I do not have to have an explanation for something you claim, dude.
But that was scrutiny is. You make a claim, people express their reasonable doubts and then its on you to prove your point. Prove it then.
No honey, this is you turning every disagreement into a political "debate".
I get it, its an easy way for you to dismiss anyone that calls you on your baseless claims, but you have to grow out of it at some point, dont you think?
And yet again, you claim I'm wrong, but you can't explain why I'm wrong other than you don't like my explanation.
You didn't make any REASONABLE doubt, you just said I was wrong.
Maybe you should just link me to AOC's Instagram page so you don't have to spend so much time typing gibberish non-sense.
I am not making a claim dude. Get your head straight.
You claimed that one person preferring another person of their own "race" is "natural" (and you further clarified that for you natural = the way we are wired, alluding of course to genetics).
I asked you why you claim that. You provided some studies thinking they support your claim, but they dont.
Its as simple as that. If you actually have read those studies, I am sure you will be able to quote the part where they support your claim that the conclusion is some sort of genetic predisposition is at play, right?
Unless you have no idea what the studies actually conclude, which would make sense, since your first and only "rebuttal" to me stating the obvious (that the studies' findings do not support your use of the word "natural") is to say that the disagreement is about finding racism everywhere.
Again, try to leave logical fallacies outside, and actually present data that support your conclusion.
Alternatively, you could tone down your commentary on social and political issues by using modifiers such as "I believe", "in my personal opinion", "maybe", "perhaps", "I could be wrong but…" and so on.