Of course :cheesy2:

Posts made by groovedware
RE: Bonus Seed Point whore
Sadly no. This business isn't that type of business more a bidness. I could offer a guarantee but my current warranty might not be able to extend it's features outward. I mean look at the time and resources I have invested in you at this point with nary a sign of pay off. I think my bidness model needs a complete overhaul. Or a big daddy whose lap I can lap from.
RE: Animal porn - yes or no?
Nope never.
And lol at the people equating it to gay porn. Uh.. what happened to self-respect?
Whatever, I don't want to start a discussion or upset anyone, but it's how I feel.
The people was me and I was equating a reaction to not the porn itself.
RE: What brand of poppers do you like? (those of you who use it)
I also imagine if Health Canada has made them practically non-existent your American counterpart is likely looking at something similar.
RE: What brand of poppers do you like? (those of you who use it)
I'm wary to get the vision-loss side effects that have been reported in European brands recently (I'm in the US).
Can any US users (the frequenter the better) confirm that our stuff isn't going to cause you to go blind?
Oh I think you'll find that confirmation hard to come by, I think that can be possible side effect of any of the nitrites, you won't see it on any American labelled bottles because it says right there "not for human consumption".
RE: Big Brother UK Time Bomb
Both, of course.
Well, I must say this is unique amongst my experiences, sure, sure, many times I have heard of my near perfection if not my perfection but I am fairly certain this is the one and only time I had all my clothes on and both feet on the floor. It will stick out in my memory for awhile and when I bend over to thank you if you feel the need to fill any openings I would be both grateful and more at home.
RE: Cheese from Trees for Jesus
Well, now, as a friend of mine said "it's like going to a restaurant and paying to see the menu", samples are come by finding a fellow willing to part with some of the bounty of his trees.
For a mere $9.11 I will send you the sheets necessary for you to DIY Tree Cheese. Apart from that I am afraid the only samples available are by seeking out your local artisans. I would suggest there you try wooded areas for your best results.
RE: Bonus Seed Point whore
Those 50 seed points for the menu will be put toward your first choice off the menu. Just the easiest way to separate the wheat from the chaff, if you ken whit ah mean?
RE: Cheese from Trees for Jesus
Is it Vegan? Does it have GMOs? :cheesy2:
You almost lost me when you used "wear" instead of "where" groovedware. I began to wonder.."Is this person "yanking my chain" on this porn site? :masbana:
I am going to go ahead and answer with a yes and no. Sure it's vegan, why not? No animal products are being incorporated. As we tend to prefer trees with at least 25 rings under their bark I will also give an unequivocal no to GMOs.
As to yanking chains on porn sites, yes please wearever possible.
RE: Big Brother UK Time Bomb
God she makes me madder than a senior citizen with a lawn.
Jesus, you're damned near perfect. xD
Is that due to my ability to create illusions with words or my inability to keep my anger tamed?
RE: Bonus Seed Point whore
To be clear and perfectly honest 5 seed points for me to jerk off in a bush with you listening is the starting level. To get a full menu of what's on offer please send 50 seed points with a self-addressed stamped envelope to my inbox.
Bi inbox eye do think ewe no what is what.
RE: Animal porn - yes or no?
frankly, i find it disgusting.
which is equal to many arguments regarding not just gay porn but gays period.
RE: Sense8
I've just started Episode 1 again for the third time. I won't rule out there being a fourth attempt but I will say I hope something clicks this time.
RE: Game of Thrones Season 5
I suspect when Sansa discovers she is the only person left alive she will impale herself on the iron throne.
RE: Hottest men???
There is not a single nationality you can name that won't have some amount of heat attached to it. I mean seriously, all the men of all the different flavours, they all have cocks and really that's the only important factor. Sorry girls.
RE: Game of Thrones Season 5
Filler episodes? There wasn't a one!
For me the finale started the moment the Night's King raised his arms and that was three weeks ago but I won't spoil nonsense for no one.
RE: Sense8
There is so much television right now I may have to scale back the porn research…
Nonsense. Porn research is terribly crucial for our survival as a species. I have any number of proofs to support this, but they're all a little…sticky. For some reason. So you'll just have to take me at my word.
Also, still haven't watched Sense8's finale, but I'll give it a go tonight.
This! People say to me "What do you do?" and I usually answer "God's work" because I consider the research I am doing with porn more important than anything else. Thank you I sleep well tonight.
RE: Utopia - Best Series Ever
Episode 1 of Humans was loved here and without knowing that little tidbit. I was watching and going "Hey that's so and so" & "That's so and so" and did I see RB? I remember thinking whose the guy that reminds me of William Hurt and then being shocked when it was William Hurt but didn't look up whether it was RB or not.
To be clear: Brokeback Mountain on HBO is totally trademarked by me. Whatever anyone tells you it's a rumour I started. Whether or not the eventual series is worth it, the film is worth watching as pastoral softcore porn for your inner homosexual. How gay cowboys can be elevated beyond anything but softcore porn is beyond me. This coming from a man who once was in that same telephone booth as Ennis.