"Sad" from the Biggest Loser and most mocked man in New Naziville is hardly the worst thing he has said lately, but my reference was not to anyone here. As it happens, since the link does not work and the file here is not seeded, I had to do as others have done and look elsewhere. Fortunately, a quick search on pornhub turned up some videos that seem to be relevant.
Posts made by pornofan
Supposedly at https://www.gaytorrent.ru/details.php?id=b8b2a2590fa7cc99721e650ad4175fa3357fa6c1580b61d7
but there seems to be a seeding failure. What's that bigot say? Sad. -
RE: New site: PORN BASE CENTRAL - the free encyclopedia of gay porn
As of Aug, not ready for prime time. Looked for info on several people. No listing for Lee Marlin, Tommy Defendi, Kurtis Wolfe, but interesting info on Colby Jansen, including a bit about his ongoing rugby career. Looks like filmographies are still waiting for someone to fill them in, so if you want to know what videos to look for, this is not yet the place.
Tiny Program to Index Drives
Once upon a time there was a small application that very swifty listed all the files on a drive and would even provide a full path statement for every directory and sub directory. Considering how few applications there are here, it should be easy for me to locate it, but while I did not delete it, the program is not to be found on my computer anymore, and it does not leap out at me from this site.
Best I know, the file was obtained from here. It was just small, swift, and very usefully helpful, also helpfully useful. Please, if anyone has any idea what this .exe was or what it might be, pls reply because I'd like to use it some more, wherever it came from.
Trump Under Criminal Investigation
Today, on his birthday, the short-fingered vulgarian was revealed to be the subject of a criminal investigation by the Special Counsel for apparently trying to block an investigation into whether Trump or his associates colluded with Russia or had improper dealings with Russia prior to the election– or after it.
This is not "fake news." Trump's personal lawyer has boasted that he was responsible for the firing of federal attorney Preet Bharara, looking into Trumpco criminality, bribery, money laundering, petty grifting, and international mob ties. "He's gonna get you," the dude said. And the tweeting termagent fumes, increasingly isolated, more and more obviously the world's biggest loser.
That personal criminal probe of Trumplethinskin is on top of increasingly determined bipartisan investigations in the US Senate. And the assembled team of investigators may be the most powerful ever assembled by the Department of Justice -- or anyone else. It includes a man called the top trial lawyer in the country, someone who has handled over 100 cases in front of the Supreme Court (arguing cogently and without notes), experts of Russian criminality esp. in the financial realm, experts on mob operations, money laundering experts, and so on.
When the chattering ninnies on Fox News tried to dismiss the Russian hacking into US elections and more than half of the 50 US states, noted Fox newsman Chris Wallace contradicted them directly: "This is not a nothingburger."
Some aspects of these now consolidated worldwide investigations have been going on since before Il Douche d'Or took office, and some apparently go back years. No one knows who will fall victim to thuggery or coverup charges, but in the case of Slippery Dick Nixon, all of the people immediately around the president ended up in the slammer.
The more people who are interviewed, the more people will be talking to the press, and the tighter and more the terrified but impotent Trump and his moronic minions will become. Already, people are fleeing his vile satrapy. Most government positions that require Congressional approval are unfilled, no one even named, and of the few who have been selected and who have not declined or backed out, most of them have not actually been submitted to Congress for approval.
Partisans in the House and Senate who have made a mockery of investigations into how a hostile foreign power attempted to influence a US election and continue to influence US policy will have to decide quickly whether they are so certain there is nothing wrong that they are willing to be fitted for prison stripes for aiding and abetting what seems like obvious subversion.
From the time the Republican platform was unaccountably altered by Trumpistas when it spoke of Putin's Ukraine intrusions right up to this week when the international laughingstock was trying to reverse some punishments imposed by Nobel Prize winner and internationally admired President Obama, something fishy has been going on. Everyone around the cat grabber has lied about their contacts with the oligarchy and acted in a manner so furtive and villainous that they could be trying out for the role of Boris Badenov in a Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoon revival.
There is no way anyone can look at any of this and legitimately conclude anything except "They were up to something." And none of this can be good news for a 71-year-old brat famous for throwing tantrums (not all of them on Twitter), who has never released his medical report but who has been seen dazed and confused in public (check out that press conference in Israel, where he wandered off in a stupor), who has ADD, who can no longer speak in coherent sentences or use words of more than a couple of syllables (the decline is clear in recorded videos from today compared with years past), and who does not even have the energy to walk through the streets of Taormina with actual world leaders in search for the kind of local models von Gloeden made famous because it takes a golf cart to keep him from passing out.
As the real estate bastard who has had Russian rubles bail him out more than once continues to be thwarted, to contradict himself repeatedly, and to be his own worst enemy (well, not while I'm alive), the noise will only get worse, the "leaks" more pervasive. The country maybe cannot stand much more of this slo-mo catastrophe, but it is stronger than he is. Since he has not been "getting any" with his wife in another state until this week, maybe his mood will lighten, though it also may be that having her within reach won't actually change anything as his fantasy world collapses.
One sign of unindited co-conspirators is the bots who appear in forums like this one to defend the indefensible, always beginning with personal attacks on "moonbats" and "cucks," before moving into bullshit. As has been pointed out, bullshit is not a lie, it is something spread with absolute and total disregard for whether it is true or not. Bullshit is spewed without reference to "Truth," even when proof to the contrary is immediately at hand.
"Who would ask for a loyalty oath" like that, he asked. And tout le monde saw him ask rally goers to raise their hands and promise to vote for him. And the bots hereabouts who sneer without facts and attack people rather than arguments are yet further evidence of the desperate lengths these malicious anti-Americans will go to. As the house of cards comes crashing down, those who refuse to admit the Russian hacking in the US, like Putin's involvement in Brexit, in Germany, in France, and other countries, will show their true colors and reveal the yellow stripe of cowardice on their backs.
Note, for example, that Trump has denied Russia hacked the US election operation, right from the beginning and right up to this week. And he has done that even knowing classified details that he continues to deny and to lie about.
Today, btw, the US Senate, all but unanimously, voted to add serious additional sanctions against international outlaw Russia. Those will be put in place by literal Act of Congress, not by means of an executive order that our current executive can undo. And while the search goes on to find out exactly who helped the hackers subvert a national election, however much pain that process brings with each new revelation, at least it may be such a distraction that the grand plan for destruction and subversion is thwarted.
Today is certainly the beginning of the end for this fool, what our Founders would have called a monarchist and today we would call a dictator. How much a once great country and now former world leader can survive while all this plays out remains to be seen.
US denies visas to gay Russians fleeing Chechnya
According to a BuzzFeed News report, a group of around 40 gay men are hiding elsewhere in Russia to escape the country’s homophobic persecution, and have had difficulty acquiring visas to leave the country.
Since the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta first reported the abuse of dozens of gay Chechens in April, just two have managed to secure visas to safe countries despite the European Union and the United States expressing concern about the allegations, Zakharova said. A handful of gay Chechens have fled without visas because they believed the danger of staying in Russia was too great.
Svetlana Zakharova, a representative for the group Russia LGBT Network, told BuzzFeed “negotiations have been difficult” with countries that could provide safe haven for these queer refugees. She went on to say that “the US is not going to issue visas for people from Chechnya.”
Left with no way to get out, the gay men seeking visas continue to fear for their lives in Russia. The strongman who rules Chechnya with near impunity, Ramzan Kadyrov, is accused of having his critics hunted down both in other parts of Russia and outside Russia's borders.Kadyrov has responded to the Novaya Gazeta reports — which have since been confirmed by human rights organizations and international news outlets — by denying such a crackdown could have taken place because Chechnya "does not have this phenomenon called non-traditional sexual orientation." Several of the reporters involved in breaking the story left Russia in fear for their safety after a Kadyrov advisor called them "enemies of our faith and of our country" in a televised rally in April.
Zakharova told BuzzFeed News that "negotiations have been difficult" with representatives of countries that could provide safe refuge for survivors of the violence. She would not name the countries the organization was still trying to secure visas from because this could put any Chechens whose applications ultimately succeeded in danger, but she said in an email to BuzzFeed News on Tuesday that "we were informed that the US is not going to issue visas for people from Chechnya."
Dow falls 310 points; stocks wipe out monthly gains as Trump fears send shivers
That's the headline just now at CNBC.com.
"Earnings have provided a good fundamental base for the market, but I'm beginning to wonder if this news item is the straw that breaks the camel's back," said David Schiegoleit, managing director of investments at U.S Bank Private Client Reserve.
The news item in question, mocked by trolls and sock puppets on this very forum, is that the highly respected former FBI head James Comey has abundant documentation of Trump obstruction of justice matters.
Some fools want to pretend the economy is great because so far Wall Street is thriving. Now watch job growth slow to a stop while all the usual suspects pretend they do not notice that wages are not increasing, even as jobs go begging. Watch the price of food increase as climate change increases and immigration policies leave produce unpicked. And by all means watch the coal industry continue to go nowhere because there is no such thing as "clean coal" and it was already being killed by automation anyway. Perhaps the death of the US travel industry will show up in job reports before long, since the country is now rather an international pariah.
Good thing the short-fingered vulgarian bully is making America stronger. At least, kissing ass for Russia, China, N. Korea, and Turkey is what he is doing, so presumably the pustulent pest is making the US more safe– at least if having health care and earning a living wage don't matter. This whining Biggest Loser spends a lot of time (just like Lyin' Ryan's preposterous "budget" scam with its magic asterisks and dishonest "dynamic" fantasies) counting unhatched chickens.
And then, hilariously, they hatch and he still can't count them.
Since we have never seen his medical reports, we cannot know whether the biggest turd in the world's political punch bowl is subject to growing dementia, but there is a viral video that makes the case, and it may be preposterous, but St. Ronnie had that problem, so it's not unheard of. This is not mainstream, like Hillary's pizza parlor pedophile ring, or the murder conspiracy that Fox spent yesterday dealing with until it all fell apart, but as some respected alleged reporter once said, "it's out there."
RE: Both Parties Begin Calls to Impeach the Incompetent Trump
So has someone found evidence Trump is tweeting from a secure server?
RE: Trump Stormed Off
"Your comments are so full of it, that they don't deserve a response. Seems like nobody pays any attention to you anyway."
And yet somehow, here you are, responding anyway.
"You overlooked that the Secretary of State and the U.S. National Security Advisor were at that same meeting and said several times that Trump did nothing wrong."
The S of S is an unregenerate Confederacy apologist who was specifically, and Twice, told by Trump
to leave the room for that inappropriate private chat with the man conducting investigations against his possible financial corruption and collusion with a foreign power, possibly via fired national security advisor Michael Flynn, a paid foreign agent.The current S of S is active military and as such subject to court martial if he does not do or say anything the Commander in Chief tells him to do or say. No one in this White House has any credibility whatsoever. Why would anyone believe a thing they say about anything at all?
"Instead, you and several other news organizations,"
Surprise! I am not a news organization.
What we know is that immediately after the foot-in-mouth fuckup, intelligence agencies were alerted, our allies in Israel were informed of the breach of protocol (exactly what they had been warned against, in fact), and the world is now less safe.
Since Trump is only the latest member of his gang to try to cover up a meeting with the Russian spy he blabbed to, it might be the Russians who leaked this info. It might be almost anyone because no White House in history has been more of an oozing and pustulent source of leaks.
Did you miss the part about how CNN and others who Know what Trump said did NOT reveal the parts that intelligence officials went into overdrive to cover up lest they be spread even more widely? What has been published in the US so far is MUCH less than what our enemies now know. Careful about throwing around terms like "high treason," buster.
Also, notice the way "Frederick" retells the story. The story is that we have more and deeper intelligence ties with Israel than with any other country. And they have humans inside ISIS risking their lives. These people found out something that Israel shared with the intel agencies and Trumb shot off his mouth and his braggadoccio may have gotten people killed, may have interfered with the US getting vital intelligence. The info came to us with the specific standard operating procedure that it would not be passed to any other country without permission.
No permission was asked or given. The immediate Trumpery denials were carefully worded to deny that he did stuff that news stories did not pretend ever happened.
Not sure what anonymous sources you are thinking about, but stories from multiple news organizations citing multiple separate sources, have reported what the president now claims he had every right to blurt. A little late to be peddling "he did not do anything." That ship has already sailed. Now the story is, "Yeah, I did it. So what?"
Totally apart from attempting to piss off citizens who do not agree with your version of this breaking story, do you have any concern whatever that the overheard screaming from Bannon, Spicer, and others, might indicate a problem? The moment even a brain-addled tantrum thrower says something if that malevolent child is president, those former secrets, if they were secrets, are automagically unclassified. And he can fire people, too. So what? He can also tweet the nuclear codes, but that does not mean it is right, however lawful.
Sure, government officials chat with each other all the time to clarify, negotiate, threaten, and so on. But when superduper double secret Codeword intel is involved, there are procedures, and in this case they involve a mandatory request for permission first. And ANYTHING shared with enemies of the US, specifically with Russia, has a host of long-standing protocols, procedures, check and doublecheck lists of things to be sure off before word one. NONE of this stuff happened. And you think that is a Good Thing? I suppose you also think Trump's upcoming lecture on Islam is just what will make the Saudis out BFFs, right?
These days, brain dead nihilists chant "Russia is our friend! Russia is our friend!" to show how patriotic they are. Take a look at your fellow patriots and stfu:
RE: Comey is screwed…
Nothing better for the neofascist brigade than trying to piss off Democrats, starting with name calling.
Comey is not in trouble. He has, in fact, nothing to lose but his reputation, whatever you think that might be worth at this point. Please point out where the fired FBI head has accused the infantile POTUS of obstruction. He has made a record of a conversation, maybe of many conversations, with the marmalade Moussellini. Accusations are another matter. Conclusions are another matter. He made a record and kept on keeping on doing his job.
As posted today in a variety of ways by my very own self, Comey is much admired and trusted by the FBI and has been for years. He has made many mistakes, but no one who knows him or who has worked with him thinks he is other than a perfect and an upright man. Buy-Bull believers will recognize the reference.
He keeps records. When pressure is applied, he writes it all down and passes it around so there is a contemporary record. He could have spoken out and resigned, thus allowing Il Douche to get away with a cover-up, but instead he kept on with the intensified probe he was conducting and telling Congress about on a frequent basis, and made particular efforts to make sure that no one actively investigating the ruble-rouser got even a hint of pressure.
Evidence suggests Trump was laundering money for Russian criminals to enrich himself and family. And that he and manymany others were colluding with Putin et Cie. to get those inconvenient Obama sanctions lifted so they can all exploit billions and billions of petrobucks currently barred because Putin was (and still is) actively subverting the US government and its Weakest Link.
He has been mobbed up for decades as part and parcel of his real estate ventures, which sometimes (cf Turkey) even he has said compromise his independence. He has allowed a paid foreign agent access to top level US secrets even after knowing – because he was specifically told repeatedly, even by his own team-- the danger. Meanwhile, the transition team was running around with confidential documents and taking them out of safe places as if they were so many Tinker Toys.
He is on the record saying that you cannot deal with some of the countries making him rich unless you pay bribes. If he or his agencies paid bribes, he is personally and specifically guilty of a crime.
He demanded Comey swear fealty to him, but was thwarted. He demanded Comey return to Hillary e-mails and seek out leakers (hint: since everyone hates him, everyone leaks from every pore of this out of control maladministration). He suggested reporters should be locked up.
Attacking the press with the kind of "useful idiots" spreading his lies on this site, attacking independent courts, independent investigators, and most major US allies (but not Russia! not a single negative word about Russia!) still does not make the bastard competent or lift his poisonous popularity numbers. Up next: financial collapse, because we already have "responsible" Republicans and Trump minions calling for a one-party shut down of the government they hate and have no ability whatever to operate as a governing mechanism.
The Wall St. Journal today says tax "reform" now seems off the pig party agenda. Thanks, Obama.
Do not be distracted by trolls. They may chortle that Comey is dead meat, but someone said you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Today it has set Chelsea Manning free. And a remarkable array of "conservative" opinion spouters are jumping ship, from Andrew Sullivan (HIV+ barebacker) to George Fucking Will, and even elected politicians watching their career evaporate in a puff of smoke as flames leap higher.
Are Republicans Reaching Their Limit?
The Washington Examiner, a reich-whinge propaganda rag, is waking up, along with more and more other cranks, "conservatives," Confederacy apologists, white supremacists, "alternative fact" peddlers, and general icky enablers of the ongoing and bottomless filth being smeared by the Biggest Loser and his Quisling apparatchiks.
Not content with lining their pockets with plastic so they can steal soup, the cat-grabber and his stooges are in crisis mode. He demands utter loyalty and offers nothing in return, backstabbing his defenders and turning their coverup into so many lies a few hours after they shatter whatever reputation they might have left.
“You have this White House that is lurching from crisis to crisis, the image is of disarray — they can’t get their hands around the basic day-to-day agenda, and define the progress they have made,” said Republican pollster David Winston to the Examiner. “One of the things that the president has is the bully pulpit; the bully pulpit lets you drive the agenda and these crises haven’t let the White House effectively get there.”
“I mean, seriously, when is this shit going to stop?”
“People are feeling – it’s disgust, it’s shame, it’s you name it, all of the above,” one lobbyist said. Donors reportedly keep asking, “When is this going to end? How can we recover? These are clowns.”
These are people who may be about to lose their jobs and a majority in Congress. And as the corruption starts getting subpoenas and demands for documents and hearings, the daily eruptions are wearing them down and they are no longer so eager to pretend they don't hear anything, don't see anything, don't know anything. It's pathetic.
Russian state-run bank financed Toronto Trump hotel through mystery buyer
A new report in the Wall Street Journal reveals that a Trump-branded hotel in Toronto received an urgently needed cash injection via a deal financed by a Russian state-run bank.
According to the Journal, government-owned VEB helped former Trump hotel partner Alexander Shnaider arrange an asset sale involving a share in a Ukrainian steel firm worth $850 million. Shortly after Shnaider completed the deal, he quickly began injecting cash into the Trump Toronto project, which the Journal notes was financially troubled at the time of the sale.
“VEB has long been viewed by Russian analysts as a vehicle for the Russian government to fund politically important projects.” Even more intriguing is the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin was chairman of VEB’s supervisory board at the time of Shnaider’s deal, which means he would have likely personally signed off on such a large transaction.
VEB was placed on a U.S. sanctions list to punish the Russian government for its 2014 invasion of Crimea.
Both Parties Begin Calls to Impeach the Incompetent Trump
“I rise today, Mr. Speaker, to call for the impeachment of the president of the United States of America for obstruction of justice,” said Rep. Al Green (D-TX) today on the House floor.
“I do not do this for political purposes,” he continued. “I do it because, Mr. Speaker, there is a belief in this country that no one is above the law. And that includes the president of the United States of America. Mr. Speaker, our democracy is at risk.”
Republicans are beginning to talk of the possibility that President Trump could face impeachment after reports that he pressed ousted FBI Director James Comey to end an investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
While Republicans are choosing their words carefully, the fact that impeachment is even being mentioned is notable in Washington's polarized political environment.
Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) on Wednesday said if the reports about Trump's pressure on Comey are true, it would merit impeachment.
Criminal Trump "Completely fucked"
Headline: ‘Completely f*cked’: Trump’s White House staff admits the Comey memo is the beginning of the end
Despite the "useful idiots" and mindless bots trying to convince people that the trumpery US president is not a petulant six-year old sociopath with no self-control what.so.ever, he is ever more crazed, yelling, screaming, blaming everyone and anyone for his own auto-da-fe.
“I don’t see how Trump isn’t completely f*cked,” said one senior official to The Daily Beast on Tuesday, referring to Comey’s announcement that he has kept notes of his conversations with Pres. Trump regarding requests Trump made asking Comey to back off on the investigation of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.==
“The obstruction of justice articles of impeachment counts are stacking up, it seems,” said one FBI agent to the Daily Beast. The agent said that firing Director Comey was a “big gamble” on Trump’s part. “You’ve got to kill him, metaphorically. You can’t just wound him.”
The White House is reportedly in an anarchic state of crisis, with Trump sulking in the residence — becoming “increasingly isolated and agitated” and turning on some of his closest advisers — while his staff struggle to contain the damage, all the while living in dread of what their boss may say next on Twitter.
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The Daily Beast spoke with nine current and former Trump administration and law enforcement officials for the story, which paints a funereal picture of life in the beleaguered White House.“I feel like running down the hallway with a fire extinguisher,” said one White House adviser who asked not to be named.
The week began badly enough with the administration being forced to admit that Trump gave away classified intel during his Oval Office visit with Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the U.S. — and reputed Kremlin spy-master — Sergey Kislyak.
Monday night, even before news of the Comey memo broke, a Trump staffer told Daily Beast reporters, “Every time I feel like we’re getting a handle on the last Russia fiasco, a new one pops.”
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The next day, after the Comey news, the official revised their previous statement to say, “We can’t even wrap up one Russia fiasco before we’re on to the next one.”Another White House staffer who worked on the Trump 2016 campaign said, “I don’t see how Trump isn’t completely fucked.”
National security attorney Brad Moss told the Beast that Trump has stepped far over the line, in spite of what his defenders say.
For those who do not know, James Comey, fired FBI head, was a Republican who worked for Bush Minor. There is an amazing story from those days in which he raced across Washington, D.C. in the middle of the night to stop an attempt to keep the Attorney General at the time, John Ashcroft, safe on his hospital bed from a desperate attempt to seize power, a dramatic story well worth taking time to enjoy to find out just how much admired Jim Comey is. Which is why Obama, of the Democratic Party, kept him on.
What you may not know is that Comey has a long history of writing detailed memos immediately after any encounter with Trump or others who might in person or online or by telephone say or do anything related to the manymany ongoing investigations of Trump filth, which goes far beyond using the Oval Office as a profit center to, apparently, such obscenities as releasing life-and-death secrets that literally can get people killed, and doing so while taking a meeting in the Oval Office at the request of Vlad Putin.
There is, in short, a "paper trail" documenting every like and finagle this delusional POTUS has tried to pull on ole Comey. And Jimbo is pissed that Trump fired him with a knife in the back while Comey was 3000 miles away from his office, had no warning, and then attempted to smear him with fake excuses.
Only someone really, really stupid would attempt such a bone-headed stunt as to declare war on the FBI. The FBI has been around a while, you know? They helped bring down Nixon. Some people think this NYT memo leak is only the beginning of the evidence to be revealed. That is totally apart from Senate and House committees investigating, the financial fraud investigations by the Treasury Department, NY city and state investigations, grand jury investigations… all speeded up as a result of this ham-fisted, knuckleheaded failed defenestration.
Geoffrey Chaucer said, back near the dawn of the English language itself, "Murder will out." They tried yesterday to revive a Hillary-the-murderer story instead of news breaking all around with the sound of thunderclaps of nearly divine fury at the sabotage of the "city on a hill" that is supposed to have the approval and guidance "through the night with a light from above" by the one true god.
These are the people who swore Hillary was running a pedophile ring out of a local pizza parlor. Even Alex Jones, the radio conspiracy jackass who claims all the schoolchildren murdered by a deranged shooter in a typical incident of educational progress in the greatest and bestest country on Earth were in fact hired actors who are all part of a plot to take our sacred guns away, eventually had to apologize for spreading that manure-- after some credulous trumpkin took a freedom rifle to the pizza place and fired it off. And then Jones lost custody of his children for being a freak, but that's another matter.
So Comey has a known history of documenting official stuff, such as the private meeting he just had with Trumpythinskin after the president specifically kicked lying co-conspirator Mike Pence (the utterly tainted Vice President, worst since Nixon's VP was fired for having his hand caught in the till stealing from citizens of the state he came from) out of the room and TWICE demanded Comey's boss, Jefferson Selfregard Sessions (aka "Mr. Charlie") leave them inappropriately alone for a totally inappropriate private meeting.
My guess is that the one memo will be published far and wide. And all the others will be brought to light, though at least some that were circulated at the time of the incidents Comey faithfully recorded are classified. And then even those who have sold their shriveled souls to get tax cuts for billionaires and destroy health care for their own citizens in their own districts will have no options except to pretend to be patriots living up to their oath to faithfully protect and defend not a man, not a party, not even a country, but the Constitution of the United States of America.
Friday, this misadministration is heading out of town for a state visit to Israel, just betrayed by putting their human spies at risk of death, and Saudi Arabia, where the fool is supposed to teach them all about Islam, and on to Europe, where everyone is busy trying to arrange things so that the illiterate with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can get through another episode of Short Attention Span Theater without pissing in the soup.
The old saying is that where there is smoke, there is fire. These latest revelations are not more and darker smoke-- they ARE the fire.
No administration in history has ever had so many people so completely entangled with any foreign power, not even Jefferson's-- and he Lived in Paris, as did Ben Franklin. The list of people who have had secret conversations with a top Russian spy now includes Flynn, Attorney General Sessions (who has supposedly recused himself after lying about the meetings but apparently has now un-recused himself without notice), son-in-law Kushner who has boasted that Trump Co gets all the money it needs from Russians, and of course the mobbed up real estate grifter now doing his best to take down the entire planet in his childish rage, who met with the same saboteur in the Oval Office with US press banned, because Putin asked for that meeting.
Der Drumpenfuehrer has campaigned against Reality, but Reality bites. Like gravity, it does not care whether you believe in it or call it fake news. And this White House is in complete chaos mode with Nothing anyone says in defense of the bully baby having any credibility whatsoever. None. And that lack of credibility started on Day One with the preposterous tantrums over crowd size at his shunned inauguration. They cannot fill any positions in their administration because no one wants to work for the SOB and he insists on picking every toady himself. His lies are instantly exposed by damn' near Everybody who can reach a keyboard or telephone. FBI does not trust Comey? Au contraire! They all love him and are completely demoralized that Il Douche is shattering agency morale and are quick to spread the word.
Now watch to see who tries to change the subject.
The Polls For Republicans Are A 'Disaster,' Believe Me
The headline above is for a discussion of today's Public Policy Polling revelations:
Voters are both having buyer's remorse about the outcome of the 2016 election and wishing they could return to the good old days of 4 months ago. By an 8 point margin, 49/41, they say they wish Hillary Clinton was President instead of Trump. And by a 16 point margin, 55/39, they say they wish Barack Obama was still in office instead of Trump.
And a majority of voters (51%) outright say they consider Trump to be a liar to 41% who say they disagree with that characterization.
PPP tweets:
And a majority of voters (51%) outright say they consider Trump to be a liar to 41% who say they disagree with that characterization. https://t.co/vo68ayJhpA
Trump Stormed Off
Headline: Trump stormed off and left staffers to clean up after Comey memo — and now they’re dreading his tweets
In the wake of fascist analingus being spewed in these Forums, some signs of the implosion of the short-fingered Biggest Loser and his (mostly) unindicted co-conspirators. Today 17 May 2017, a bulletin from the front http://tinyurl.com/l9vqvct
White House officials endured their worst day yet working for President Donald Trump, and they dread what’s coming next.
Tuesday began with questions about Trump revealing highly classified intelligence to senior Russian officials, and the day closed with revelations of a memo showing Trump asked former FBI director James Comey to end his investigation of disgraced national security adviser Mike Flynn, reported Politico.
“Nobody knows where this really goes from here,” a White House official said. “Everyone is walking around saying, ‘What is next?'”
Top White House officials knew the bombshell report on the Comey memo was coming two hours before the New York Times posted it online, and the president angrily retreated to his residence upstairs within 75 minutes of the story going live.
That left aides to “figure out how bad the fallout was,” Politico reported, but without tape recordings or even a full readout of Trump’s conversation with Comey, which took place the day after Flynn resigned.
White House surrogates were reluctant to go on TV to defend the president because they weren’t sure what to say, and Fox News host Bret Baier complained Tuesday night that no Republicans were willing to go on camera to push back against the Comey memo.
“We are kind of helpless,” said one White House official.
When Faux Noise can't find anyone from the pig party to defend the man in b.s. well over his preposterous comb over, you know things are bad.
And social media and online news sites are having a field day quoting the famously delusional vulgarian complaining about how that nice crooked Hillary person that James Comey was so rude to that he had to be fired (oops, that was not the real reason after all! All Trump's surrogates were lying! Such a surprise!) could not be trusted to handle state secrets.
He has no loyalty For anyone, and reports indicate everyone in the White House hates the treasonous bastard. Don't be distracted by attempts to dredge up old Hillary scandals, old e-mail nonsense, or to blame Obama. Putin's delusional puppet is going down.
Yes, Don't Feed The Trolls is the standard, though sometimes difficult to pull off because idiotic intolerance and programmed disruption is a kind of nihilism and hate-spewing for its own sake as an alternative facts narrative. Why, just yesterday we heard Lyin' Ryan's smirking face claim that killing U.S. citizens for the sake of giving a tax cut to rich people was "an act of mercy."
There is no point in arguing with brain dead ass Trumpets because they cling to their delusions and their purpose– which is not to make the country safer or happier, but to piss off their enemies. Nya-Nya. That's as childish as the Tantrum Tweeter in the White House churlishly smiting out of petty spite instead of governing.
When Up is Down and Day is Night, Hillary is a hater, short-fingered Trumplethinskin is draining the swamp, and government is the number one enemy. Nowadays they blame Obama, but I think the real criminals are the bastards who set up this crummy gumming. You know-- Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton.... Those guys. Whattabuncha losers. We got much better thinkers around today. And we got The Biggest Loser. He's not just wrong about details like presidenting being hard (who knew?) but actually doesn't seem to know what government, or at least this one, does and how it works.
I'm glad, though, to see someone ask the question that started this thread. Glad to know I'm not the only one who wondered who left the asylum door open. The giveaway, incidentally, is when someone calls his/her opponents "queens" and expects to be taken seriously. No, actually, that's when you stop all interaction with these alleged humans. (Are they even Russian bots like the ones disrupting the French election by releasing fake hacking data? Russian bots which targeted US races in great detail via coordination with the Putin-sponsored Trump crew and then released the hacking data to bias the election?)
RE: Various Young Men ~ some animated gifs also
He's looking at himself.
Specifically, he is watching himself and making a record as he strikes poses to help him decide how he feels about each look. Just checking. No issue, just gathering data and checking himself out, trying to decide objectively whether anything wants changing.
RE: Too much Straight Porn
Most men I know are straight and straights are mostly all the men I ever knew, despite some surprises later in life. It was just the default assumption and figured into any fantasies I had about them sexually. There is a site and torrent here, Beautiful and Agony are the key words:
What you get is short volunteered videos showing only the faces of men achieving orgasm. Mostly they are wanking, a few are getting blown (some by women), and they get more and more engaged, they climax, and then they lay pleased and blissed out and we watched. Hot stuff and it's not their fantasy or helper who gets our attention, it is the man getting the result we all want all our sex partners to achieve.
Also, I like knowing something about the sexual experiences of my straight partners and how that relates to what we are doing. They often have extraordinarily lucky women who may have no idea what they are getting.