@genshin6pack It was generated by an AI thing a ma jiggy that our site admin stumbled upon.
Posts made by MrMazda
RE: is this from a video? looks hot
RE: Which City/Country are you guys from?
I am in Southern Ontario (Canada).... The second coldest country in the world. At this time of the year, it's often as cold as a freezer outside.
RE: The truth about liberal media
@raphjd On the topic of vaccines, I'll just leave this right here
RE: Microsoft Edge Browser / Bing Search censoring
@lololulu19 Sadly, we are living in a time when many things get suppressed or silenced because they're not conducive to the narrative that the 1%'ers are trying to push on people. Even Google takes down stuff, and not necessarily just stuff that could be hazardous either. They have repeatedly taken down content from people speaking out about the current state of affairs, simply because their view poses an immediate threat to the agenda that is being pedaled by the 1%'ers.
RE: hopefully, a better year for gay porn...
@lololulu19 Well.... To be fair, the terms of service do state that you shouldn't upload anything unless you certify that you own the copyright rights to it. Just sayin'
RE: Torrent no longer works
@NickJakobs For Mac OS users, we recommend Transmission, Flox, or qBitTorrent
RE: Xmas Banner Request
They're AI generated.... From what system, I don't know.
RE: Elon Musk restores Trump’s Twitter account
@Rotron I don't know just how bad you have things in the United States, but here in Canada, that's a very dangerous line to walk. See, not that long ago here in Canada, we had the largest protest in Canadian history take place right in downtown Ottawa. Our "valid news sources" all were trying to downplay it, only delivering a sliver of the truth, while completely trying to spin everything else and dismiss it as being just a small thing, were trying to dismiss it completely, or were trying to pass the actions of only a very small number in that group as representing the values of the group as a whole, as it did not fall in line with the agenda that the government (or more particularly, the higher power that plays the government officials like puppets) was trying to push. On social media on the other hand, there were a plethora of live streams exposing this very thing. In many cases, the "valid news sources" were trying to push a narrative that simply did not exist, or that was seriously different from the actual reality, and had it not been for the many, many people who were live streaming what was actually happening to compare it to what the mainstream media was trying to push, this would not have been exposed nearly to the extent that it was, if at all.
The same thing happens in the United States, although to what degree, I do not know. It has been happening for some time now, but because these sources are said to have credibility in journalism (if you really want to call it that), people blindly buy into what they're trying to pedal, without realizing that these sources have now all been bought and paid for to push a narrative that fits their agenda, often without questioning it.
Another alarming issue we have with the other "alternative" sources such as Facebook and YouTube is that there have been a number of things now that I can think of off the top of my head where the "valid news sources" fell completely silent on, and sources like Facebook and Twitter actually took down content under the guise of it being "misinformation" simply because it did not fit the narrative that the government (who has effectively bought and paid for the mainstream media to be their propaganda mills) wanted to push.
One of the most powerful instances I can think of is a video titled "Died Suddenly", which is a well put together documentary done by a number of coroners who have banded together to speak out about new and interesting things that they're finding that they cannot explain, have never seen before the COVID vaccine came out, and have been told by their superiors to remain silent on. You can find it here:
The interesting part about this documentary in particular is that I have a few coroner friends who I have shown this video to, who have all said they've been finding the exact same things in patients even here in Canada, but have been told to keep these findings hush hush. This video has been removed from Facebook and YouTube several times now under the guise of "false information", and yet the mainstream media in both Canada and the US are completely silent about its findings. It seems that freedom of speech only applies if the speech you are speaking falls in line with the agenda that the powers that really control the government are trying to push.
The whole situation surrounding this video and the lack of coverage in the mainstream media only further confirms my view that the mainstream media is but a propaganda mill that is intended to push a narrative as defined by their government officials who have bought and paid for them, and have also themselves been sold out to the highest bidder. Things like this are actually why the Canadian government is trying so hard to push bill C-10 to limit and censor things like social media because if things like this become too wide spread, it would seriously damage their plan to push the narrative that they want to push, especially if people are allowed to continue to express views (and even facts) that do not fit the narrative they want to push.
So yes... At this day and age, alternative information sources have unfortunately become a bit of a necessity in order to get to the truth, instead of just the heavily biased narrative that the powers that be want people to buy into. Simply put, alternative means of communication and sharing ideas have become necessary in more recent times in order to stop the propaganda and speak the actual truth.
RE: Elon Musk restores Trump’s Twitter account
@Rotron said in Elon Musk restores Trump’s Twitter account:
@blablarg18 Yah. This is the reason why we must rely on valid news sources only. Always always verify news we read online. Only smart people do this. Those tweets we shared to me on another forum and shared them here.
Define valid news source... At this day and age, it's sad to say that much like us up in Canada, the mainstream media is nothing more but a propaganda puppet for the government. If it's not completely fabricated to cause outrage, it's at the very least incredibly biased, and only pushes the narrative that the real powers that run our countries want to push.
In other words, "valid news source" is laughable to say the least.
RE: Do the mods throttle/slow certain torrents so that they fail?
@djsoapbubble It's not just here... Anywhere on the internet, especially anywhere with a comments section is often full of trolls and people who just want to get a rise out of other people. It's really sad what this world has come to at this day and age.
RE: Merry Christmas in my Language
@kalayaan In my native language.... Joyeux Noël
RE: My uploads keep getting taken down
@looselips If yours was taken down due to DMCA you can be sure that it's only a matter of time before the other upload that (for now) has remained up and alive will also get zapped. It's just a matter of time.
RE: Do the mods throttle/slow certain torrents so that they fail?
@semurg30 No staff has the ability to control or modify the rate at which a torrent transfers. If you have the URL of the torrent, I could look a little more into the matter and see what's going on for you.
RE: Help me find my favorite Cadinot film, s'il vous plaît
@eobox91103 Don't ya just love the good old days of porn on VHS? Haha!
RE: Dead Torrent
@ikpooo said in Dead Torrent:
Holy shit, it works, someone make the torrent freeleech!
I can't thank you guys enough for all the advice and tipsYou're welcome.... I looked at your profile and saw what you were trying to download, so I worked some magic to get it going for you.
RE: CIA behind JFK assassination, says Tucker Carlson on-air / in primetime
@blablarg18 There is a very compelling documentary on this very thing, claiming it to likely be an "accident". It's called "The Smoking Gun". This documentary only confirmed this theory for me. They claim it was an accident, but if it were an accident, why all the cover up?
RE: CIA behind JFK assassination, says Tucker Carlson on-air / in primetime
@blablarg18 Call me a conspiracy theorist if you must, but I've known for a long time that JFK had his brains blown out with a hallow point because he couldn't be bought.
RE: Dead Torrent
@ikpooo A dead torrent is a torrent that no longer has any seeders. It's possible that you MAY be able to bring life back to it by requesting a re-seed using the button at the bottom of the page, but it's hit or miss as to whether or not it will come back to life.
RE: Anti-LGBTQ hate thrives online, spurs fears of more violence
This just cracks me up....
The transphobic content targeting events such as Patterson’s is just a subset of the hateful content about Jews, Muslims, women, Black people, Asians and others that has internet safety advocates and an increasing number of lawmakers in the United States and elsewhere pushing for tougher regulations that would force tech companies to do more.
In other words, much like Bill C-10 in Canada which needs to be shot down in flames, the answer is to censor the internet. The only problem with this is that these measures are often (at least in Canada) taken too far and shut down anything that does not fit the narrative that the government wants to push.
Ladies and gentlemen... Welcome to communist China. Merely censoring offending content won't do a damn thing to curb this kind of behaviour. It will only make this kind of thing get taken to other platforms where it will be tolerated. What needs to happen instead is instead of getting the tech companies to shut it down, hate crime charges need to be brought forward and the individuals in question need to be prosecuted on them.