@semurg30 Read between lines. I doubt it's personal. Probably (I don't know) some legal shit moves in background, where, to keep site going at all, they have to a) keep mouths shut, b) make example of someone from time to time. Sorry it's like this. Just don't even bother to feel upset - it's not worth it. An "Oh, well" thing.
Best posts made by blablarg18
RE: Banned from uploading for 90 days.
RE: Liberal Student Has Meltdown After Charlie Kirk Crushes Him
@raphjd Student showing SDE. (Small Dick Energy)
RE: USA polls don't mean shit, either way. Here's why.
Satire. But let's HOPE some libs buy it.
RE: DMCA strikes and the 90-day suspension
User block works great, wow!
Still, to me at least, when somebody spreads shyte, can be fun to counter it I still block no one.
Spain’s first transgender soccer team makes debut in regional men’s league
Apparently FTM / bio women.
Against XY (bio males), they lost 19-0. NBC makes you read all the way down, to learn that.
XY have huge...... ...........advantage in sport. Because #ScienceIsReal - in this case, science of chromosomes & biology
@makigott "I demand an APPOLOGY!!!!" - Seems like a bad idea. The staff have rules to keep & they do pretty well by us users. Don't take it personal, don't make it personal.
Latest posts made by blablarg18
RE: USA walks toward war on "drug cartels"
NYT: You can't fight drug cartels! They're us! Oh No!
Proves what I said above
USA "Uniparty", "Establishment", formerly "Regime", is in bed with these Drug Cartels
Suddenly libs see? The Unborn are Children
NYT calls unborn children, "unborn children". Suddenly.
It suits libs. All the sudden. For some reason.
RE: USSA watch: Set to release 1500 "J6" Hostages
Jamie Raskin (D - Evil), GOT A BLANKET PRE-EMPTIVE PARDON 2 days ago & possibly illegal.......
.... and he goes on MSNBC, to say how Hitler it is to give specific, narrow pardons to people WHO HAVE SERVED YEARS IN JAIL already, many in solitary confinement.
video - https://x.com/i/status/1881897776398946587
USA State Department Tells Embassies and Outposts: Fly Stars and Stripes Only—No More Pride or BLM Flags
USA Congress needs to do it too.
There should be no foreign flags in USA Congress - no Israel, no Palestine, no Ukraine, no UK or Canada, no EU or NATO, no Pride or BLM or Trans, no Hitler either (if that could ever happen), no nothing ever.
except USA flag. 1 people
RE: USSA watch: Set to release 1500 "J6" Hostages
@raphjd Some, yes.
Antifa is back - fiery attack on Portland(ia) detention center:
RE: Trump Yanks Security Clearances Of Intel Officials Who Spread Disinformation About Hunter Biden’s Laptop
@raphjd "At bare minimum" - Yes, becuz IIRC, Anthony Blinken or Jake Sullivan were not part of 51 signers - BUT - they organized it.
They should also lose clearances.
ps. FBI knew Hunter laptop was real in 2019.
IN 2019.
So, when somebody says "Eventually the laptop was proven real" - that is bullshit.
These guys in 2020, had to know it was real. (Their security clearances, remember?)
Today in 2025, they say, Oh we are not liable for our disinformation because we only claimed laptop had vague appearance of Russia disinformation....
Revoke them. Then, jail any who were in league with foreign power. (Be that Iran, China, Russia, Israel or UK.)
51 liars, who helped rig USA 2020 election. (not shown, Blinken - Sullivan)
RE: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) helped President Trump celebrate. (bonus: libs imagine non-existent Nazi Hitler salutes, AGAIN)
@raphjd Yes Here is AOC with it.
video - https://x.com/i/status/1881800472081891815
& Taylor Swift.
It literally doesn't get more Nazi & more White-Supremacy No one's music is Whiter
RE: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) helped President Trump celebrate. (bonus: libs imagine non-existent Nazi Hitler salutes, AGAIN)
In other news - this one is real -
Elon does "From The Heart" gesture
libs make thing of it, Nazi Hitler Salute or something
ignore times when, Warren & other top LIBS did it
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) helped President Trump celebrate. (bonus: libs imagine non-existent Nazi Hitler salutes, AGAIN)
Here she is, Sen. Warren onstage with Trump
RE: USA White House defines Male & Female, brings back word "sex" to mean the category not (just) the activity
Scott Weiner comment. "Trump’s EO directs, as a matter of government power, that trans people don’t exist: That a person can’t transition to a gender different from their birth-assigned gender."
That is incorrect.
EO directs that a person can't transition to a different sex. Repeat, biological -sex-
But EO still lets a person transition their -gender-, all they want, all day long. Back and forth. 57 flavors. Genderfluid. Genderqueer.
When USA protection laws were written, they stated -sex- not gender. They stated it with biological male/female in mind, that is, with genderfluid / genderqueer not envisioned.
New EO merely returns to that understanding.
Weiner misrepresents what happened.