You guys are sick. You see a post by a particular user and can do nothing but attack him for it. Want to talk about his other posts, which I agree some are crossing the civility line? Sure. But there was literally nothing offensive in this post whatsoever.
By the way, I agree with you mhorndisk on this topic. We should all strive to eat less meat, because it is just the right thing to do. A diet without meat has a much smaller carbon foot print (which is clearly a connection to political issues btw), is healthier, and reduces the suffering of animals.
It's hilarious that people claim to be liberal in here, but attack mhorndisk on a topic where he is liberal and politely professes a liberal perspective.
This should've been a thread used to find common ground. Instead, you guys just attack him because of Tribalism. Sad!
Re-read the threads. No one was attacking mhorndisk personally, they were just protesting that the post was on this board at all and not moved to rants and raves or cooking. While it may reduce your carbon footprint, Veganism is not a political issue and not conducive to debate. I believe mhorndisk is completely sincere in his beliefs, and I respect him for that, but he often uses this board as a soapbox, with not intention of listening to others.