Do you also believe that PBS is racist for reporting on Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, etc, etc, etc and their horrible problems? What about Bernie, Biden and the countless other Dems?
Was the term "infested" actually used? Do you have a source for that information? Did PBS also attack affluent or middle-class areas that are predominately black the way President Trump has (i.e. Rep. John Lewis GA district)? Until the president refers to white crime-ridden and drug-ridden areas as infested, your argument is futile.
"Shitholes" is an accurate statement. It's racist and a lie to call these countries shitholes until Trump wants to deport them, then liberals say "you cant sen them back to that shithole". Liberals want it both ways.
I would not call a place like Sierra Leone a shithole since it was white people who ravaged the country for its diamonds and it's white people who continue to exploit parts of Africa. While there have been problems with the African continent since the beginning of time, you cannot deny the savagery whites from around the world have wreaked on many African nations and other black nations around the world. I'm not just talking about slavery by the way. I'm not saying white people are the root of all problems in said nations, but that they have largely contributed to those problems historically and currently.
That being said, once again, how come Mississippi isn't a "shithole?" How about rural Alabama, West Virginia, etc.? Have you been to those parts of the country and seen how the white people there live? Those are Republican-run states, towns, and neighborhoods filled with crime and drugs, including an increasing amount of opioid addiction and death. Which brings to mind, how come drug use is viewed differently when it comes to white people and black people?
Bernie, PBS and many others have called Baltimore "rat-infested". I saw both PBS shows before Trump's comments.
Oddly, it was (mostly) white Trumpers who went to Baltimore and cleaned it up. The black residents were thankful. Their Congressman hasn't done a thing for his district in the 26 years in office.
I have no defense for Bernie, I never have supported him and never will because he's ignorant to America's continuing race problem. Can you provide evidence of PBS themselves using the term "rat-infested" and not some opinion from someone they spoke to? You brought this up; therefore, you should show your evidence to strengthen your argument. Rep. Cummings is a member of Congress. While he is responsible for representing his constituents in Congress, what do you propose he could do outside of requesting federal help to fix the part of Baltimore he represents? Shouldn't there be more education on voting for local candidates that can be held accountable instead of focusing on one person be the goal to fixing local issues? I'm sure you know he doesn't represent all of Baltimore and that they have recently had corruption issues with their previous mayor.