Yes, please. Pit hair is one of the first signs of puberty, tendrils of pheremones wafting man scent as a come-on, announcing nascent fertility and inviting carnality. Treasure trails are less easy to spot in the course of days spent among others in ordinary "street" clothes and may not appear until later, if at all. But furred pits may be revealed while a dude is in his undershirt, even one with sleeves (as opposed to a "wife beater" with straps) and many a short-sleeved shirt, even with an undershirt), can reveal whisps and tentacles of the hirsute body decorations natural to men.
At least in the US, women shave their underarms, so they may present concave curves that look very different from men, making the masculine attribute a reassuring sign that this young man is not a child, this jock or older stud fully developed with not just the proportions of a mature animal fit for reproduction, but fully equipped even in the details.
It is the presence of such growth, the dark under the top of the arm, that leads many men to prefer the scent of a man, unperfumed, devoid of olfactory suppressing powders and creams. It is said that some Italian men, at least in times past, would dance topless, mopping their sweat with a handkerchief and waving it in the air to enlust the ladies and foment a miasma of sex perhaps reminiscent, for a fortunate few at least, of the potent reek of the locker room, redolent of crotch pong after a muscular athletic workout, the various scents of fit men redolent of bathhouse orgies and as enticing for arousal as beautifully photographed hamburger porn is to the eyes when offered up on the telly in adverts for fast food chains.
In the first episode of the great science fiction series Farscape, handsome, hairy Ben Browder's pits can be casually seen, a sort of promise, much later fulfilled, of his splendidly pelted masculine torso. And, as the Internet can enthusiastically attest, a glimmer of the possibility later confirmed that his basket is absolutely first rate and well worth careful study.
Saunas with a certain intended clientele these days may ban deodorants and perfumes that attenuate the humanimal musk that arises from even a single fapper, much less a pair or greater combo intimately entwined in heat. And it is armpits as much as any other part of the body (or its hard-wrought seminal fluids) that is referenced in the name of at least one popular long-standing brand of poppers purporting to be a "room odorizer."
These days, where crotch trimming and shaving especially plagues men in porn videos gay or straight, at least the armpit is often left au natural and a richly flourishing growth is left intact lest anyone be lulled into believing the boyish body at work spreading "wild oats" is actually as pre-pubescent as the immature nakedness of the shaved crotch does not belong, in fact, to a fully functioning potential breeder.
Personally, I love seeing a great untamed, untrimmed tangle of "pubic beard" on otherwise innocent and naive faces amongst the practiced youth in videos from the likes of Mike18. Whatever else, these are men in the early years of a lifetime of fapping and fucking and getting blown, and some people find it erotic to contemplate these boy men at the start of long careers that will develop from these first experiments and experiences with one another.
In that case, it is not just that their bodies have not settled into their final proportions like a Browder or a beefy athlete like Ben Cohen, which is allied with fantasies of virgins losing their ignorance (or, if you like, their innocence), but that they are biologically complete and learning the skills that will reward them for a lifetime of pleasure. Large cock or small, sperm geyser or sprinkle, the cosmic climax of a body with hair nodes naturally flourishing can be exciting.
Apparently the denuded bikini wax on men is also popular these days, and if consumers did not like looking at it, perhaps the men (whatever their age) of the performers would not allow it. Personally, someone with abs of steel, an adamantine dick, and loaded balls that barely contain their abundance of seed look strange to me when they have no hair, despite all the macho ink and fetishist or stylish piercings. Just me, I suppose, put off by the contradiction.
Maybe those who fancy flourishing pits as part of the sexual attractions of a man just got stuck there when perving on classmates in the teen and preteen years, when that is all there was to set them off other than what shapes and lines could be discerned or imagined within the modest confines of trousers.
Btw, there was a comic Canadian television series a couple of years ago– Alienated-- set on Vancouver Island, where it was filmed, in which a fairly ordinary suburban family is abducted by extraterrestrial aliens and then afflicted with various sexual deviations that raise havoc. The 14-year-old boy who is languishing as a butt of jokes for showing no signs of puberty goes so far as to use a Magic Marker to draw in fully mature armpits for himself, and then....
Overnight, he develops all the sexual growth and functioning he has longed for, sporting abundant underarm hair and some kind of scent that makes him completely irresistible to every girl or woman. If nothing else, the idea of a lad that age having a vigorous sex life is refreshing (or maybe just offensively shocking, since one of his schoolteachers is obsessed with him and demands constant service).
Joshua Jackson's affair with his high school teacher in Dawson's Crock was broadcast in 1998, but then Pacey Witter, that actor's character, was considerably older than Andrew Robb's character in the Canadian show, broadcast 2003-2004. Whether any of his alleged body hair in the screen caps is real is another matter, but whether inked in desperation or flaunted as a result of a growth spurt due to alien intervention (as shown while he is sitting in class), is not my point-- only that the kid in the script
is portrayed as proudly displaying this new growth as evidence of successful puberty and sexual functioning so that he is no longer the object of ridicule and contempt-- by both boys and girls-- in his classes.
Their reaction to his delayed development is absurd, as is their jeering response when it finally kicks in. Still, he cannot be the only boy who ever thrilled to discover he had developed the "secondary" sexual characteristics needed in order to work up a sweat under his arms. That early satisfaction from developing manhood can hardly be unique to this one person, but apparently it is just old-fashioned of me to think something that causes such personal pleasure for a lad -- a definite developmental step beyond peach fuzz on his upper lip-- should be considered an unwelcome growth in later life.