@kakibangkukl Isn't that cute? An extra belly button!
Posts made by MrMazda
RE: ID this shower locker room video
RE: Tucker visits Canada, snowflakes melt
@blablarg18 That's because Trudeau and his libtard party cannot stand any form of criticism. If it doesn't align with their elite globalist WEF agenda, they can't have any tolerance for it and must do everything in their power to silence it. Hands down, the current liberal/libtard government we have in Canada is the most corrupt out of any in Canadian history.
For example, when people started protesting mandates and lockdowns, Trudeau started freezing all their assests, arresting them without officially charging them, and literally taking everything they own. The same has happened for many other people who have stood up to him. For example, there's a business owner that I know of who refused to close the doors to his restaurant when the lock downs happened. Do you know what happened to the guy? He had the government freeze all his assets, and the government took EVERYTHING.... His business, his home... EVERYTHING!
So it comes as no surprise that Trudeau and his goons don't like someone with an opposing view coming to his country, as it threatens his superiority because it's a voice of opposition. What's worse is how heavily censored Canadian media has become, and how heavy they are with propaganda, rather than news. It's sad... Many Canadians feel we live in a dictatorship known as Chinada because of some of the shit that's gone down in the last few years..... And it's only gonna get worse.
RE: Eat my Sh*t Trailer
@jorca I'm pretty sure I know who the user is, and if it is who I think it is, they've got their panties in a bunch because they got banned three times now for being mouthy with staff.
RE: The Puppy Cave
It just got another upgrade....
Things are now dimmable, I have a voice activated or temperature activated space heater for backup heat, and I can now even reboot my fire tv stick without having to get out of bed.
Is this genius, lazy, or creepy? Everything is fully voice activated now.
RE: France names first gay Prime Minister
@lololulu19 There's a difference... Trudeau has never been open about being gay. There is also speculation that he sits in the cuck chair in the hotel rooms often if ya know what I mean?
RE: The Puppy Cave
@lololulu19 Yes. I put them to the test.... It was a very long 96 hours before the first one kicked off.
RE: The Puppy Cave
@lololulu19 That's all in the works still... I'm getting more of the geeky stuff setup first.
As for the network itself, if I'm not mistaken the UPS units use SLA (Sealed Lead Acid) batteries. Each one will run for about 96 hours without hydro (electricity) service.
Upstairs, the network looks like a pretty normal setup, except that you'll notice that there's a UPS in the corner on the floor, which serves as a battery backup for the modem and router, and a Bluetooth smart switch for both the modem and router so I can reboot it from my phone, even without internet.
On the bottom shelf is the 1000/50 cable modem, and on the middle shelf is the main router/WAP. All of this goes down to the basement as a single cable.In the basement, there's a cabinet along the ceiling on the one wall. I used the far right side as my "communication station".
On the side of the cabinet we have the first of two UPS units for the network down in the puppy cave. This unit runs the VPN/Proxy bridge router as well as the central switch. You'll also notice the same Bluetooth switches on them. I can reboot the ENTIRE network without having to get up.Below the UPS on the left is the VoIP.FoIP adapter. The two lines run up to the ceiling where they split two ways... One to the fax machine across the basement, and the other, over the cabinets to the phone jack junction box for the house wiring. Beside it on the right is the router that maintains the VPN bridge between my network and my parents network This little bad boy comes in sooooo handy for so many things.
Then there's the cabinet itself.
The cabinet is normally held shut with twine and two screws. This is to hide the nightmare that is inside of this door lol
Inside the cabinet is a bit of a nightmare, but this is where all the hard wired devices in the house all come together, with the exception of the bedrooms on the top floor for now. If it's on the ground floor or in the basement and it can be hard wired. It is.On the top shelf is the UPS unit that runs the VoIP adapter as well as the main cordless phone base.It also runs the power cables to my TV, computer tower for the TV, and the Fire TV stick
Lastly, the main cordless phone base is down here with one of the handsets, as well as the Google display in my puppy cave. The phone itself is run from the phone jack on the one beam on the ceiling. The other two bases are just charge only bases, so only this one needs to have power for all three handsets to work. There's also hard wired phones upstairs in the kitchen, living room, and in the games room on the top floor.It's a pretty elaborate setup. It's only gonna get geekier and geekier.
The Puppy Cave
So I recently moved into my best friend's basement for a few reasons, and I'm totally pimpin' out the space. As discussed in other threads, I have a badass home network with battery backup to run everything, but now I've taken it to a whole new level.
This will give you a general idea of the private space that is mine and mine alone. I am also rather lazy, so I like to be able to scream at a machine to do stuff for me and have it do what I want like an obedient and submissive robot.
As I said, I've taken things to a whole new level now. I still have a few more tweaks to do later on as I have the money to do it, but for now, it's pretty dope. I can control everything individually. The lights in the ceiling can be dimmed, but none of the lamps can... yet.
This will give you an idea of how elaborate things are now. There's a few other commands not shown here, but they're all commands that involve the other side of the curtain as the WHOLE basement is voice activated now... independently, in groups, all together, or by activating a preset that I have programmed, such as "activate mood lighting"
Is this kind of lazy friendly setup creepy, lazy, or genius? It's all 100% renter friendly.
RE: Delete torrent comments
@lessrepresed Send me the link to the torrent you want the comment removed from and let me know which comment. I can remove it for you.
RE: January 2024 Celebrants!
Happy indeed... I have spent most of the year so far both drunk and stoned haha
RE: Gay Porn recruitment service
@lololulu19 I don't know about you, but 18 - 25 is too young for me. The only way I can watch SOME of them and have it do anything for me is if they are really short compared to the top, the top is hairy, has a big dick, and is at LEAST 40. As a general rule, anything under 40 just doesn't do it for me!
RE: Say His Name - Donnie Smith
@raphjd Don't you know...? In today's world, only white people can be racist. Justin Trudeau has ensured that this is especially true in Canada.
@deeteedub When you stop seeding or leeching a torrent, it can take up to a half hour for the status to be updated in the tracker as the session has to time out on the tracker's end first. If this has already happened, let me know and I can look more into this for you.
RE: can anyone ID?
@billd28971 The top looks like Sergeant Miles
RE: Stuck on leeching
@Kekkaishi Any time you do not download 100% of ALL the files in a torrent, the system will only see you as leeching the torrent, even if your torrent client says that you're seeding what you have downloaded.
RE: What torrent client are you all using?
@jokuihmemies Of all the versions, it's the most universally compatible with all trackers from my experience. With our tracker, you can usually go up to version 3.5.5, but do not try 3.6.0, as it has known compatibility issues with our systems.
If you're looking for it, I have a copy of the installer stashed away on my private server here:
Calling all Canadians
So I don't know how many of you have been following the politics of Canada in the last about decade, but more and more every day, we are transitioning from a democracy know as Canada, to a dictatorship state known as Chinada.
For a couple of extreme examples of what I'm referring to, look no further than the most recent forms of censorship known as Bill C-11 and Bill C-18.... and that's just the tip of the iceberg.When searching for some things, you really need to use a VPN in another country. Even our search results on search engines are being scrubbed and filtered. It's insane.
So... I have come up with a political website to make a statement about the situation. No... The website is NOT down. Read it a little more closely.
It's designed to be click bait and when shared on social media or indexed on a search engine, it will come up with a picture of our prime minister/dictator (Justin Trudeau), a title that reads "Why Trudeau is Great" and a tag line that reads "A full comprehensive list of reasons why Trudeau is great."
It seems to really ruffle the feathers of the hardcore pro liberals in Canada. What do you guys think?
RE: What torrent client are you all using?
@mattisv I use uTorrent 2.2.1.