Lots of right wing groups have routinely called out and protested at speaking events of left leaning people. The heritage foundation even pays people to do it. The focus on the family organization has events scheduled in advance to protest speakers that they don't agree with and they and others like to gang up and try and force speakers down.
It pretty much the same from both sides, unfortunately. Look at many of Hillary Clintons campaign stops. She had people try and disrupt as much as Trump did, probably more.
Whoa, whoa :crap:
I'm sorry but there is a HUGE difference between protesting at a Clinton campaign stop and setting fire to buildings and cars to stop someone from speaking. I went to some Clinton campaign stops and no one ever shouted over her or Bill or anyone else who was speaking and this was in South Carolina. This is a red state and no one did anything disrespectful or harmful to stop anyone on the left from speaking. Agent Orange did call for his supporters to commit acts of violence at his rallies and there were a few incidents, but nothing on the level of what we've been seeing on the left. Are you aware that death threats (illegal btw) and acts of violence stopped Ann Coulter from giving a speech? Name a time in the past year where death threats kept a liberal from giving a speech. Once again, not even a left-wing psycho like Cornel West has been stopped from speaking. I am liberal and I am in no way trying to support conservatives, but they have a legitimate argument right now.
Edit: There was one dumb young black millenial pro-Bernie girl who disrupted Hillary in my state at a private event bringing up a political statement that Hillary made back in the 90s, but she was quickly thrown out and Hillary was able to finish what she was saying. That was pretty much as close Hillary got to being disrupted, and no one was hurt. Compare that to the destruction caused on college campuses to keep right-wing speakers from speaking. You simply cannot make the both sides arguments. I mean damn, look at what's happening in New Orleans right now. Are the pro-slavery and pro-confederacy supporters of those monuments rioting and burning down the city to keep those disgusting monuments up? There's been a few shoving but they have been protesting relatively peaceful compared to those idiots on the college campuses.