About that Charlottesville fiasco…
Where were all these "freedom of speech" people in Charlottesville?
The demonstrators got a legal permit, they were to have a speaker, the issue was the removal of a confederate monument.
The protesters came ready for a fight with weapons, they chased off the speaker that was scheduled, and they shut-down freedom of speech.They can't have it both ways.
This reminds me of local events that did not get a national audience. There was a local confederate statue that got moved to a private cemetery.
Then, there was a local mayoral rally, in which members of a black equivalent of the KKK showed up and stopped people from speaking.How can the USA expect the rest of the world to behave in a civil way when the USA is totally dysfunctional? For instance, right now we have a fairly new president whom half the country refuse to accept and do everything possible to attack him. These are the SAME PEOPLE who were horrified at the idea that if Hillary was elected, people might not accept her as president. This is after we got stuck with Sheik Obama for two terms.
A bunch of Nazis showed up to protest a statue removal. A young woman was killed by one of these Nazis. You are a really sick person if you are defending this.
A bunch of Nazis showed up to protest a statue removal. A young woman was killed by one of these Nazis. You are a really sick person if you are defending this.
Yes, very sick.
These are the SAME PEOPLE who were horrified at the idea that if Hillary was elected, people might not accept her as president.

These are the SAME PEOPLE who were horrified at the idea that if Hillary was elected, people might not accept her as president.

Very cute, however… bullshit.
Just WHO represents the liberal moonbat democrats these days? Hillary? Obama? Auntie Waters? CNN?
It is typical moonbat behavior to criticize everything while offering no alternatives.
A bunch of Nazis showed up to protest a statue removal. A young woman was killed by one of these Nazis. You are a really sick person if you are defending this.
I wasn't defending it, I was explaining it. The woman was there to protest, so were hundreds of other idiots. She was no angel herself.. but she did nothing that she should have been killed for.
It's ironic that you moonbats turn a blind eye whenever muslim maniacs kill a load of people.
Nazis are the product of socialism.
Enough said. -
I just saw the video of that car ramming into that crowd.
There was a virtual riot going on, with the street filled with moonbats dressed in fatigues with big nasty bats and clubs.
The lunatic nazi guy then intentionally plowed into the crowd. Two sides of the same hateful coin. Immediately, over a dozen thugs started attacking the car and broke out several of the windows with nasty weapons (why did they have weapons with them? why were they dressed in fatigues? why did they have helmets on with their faces hidden?). The nazi then put his car in reverse and plowed backwards into the mob that was attacking him. I assume the woman that was killed was in front of the car in the initial surge, but I am only assuming that. She may have been part of the group that ran up to attack the car. In the video, when the nazi plows BACKWARDS, you see one person get pinned between the nazi's car and a parked car and violently spun around. I'm surprised that person was not killed.. in fact, it is possible that person was the woman.Here's my advice.. when there is a riot going on.. GO HOME.
Another thing that happened that is being ignored is that a helicopter that was hovering over this riot crashed, killing the 2 pigs inside of it. It's chilling how the media have little or no sympathy for those 2 pigs. I don't like pigs.. in fact, I hate pigs.. but that doesn't mean that they should be killed.
There was lots of violence going on. It wasn't just from 1 side, but leftists refuse to admit that.
Of course there were no non whites there protesting the removal of the statue. WRONG!!!!!!
… and here we see how we have fucking nazi-apologists in our midst.
Driving a car into a crowd, killing one, that's called a terrorist act when it's a muslim doing the driving, but when it's a nazi, nopes, let's be really quiet about.
So big round of applause... congratulations gents, you're nazi-apologists. I bet you feel so fucking proud of yourselves now.
… and here we see how we have fucking nazi-apologists in our midst.
Driving a car into a crowd, killing one, that's called a terrorist act when it's a muslim doing the driving, but when it's a nazi, nopes, let's be really quiet about.
So big round of applause... congratulations gents, you're nazi-apologists. I bet you feel so fucking proud of yourselves now.
Trump immediately called the guy a "bigot". I've been calling him a nazi. This was not an act of terrorism but a hate crime. Even then, this was a two-sided event. The nazi rammed his car into a group of thugs who were wearing fatigues and carrying weapons. It was a battle of one group of assholes vs another asshole. Not every crime falls under the category of terrorism. I do understand why the moonbats are upset though. Moonbats are nazis themselves.. it's right in the name "national socialists". They won't admit it, but that is what they are. To them, being labeled a nazi is not a bad thing, they want him labeled a terrorist instead.
A problem cannot be understood and dealt with unless it is seen for what it is. When you fail to put the right label on the crime, you are not solving anything.
It's interesting that people like you defended Sheik Obama for failing to ever say the words "Islamic Terrorist".
… and here we see how we have fucking nazi-apologists in our midst.
Driving a car into a crowd, killing one, that's called a terrorist act when it's a muslim doing the driving, but when it's a nazi, nopes, let's be really quiet about.
So big round of applause... congratulations gents, you're nazi-apologists. I bet you feel so fucking proud of yourselves now.
Leftists committed terrorist acts on the day as well, but of course you will ignore than like always.
You guys have been doing if for several years now.
Leftists committed terrorist acts on the day as well, but of course you will ignore than like always.
You guys have been doing if for several years now.
Really… so the leftists drove a truck into a crowd trying to kill as many as possible?
Sorry Raphjd... you crossed a line. You are siding with facists, you are so desperate to change the goalposts and to shift blame, this is so fucking obvious that it's painful to see. You're a gay man, and you're defending facists... you really need to step back and ask yourself some questions. Is this really the hill you wish to die on?
If the answer is yes, then just come out and admit that you're a facist.
The liberals threw shit and piss filled bottles at people. That is biological terrorism. Period. Any leftist who will ignore this is the real Nazi. Some White Nationalists and Nazi and KKK showed up, but that was not the purpose or intent of the rally, and those people were told not to attend or bring their fascist symbols. It had nothing to do with Trump or his supporters. This was an attempt by the Liberals to create chaos by pretending to be right wingers in a false flag. 9 times out of 10 the "far right extremists" are actually Federal agents attempting to create riots to install martial law and destroy Freedom of Speech, and are actually being led by far leftists. I don't care if you want to believe those objective facts, those are the facts as I see them. You just get on here and scream racism - it's all subjective to you, and the News, which is why they are now deemed FAKE, because they are no longer objective. All the headlines are "Trump is a racist." That is pure subjective garbage - not objective. Learn the difference and then maybe you'll regain an ounce of your legitimacy. You guys are ok with the liberal universities teaching white genocide because you are the ones actually promoting racism. I don't care if you understand or accept that. How could you? That would require a deathblow to your ego. The idea that "the conservatives" drove a car into people and killed someone is absurd beyond belief.
Ok, let's get real here.
Fascists are leftist. Anyone who knows their history would know this. But clearly there are a lot of stupid leftists.
It's extremely telling that every time there's a violent confrontation, we're supposed to totally ignore the vile deeds by the left. This included the time that leftists attacked people in Portland for simply trying to go to work.
It's never "leftists" who do the violence, it's someone else doing it so it appears to be leftist.
It's also extremely telling how long it was for leftist to condemn the violence on both sides and how few did it. On top of that, their fellow leftists turned on the "traitors" for daring to condemn violence from both left and right. How dare a leftist condemn leftist violence. That's treason.
Jeff Session's Justice Department is charging the individual who drove the car into the crowd and killed someone, though the guy was being assaulted and in extreme danger. The Justice Department is NOT however, as of the moment, going after the far leftist Antifa terrorists who committed biological terrorism by throwing bottles of feces at people. So what more the hell do you guys want? You accuse us of defending the guy who drove the car, when we never did that, and you accuse us of supporting the KKK, when they were told not to attend. We're not putting up with this. Your people incited this violence and your city there in Charlotsville (Democrat), Mayor ordered the police to stand down so the riots could ensue. You caused this. And you support this. How dare you call us fascists? You are. Your people were violent again, and you blame us and Trump, even when Trump spoke against it, it wasn't what you wanted to hear. This is why I comment so little here anymore, because you guys are just out of your minds.
Jeff Session's Justice Department is charging the individual who drove the car into the crowd and killed someone, though the guy was being assaulted and in extreme danger. The Justice Department is NOT however, as of the moment, going after the far leftist Antifa terrorists who committed biological terrorism by throwing bottles of feces at people. So what more the hell do you guys want? You accuse us of defending the guy who drove the car, when we never did that, and you accuse us of supporting the KKK, when they were told not to attend. We're not putting up with this. Your people incited this violence and your city there in Charlotsville (Democrat), Mayor ordered the police to stand down so the riots could ensue. You caused this. And you support this. How dare you call us fascists? You are. Your people were violent again, and you blame us and Trump, even when Trump spoke against it, it wasn't what you wanted to hear. This is why I comment so little here anymore, because you guys are just out of your minds.
Yes, Sessions has a habit of caving in to appease his critics and get the heat off his own ass.
By the way, feces are host to a lot of very dangerous pathogens, including hepatitis and dysentery.
The liberals on here are the worst kind of hypocrites. They call us KKK when this rally was specifically against that from the start and then they are totally ok with Antifa throwing feces at anyone that disagreed with them. It's a disgrace and an abomination, and total insanity that these people on here think they have some sort of higher ground to stand on. You guys that defend this type of inhuman and animalistic, uncivilized behavior are disgusting and abhorrent.