Radishes and carrots were also my first thought.
Posts made by JohnAllenson
RE: Easy Vegetable To Raise With A Small Yard?
RE: Butt hole location and orgasm?
well, I get zero prostrate stimulation from being a bottom. There is a range.
RE: Post the last movie you've seen and how you rate it
Crazy Rich Asians.
So not my style of movie: a heterosexual love story against "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous."
It's definitely well-made and well-acted. Like many love stories, Call Me by Your Name for example, the costumes and settings were beautiful.
For people who like this type of movie I'd give it a 8/10.
RE: Do you guys have any Muslim friends?
I saw Crazy Rich Asians last night with two female Muslim friends.
RE: Can you be straight and still like gay porn?
When I've checked out Straight porn it hasn't been the plumbing that turned me off.
The women look artificial. The men might as well be dildos. The two don't seem to be into one another on any level other than the most literal. They just don't look like they're having any fun.
I knew a straight guy who liked gay porn since he could connect to the guys having fun. -
RE: How much a religious belief affects a person's personal character?
By observation, virtually none.
It's your actions that form your character not your theology.
ie. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
RE: Can you guys please help me seed my torrent?
You now have 6 people downloading it which should help your ratio.
personally - I would have preferred each episode uploaded separately since 6.8 GB is very large for something I'd never heard of.
RE: What language are you currently learning?
Russian, Cool language, Although complicated due the cyrillic alphabet :cheesy2:
You think the alphabet is complex?! Wait until you hit the declensions. :crazy2:
RE: Being a chaser
My guess would be that they see one another as competition rather than fellow members of a community.
Horror movies
What are people's favorite horror movies (don't have to be LGBT)
I've just rewatched "it Follows" and "Tremors". While they look like very different types of horror movies they both have (mainly) likeable characters who are making believable decisions. ie. someone who is panic struck being chased by a monster won't make considered analysis. When they have the time to think they come up with plans that they test.
What types of horror do other people like?
RE: Dirty bedroom, clean house
Do you do most of your living in your bedroom?