Even if this is real, I would NOT like to have this thing to deal with every day…

Posts made by Grotomode
RE: Massive Leo
RE: Which sport has the hottest players?
Soccer definitely.
Short guys with great asses!
RE: Where do you draw the line in porn?
Well the most "fetishy" I have enjoyed is fisting with anal prolapse, if the guys are hot.
Especially that scene with HungerFF on the lawn which I can not find anywhere…
Definitely not into torture, bondage, scat, etc
RE: Bareback Porn or Porn with Protection
Yeah just bareback the last few years.
I used to not even notice if the porn is bb or not.
Even if the porn does not have a story/setup you still get in the mood. Its like you somehow participate.
RE: What game(s) are you currently playing?
Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Crash Nitro Kart for PS4.
Considering buying Assassin's Creed Odyssey and/or Origins.
RE: Condom or Bareback?
By all means, avoid bareback, but that is a weird reason to do so
Most people would never consider putting into their mouth something that just came out of someone’s bottom, no matter how clean the bottom was supposed to be.
I understand that sexual tastes are individual and unexplainable. But what’s so weird to want a sexual experience in hygienic conditions?
You know you dont have to put it in your mouth after it has been in someone's ass right?
RE: Can you selfsuck?
Not gonna lie, I tried when I was about 18 I guess, did not make it.
Now I really find no reason to want that.
Its either my hand or some other dude's mouth/ass…. there's nothing better than that!
RE: Which porn stars you would like to have sex with?
Sagat used to be a favourite of mine for a long time. Just perfect.
But I think I would choose something leaner these days.
I did actually speak one summer with Jonathan Miranda through Grindr and would love to have sex with but I am not willing to pay for sex hehe…
RE: That moment in that gay porn vid that always triggers that cum.
Sometimes its really the foreplay, especially when there is a "story".
Like the first frolicking between the plumber/cable guy etc with the customer, with the guilty stares and the "we really shouldnt but…" vibe... mmmm, yes.
RE: Υιοθεσία από γκέι ζευγάρια
Επίσης υπάρχουν πάρα πάρα πολλά σπίτια στρέϊτ γονέων που είναι τελείως λάθος το περιβάλλον για παιδιά. Θέλεις να αναφέρω μερικά; Γονείς που τσακώνονται, πατέρα μέθυσος, βίαιοι γονείς, ζευγάρι που μένει μαζί μόνο και μόνο γιατί έχει παιδιά και μία μεγάλη λίστα ακόμα από προβληματικά στρέϊτ ζευγάρια ακατάλληλα για να έχουν παιδιά και όμως ΕΧΟΥΝ! Όσο προβληματικά μπορεί να είναι τα γκέϊ ζευγάρια τόσο ίσως και περισσότερο μπορεί να είναι τα στρέϊτ ζευγάρια. Κακώς στοχοποιείς τα γκέϊ ζευγάρια έτσι που θέλουν να υιοθετήσουν. Γενικά βρίσκω άδικο οτιδήποτε μας ξενίζει και μπορεί να μην καταλαβαίνουμε να το φοβόμαστε και να το απορρίπτουμε! Ο καθένας πρέπει να έχει το δικαίωμα στην υιοθεσία, είτε γκέϊ είτε στρέϊτ, αφού σίγουρα πληρεί κάποια κριτήρια. Σίγουρα μέσα στα κριτήρια αυτά ΔΕΝ πρέπει να είναι ο σεξουαλικός προσανατολισμός του γονέα!
Ο μεγαλύτερος μύθος σε αυτό το θέμα ειναι ότι κιόλας τα τοξικά αυτά στρειτ ζευγάρια με παιδια που θα επωμιστούν τα δικά τους ψυχολογικά θέματα είναι και καλά η μειοψηφία.
Στατιστικά δεν έχω, μονο προσωπικές εμπειρίες άμεσες και έμμεσες, αλλά αυτή η απενοχοποιητική αντιμετώπιση μιας καταστασης αν αφορά στρειτ ατομα (συνηθως η απενοχοποιηση ρητά ή υπόρρητα προβάλλει σαν γεγονός οτι πρόκειται για μεμονωμένες περιπτώσεις) θεωρώ πρέπει να σταματήσει.
Όλοι είμαστε άνθρωποι με τα καλά μας αλλά και τα κακά μας, όλοι είμαστε επιρρεπείς σε λάθος αποφάσεις και κουβαλάμε ψυχολογικά. Δεν γίνεται ένα σπιτικο κατάλληλο ως δια μαγείας επειδή υπάρχει μάνα και πατέρας (μύθος που ακόμα να εμπεριστατωθεί από αυτούς που το αναφέρουν), ούτε γίνεται ακατάλληλο επειδή οι δύο γονείς είναι του ίδιου φύλου.
RE: Get circumcised or not?
The advice you didn't ask for. It's a red flag when a person you are in a relationship with is telling you that you are "too unclean to touch" until you change an aspect of your body. Do not get circumcised/a tattoo/a piercing that you do not want to please someone else.
This 100%…
RE: Can i lose weight with diet alone?
I'm not sure why this guy did it but he certainly tore down the myth of the healthy weight (or rather the disproportionate emphasis a lot of people put only on weight).
You can not be healthy eating only McDonald's!
RE: Condom or Bareback?
If the hole is smelly, then it will be smelly with a condom too.
That means the guy has not prepared or was not ready to begin with.
By all means, avoid bareback, but that is a weird reason to do so; you should want the hole to not be smelly regardless.
RE: Definition of Fascism
Once again, a liberal who can't point out how I am wrong.
Also, there's plenty of discussions here, which is why there are 3 pages.
Learn how to use a dictionary first.
Its funny though that you accuse me (and others in this thread) of not being able to refute your claim and just name-call you while your OP is exactly that: name calling.
I've been in plenty of forums where political discussion thrives much more than the 3 pages you are happy about (mind you, its 3 pages in the span of 2 years, man).
It does not change the fact that most of your comments on anything political is an aggressive generalizing rant against whatever you define as "the left".
Pretty much the bottom of the barrel when it comes to political discussions.
RE: Definition of Fascism
LOL at this thread… it always cracks me up when people with no reading comprehension bring up definitions to formulate an "argument".
Btw how can someone be a moderator of the boards and create threads that do not welcome any discussion but are flat out inflammatory?
It is the equivalent of a left-leaning moderator creating a thread just to state that the right in general is made up of racist, misogynist, god-fearing lunatics.
RE: How big is your porn folder?
Um…. I have a 1TB HDD that is dedicated to porn... :whistle:
I started downloading porn from various sources since I was 18 I guess... I have deleted so much stuff and yet the HDD is still getting full so you get the picture...
I used to sort it by theme, now I just sort it chronologically. Like I split the year in quarters lmao...
RE: Beard Oil/Balm?
Yeah I learned the hard way after letting my beard grow out that it can get pretty curly, rough and dry.
So I use a beard conditioner. I have not seen a huge difference but still better than nothing.
But I guess if someone's beard is quite short, they you really dont need such products.
RE: How do you shave your balls?
I use a razor (like Gilette etc) but not against the grain.
That way it gets pretty smooth but I never get cuts.
RE: Can i lose weight with diet alone?
Sure you can.
That guy only eating at McDonald's did it just by counting each calorie.However a "healthy" weight is obviously just one factor of overall health.