Bad Times in the El Royale.
Another movie which is outside my main interests.
The acting is quite good. The movie looks wonderful from the set to the costumes to the cinematography. The period music (end of the 60s) is well done. This was a good role for Jeff Bridges and a star making role for Cynthia Envo. I want to see more of Lewis Pullman as well. My favorite scene involved Jeff Bridges, Cynthia Envo, and Lewis Pullman.
As to Dakota Johnson and Jon Hamm, well, they were also in the movie. I'll reserve judgement concerning Chris Hemsworth - he portrayed a character without any depth so he might have the ability to show depth in another role. He was just superficial with prominently exposed (wrong to the period) vanity muscles.
It's a good sign when I don't notice how long the movie is while watching it. It's long to the point of being bloated.
If you think "Quentin Tarentino-esque" is a compliment, this is a movie for you. It's big on style and self-conscious violence. If you'd prefer Agatha Christie you may give this a skip.