Furthermore, where does Jessica hide?

Posts made by groovedware
RE: Utopia - Best Series Ever
RE: Utopia - Best Series Ever
Oh yes please for the music, sort of apocryphal & dated now but just because https://youtu.be/PR-AWNFgSg0
RE: Using protection during oral sex?
I swallowed sperm infected with the HIV virus for over 8 years and never seroconverted during that time.
I am not a medical doctor, nor do I play one on TV but I did have sex with a medical doctor while in his care.
RE: Porn sites?
Ron Jeremy was the first man I saw naked and I believe it is a testament to the lack of choice in my sexuality. This was also 70's Ron Jeremy when there was an actual semblance of what one expects from a porn star, still I knew then there was something off about that one. That people don't question his career is proof of the hidden hand that shapes history to me. I remember a porn starlet in the early 90s describe his dick as "spongey". Next up folks we have a porous ass for you to devour.
RE: Sense8
A brief footnote on the Hugos, the venerable science fiction awards currently in controversy due to a reich-whinge takeover attempt.
The $40 cost of a supporting membership for the World SF Convention itself provides not only the right to vote against the regressive troglodyte agenda, it also includes a substantial downloadable collection of the novels, shorter fiction, graphic novels, and other material that, for someone interested in the field, may well be a fairly cheap workaround for local libraries that don't cover the ground, and saves you from tracking down lots of individual magazines and books which might well be more expensive even a year or two later when they turn up on the used market.Well thank you, that is like turning on one them there Hue lights on that situation for me.
RE: Sense8
So ya, Utopia on the list and sooner rather than later means I'll swallow. Hannibal Season 2 was almost like what I presume others report as a religious experience for me. I was okay with the first season and sometimes wonder if I shouldn't revisit it but season 2 is like Da Vinci making a mix tape that he plans to seduce Valentino with. I swear Gillian Anderson must pay them because she shines like a perfectly cut diamond and this season when she says
! my husband is very particular about how I taste I think actors have killed on the order of the writers for the chance to read lines half that.
The long and short is Sense8 is 'on the list' but with only so many hours in a day and my pornography based research project consuming so many of my viewable hours who knows how soon. The ill conceived release time just 1 week before OITNB isn't helping it's case either.
RE: Porn Star Do You Wish to Have Bareback Scene?
Tyler Torro. Also I don't want it to be 'just' a bareback scene, I want total perversion, fully twisted, chem fueled debauchery where he starts out unwilling and by the end he is begging for someone to use his ass as a toilet. How do those kickstarter campaigns work & I wonder how much I'll need to have this childhood dream of mine realized.
RE: Are "Daddies" expected to be Tops?
They are not helping carry the weight? Like the gays who say "I don't do anal". Yawn. Neglected prostates make the baby Jesus cry. Just being concerned with your own prostate seems a sin to me. We are gifted with these unique parts, use them. So, ya, it's just my opinion but I prefer giving & receiving.
RE: Sense8
BBbanditz 2 questions for you:
1. Do you think spacing out episodes in a more traditional television viewing manner would alter your opinion? I was initially very disappointed but now I am blocking out time to return because I think when left to mull my curiosity is up again.2. Next question, for the record, what are some of your great shows? Maybe some mediocre ones as well?
Tell me what a man watches on TV and it makes the spit or swallow debate much easier for me
RE: Bonus Seed Point whore
I like the bush :rotfl: :funny2:
Ya it's one of my regulars for "the regulars" wink wink nudge nudge.
I don't always jerk off in a bush & allow listeners but when I do I choose quality foliage.
RE: Sense8
Speaking of fandom, btw, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts (probably on some other thread) about the attempt coup attempt against this year's Hugo awards from conspiring reactivists. Ask not for whom the knuckle drags: it drags for thee.
I like threads which are loosey goosey and not confined. I just read up on the Hugo awards and like one would think $40 would be a deterrent, it would be for me but then I am not promoting backwards thinking.
Update: I have not returned to Sense8 & did not see Hannibal, instead woke up this morning to porn. Oh the shame.
RE: Are "Daddies" expected to be Tops?
From here on out just call me Dilf then because I am down for anything and everything and if my boys don't want to throw it in papa I can just as easily cut me a switch! Film the ensuing disciplinary action and sell it online for a profit, I mean I would hate to have a boy that was good for nothing.
Power bottoms (or as I call them lazy bottoms) be warned I do not refer to myself as Bad Daddy for nothing.
RE: Porn sites?
On another thread, about watching straight porn, I just asked about porn sites that feature mostly straight action, but are not pay sites and not limited to the output of a single business or brand name.
The options listed here so far (correct me if I'm wrong) are not paid or proprietary, like Vivid or whatever, but they also feature stuff exclusive to them, right? You and your cam. Hidden cam work by You. Amateur sex with You and friend(s). Or maybe just amateur sex involving friends but not you. Where (other than all-purpose torrent sites) does one go to find, say, all off Jeff Stryker, or shudder a big chunk of Ron Jeremy? And so on. Or are we happy few just specially blessed to have found this place?
I am not sure I follow. Try here if you want to find specific titles: http://www.bing.com/videos
Big Brother UK Time Bomb
Ya I know, it's just so very base but I do love me the British way of doing Big Brother. I guess it's as Simon says "Show Biz".
RE: Sense8
I'll be blunt and say this: SENSE8 is not for everyone. It is for people who can understand and enjoy well-written and deeply thoughtful psychological drama. It is complex as it is telling 8 different stories that will become one story. It is not shallow TV. It isn't "reality" TV. It is not for people who give up when a series or a show is difficult for them to understand. It is for people who want to push ahead, to challenge themselves to learn and to understand and grow to be better themselves. SENSE8 is everything that is NOT what STAR TREK has become.
No one 'story' can be for everyone, we are all unique little snowflakes. Let's remember it is 'just television' (friends of mine just felt a little weird because of me typing out 'just television' - twice now) and people who want to challenge themselves, learn, understand & better themselves are (or shouldn't be) relying on television to push ahead. Aargh I feel dirty expressing this and I think the TV is watching, waiting, about to blink out to punish me.
I learned my lesson expecting too much from television when Little House on the Prairie & Highway to Heaven had that cross over reunion special. Everyone was all like (retrozombieliketheverynextday) it was always a character study. Ya well the only character I was interested was The Island and I still to this day mutter "I hope your happy Jacob" every time I push through revolving doors. Oh Lost, we have to go back…
Sometimes I do let my fingers do the thinking and bla bla bla. I am going back to Sense8 (not tonight Hannibal as something special cooked up for me).
RE: Sense8
Yup, that sealed it for me. Let others waddle through the junk and report back on it. There is far too much quality telly out there for me to waste time on nonsense( 8 ).
So you changed your mind, and decided to watch this afterall?
I watched the first 3 episodes last weekend but drifted off during each episode. Some shows lend themselves to the binge experience, some do not and also my own frame of mind can play a part in whether I am engaged or not. I watched the first episode of Game of Thrones when it first aired (or again parts of it due to nodding) and wrote that series off. Tried again when with the first episode during the second season because of hype & again nothing. Third season hype seemed omnipresent so tried a third time, something clicked and I watched the series to that point in 3 days.
I have not returned to Sense8 BUT I will be. A few of the strains in it struck a chord slowly because I found myself wondering about it a couple times, was going to put the first episode on again but became otherwise engaged (got to love the random drop-in who fills the void television cannot). I can run hot or cold pretty easy and black or white seems to be my on or off.
Unfortunately I am unable to go back and edit thoughts expressed earlier like 'twaddle'. I am going back to Sense8 if for no other reason than I enjoy Miss Agyeman gracing the small screen. She certainly was a highlight in The Carrie Diaries which really was trash and yet I saw every episode of it…
RE: Sense8
Yes to significant LGBT interest as it covers all the bases with LGBT characters. You got your gay male characters, you have your lesbian characters, you have your trans lesbian character & apparently a pretty graphic orgy between them all. I just haven't made it to the orgy yet. Also one of the creators/directors is Lana Wachowski (previously Larry).
RE: Which type of Porn turns you on the most?
I have no preference for bareback or condoms in porn, either is fine, mostly because I'm watching the bottom, his reactions, how much he's into it, how hard he is, and the best possible outcome, a hands-off orgasm. uNF! So hot.
You would enjoy me in porn, if I'm bottom and he's doing it right I have no control over my vocal cords, it's almost a form of speaking in tongues. As an added bonus if we could find that guy from Goa again I could do the hands off orgasm. Excuse me now, I am going to go remember him a spell.
RE: Bonus Seed Point whore
OMG that was funny. I'm cryin' here.
That bush appreciates your tender loving care, I'm sure.I give away all my bonus points to uploaders for stuff I like, or to make some more obscure stuff I like Freeleech to share the love (lately Themed Movies), so I usually have zero to few seed points left. haha
I think I'll go vote some categories now!
You do that & remember after you have voted 3 times you have enough seed points to have me give more love to the bush as well as a little bonus for yourself. Math it's not just a mispronounced drug.