These are the SAME PEOPLE who were horrified at the idea that if Hillary was elected, people might not accept her as president.

These are the SAME PEOPLE who were horrified at the idea that if Hillary was elected, people might not accept her as president.

A bunch of Nazis showed up to protest a statue removal. A young woman was killed by one of these Nazis. You are a really sick person if you are defending this.
Yes, very sick.
It seems like #45 is finally doing something other presidents couldn't, unifying both parties in Congress on certain things. This is yet another bipartisan effort to limit the powers of this president (like sanctions and the protection of Mueller). I wonder how far are they truly willing to go to block the poisonous efforts of #45.
All of your views on healthcare lead me to believe you really want single payer.
I agree, it does seem like they want a single payer system.
It really is a shame that our President LIED about locking her up. She deserves it.
Yes, our president said many times he'd lock her up. He's such a coward and a blatant liar.
Disgusting Scaramucci is out :cheers:
This isn't surprising though. This White House has already proven itself to be incompetent and for that reason, there will be no major legislation accomplishments aided by this White House. It's only going to go downhill from here and it truly is sad to witness. Just wait until the investigation really gets going.
What's disgusting is how you are so happy whenever you think the country is failing. Sorry to rain on your misery parade, but the stock market is at an all time high now… 21,891. (it was 18,500 before Trump was elected). Next month, a massive tax cut will be passed - which will be a much bigger postitive accomplishment that anything Obama ever did. As for Scaramucci.. that's a case of the moonbats attacking that he got the position.. and again attacking when he was removed.
I'm curious about something though. You mentioned an investigation. Investigation of WHAT? And why have we heard nothing of any investigation or any evidence?
I was referring to this incompetent administration going down, not the country. The economy actually is doing pretty good, just as good as it was doing throughout President Obama's last 2 years in office. Our incompetent current president–-as well as his supporters---only accept the economy numbers now because he's president, the numbers have been decent for a while now. Funny how you left out where the stock market was when President Obama took office in 2009 and how it got to 18,000+.
You haven't heard anything because Robert Mueller is the stealth master. You'll know all you need to know when the subpoenas and/or arrest warrants come down.
Also, I'm not bringing this up simply because Scaramucci got fired; it's the fact that he was praised by this incompetent president and brought on like some big savior only to be used to force Priebus out and then stabbed in the back by the cowards working there, including the president. The White House is a mess and was one way before the Scaramucci fiasco. It's filled with disgusting liars and cowards who are never straight-forward with anything. They have no credibility left, yet they want us all to bow down and respect the incompetent leader. Never gonna happen.
Disgusting Scaramucci is out :cheers:
This isn't surprising though. This White House has already proven itself to be incompetent and for that reason, there will be no major legislation accomplishments aided by this White House. It's only going to go downhill from here and it truly is sad to witness. Just wait until the investigation really gets going.
A president with a 32-38% approval rating should expect constant criticism from all sides until he proves he has real leadership skills and is loyal to the American people. The current president hasn't done either of those things; therefore, he is being rightfully criticized. The American people are not going to blindly follow an incompetent blatant liar and coward, which are the only characteristics this president has shown us so far. Maybe things will change and maybe he will become more presidential and will stop being a coward and a liar, but for right now that's all he's shown us.
Is it really surprising after the "#45 supports LGBTQ individuals" lie that this administration does not support us? Why is the president not taking up for us now? Why is he not defending us from what Jeff Sessions wants to do? If he needs a reason to fire Sessions, shouldn't this be it? Or has this president once again shown he's a coward and a liar?
Who supports this? Who wants to see other gays lose their jobs, benefits, etc. just because they are gay or if their employer assumes they are gay? Yet another indefensible action by this president and his administration.
Here we go again…
On the one hand.. people are complaining that Sessions is attacking gays..
While on the other hand.. people are attacking Trump for criticizing Sessions and warning him not to fire Sessions.This is exactly the same two-faced logic that reared it's head with firing James Cumonme.
Didn't the president say he was going to be a president that stands up for LGBT individuals? Did he not make the promise that he would not let his administration discriminate against LGBT individuals? He is a coward and a liar like I said. If he was a man of his word, he would come out and say "AG Sessions is WRONG to file motions with ANY court to make the legal argument for discriminating against LGBT individuals." He has not been saying that and you are wrong for attempting to twist my point. The president has been criticizing AG Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia collusion investigation, not for being a disgusting bigot. The longer the president remains silent on this, the more he himself is going to come off as a disgusting bigot. He says he's done with Sessions, then he needs to prove it. Come out against what Sessions is trying to do to LGBT individuals, not just about Sessions recusing himself.
Nah man, you are jumping to conclusions. It's obvious where you go from one story to the next in your reasoning in about 5 seconds. You are basically making a case against Trump when he never said such a thing. I get where you're coming from but you're taking it to another level that just isn't there.
I'm not jumping to anything. He stated many times at his rallies that he would stand up for LGBT individuals and he's not. He has said nothing and has no plans on saying anything about what Sessions said to that appeals court this week. Where are his statements disagreeing with what Sessions is doing? This is his administration and he is letting this happen, which means he is a coward and a blatant liar. He is not an advocate for LGBT individuals, it was just another lie from a coward who conned 77,000 people in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin into voting for him so that he'd get enough precincts to win those states. Disgusting.
Hopefully this "Skinny repeal" also fails. 16 million will lose their health insurance because of it and it will do nothing to please the Republican base so passing it will still cause political pain for the Republicans. I agree with what others have said in other threads, the ACA was the Republican's plan and they only came out against it because President Obama was the president who signed it into law. The only direction Republicans can go into is to the left on this because the American people will react negatively to any report that shows millions losing coverage.
Is it really surprising after the "#45 supports LGBTQ individuals" lie that this administration does not support us? Why is the president not taking up for us now? Why is he not defending us from what Jeff Sessions wants to do? If he needs a reason to fire Sessions, shouldn't this be it? Or has this president once again shown he's a coward and a liar?
Who supports this? Who wants to see other gays lose their jobs, benefits, etc. just because they are gay or if their employer assumes they are gay? Yet another indefensible action by this president and his administration.
They won't get anything done. They might as well milk the Gorsuch thing until it can't be milked anymore because that's it. This administration's days are numbered which is why officials are already resigning. And speaking on that, I'm glad Spicer is gone. He was a blatant liar and a manipulator who severely hurt this administration's credibility and should never have been in the White House in the first place. One down, about a cabinet more to go :cheers:
It ain't over til it's over, but I think this may be the end. ObamaCare is most likely here to stay :cheers:
I'm not sure, but I think you meant that the Republicans have given up on trying to pass a new healhcare bill that would repeal / replace Obamacare.
Instead, it looks to me that what they are doing is allowing Obamacare to collapse completely, so that instead of getting blamed for repealing Obamacare and replacing it with something else… they will look like heroes in passing a new healthcare bill AFTER Obamacare collapses completely and is gone.
Nope, not what I meant at all. Also, if ObamaCare collapses or if they repeal it they will not be seen as heroes because they will not be able to replace the Medicaid coverage that ObamaCare made available that 19 Republican-led states took advantage of. Do you honestly think they will be seen as heroes for ripping away a program that has given important medicine to people in rural counties who voted for this president? What about those trying to fight opioid addiction? What about states who have been able to balance their budgets easier because of the Medicaid funding provided by the ACA? They OWN this and just like when Democrats lost so many of their seats for passing it, Republicans will lose for showing they don't care about the very people who voted for them. And primary challenges will not save them. When people are afraid of losing their healthcare, they don't want to listen to some far-right nutjob talk about "rape is God's will" or "the body has a mechanism to shut down unwanted pregnancy." I know you remember what happened to the two Senate candidates who said those bogus statements. They ran against and beat electable Republicans in the primaries in Republican-comfortable states and LOST to Democrats because of it.
Yeah, because other leaks about this White House haven't turned out to be completely true. He's definitely scrambling right now because Mueller is finding some incriminating stuff. It's only a matter of time before :cheers:
Our president is corrupt and has no credibility whatsoever. Will make the impeachment process swift :cheers:
I hope John McCain's family will be okay, this is devastating news.
Unless he actually does go out on 5th avenue and shoot someone, he won't be impeached by this Congress. If the Democrats win back the House in 2018, that is a different story. Even under those circumstances, he would never be convicted in the Senate.67 Senators would have to vote to convict, a very high bar indeed.
I believe the Republicans will abandon him if his unpopularity brings them down far enough. There will come a point where they no longer defend him out of fear that they will lose everything.
He is more popular and has better approval ratings than the GOP in the House or Senate. What I predict is that we will see a lot of new faces elected in 2018, they just will be fresh Republican faces to unseat the old ones.
That's not saying much, they're in the 18-22% approval range and he's in the 32-36% approval range. Also, you're leaving out the millions of people who did not vote but DO NOT want him as their president. People who sat it out because they thought Hillary would win, they will turnout to make sure he's stopped next year if he's not removed by then. Republicans are doomed and they know it, which is why they're throwing anything at the wall to see what sticks.
Either way, I still believe he'll be removed from office just as Allan Lichtman, who is never wrong, predicted. He predicted the win and he's has also predicted the impeachment and removal. There's no way the Republicans will sink with this president. They'll throw him under the bus to save themselves the moment collusion is proven or Mueller finds something incriminating enough. It still won't help them. The president ran and won as a Republican and he's unpopular with the MAJORITY of Americans just like the Republican party is, which means once he is impeached he will not have the support of the people to help him; only the flimsy number of people (~77,000) that helped him win the electoral college.
The only way that ObamaCare collapses is if Trump pulls the funding. It's doing quite well. The insurers are paying $98 profit per member per month. That almost double what they made last year.
Most likely, it won't collapse. Many insurance companies and market experts have said the health insurance market is either near or at stability. If this administration and the Republicans take action to make things worse, they will pay a hefty cost for it. Everyone is paying attention right now. This isn't 2010 or 2014 where you had record low turnout and no one was paying attention to anything. All people need is something to be highly upset over and they will blame who is in power. Who currently runs Congress and the White House right now? It doesn't matter if the president isn't really a Republican, he is the president and he ran on their ticket. The first midterm of a new president–-especially if he's highly unpopular---usually goes the same way: his party loses control of Congress. The only way out of this for Republicans is to leave the ACA in place and work with states to create their own exchanges and provide more subsidies or a combination of subsidies and Medicaid options for those too poor to qualify for tax subsidies. ObamaCare is the first step towards universal coverage and there's no going back obviously. And this delay talk is nonsense. They had 7 years to come up with something, got their president and still passed nothing. Now we're supposed to believe they'll come up with something in 2 years? Good luck with that one ;D
Just as I suspected. Nobody here is pro Trump. They are anti-liberal. That might be ok if they elected an actual Republican. Instead they chose an incompetent fool.
I've been saying it for a while, they just refuse to defend their arguments and the reason why they believe what they believe. It's really sad.