forum. That's probably not going to help, and it might hurt your "case" if people get pissed off.