Xcellent. The only thing more important than making an entrance is making sure your departure is noticed as well (& that your missed).

Posts made by groovedware
RE: Hope you guessed my name
RE: Proper term to search for…
Post-op tranny in the old google brought up a number of results.
Maybe try 'freshly female' :cheesy2:
RE: Informal Fraternity X Poll
Certainly we can establish it is not rape fairly easily, the model has signed a consent form, I would wager they had a little extra legalese to cover their asses better than a condom ever could in this situation.
A better phrasing of the question would be: Is what is being portrayed rape?
Funny coincidence that you post thesword article here as it was an article by same author that originally got my back up, expressing disgust (or a "depression") while turning a profit on same subject.
RE: Cliff Jensen
He's physically attractive, but I get the impression he's not too bright.
I don't normally take note of the latex only stars but as I know him by name he must have registered in my mind for something and one of the greater attributes a man can use to attract me is a special brand of, shall we say dullness?
RE: Which type of Porn turns you on the most?
A. Bareback
I didn't even realize there was a B category but Rule 34 is deceptively truer than one is led to believe.
RE: Porn site letdowns?
Years & maybe too many years for me to technically want to share I begged my brother (!) to purchase a membership (one month only) to a site for me on his credit card (as for some reason no one would issue me credit). He only agreed after he learned it was not one of them there homosexual websites (not that he has a problem with gay, I just don't think he wanted it attatched to his credit record, not sure, he's been guilty by association with this homosexual for many years). So, anyway, I got a one month membership to julianrios.com where at least one monthly web show was scheduled & promoted in the lead up to gaining access. Possibly I did miss the web show in that month I was joined but where you were supposedly able to check when it would be that month I never saw anything listed. The original content not available anywhere else (also very hyped on the path to joining the site) seemed to be a myth to me within 5 minutes of gaining access. Many days later I realized there was indeed original content not available anywhere else, non-pornographic pictures & videos of him getting a tattoo, washing his car, etc that were not available anywhere else because blasphemy of blasphemies why would anyone seek it out? I was left with a very bitter & non-pleasing taste in my mouth.
I have never spilled seed on account of Julian since. It is now impossible for me to even see what about him appealed to me (oh right, that fucking cock). Not long after that I discovered machofucker.com (way back when the scenes were still in parts & Ivan hadn't made his first appearance) and debated finding someone who would let me use their line of credit to join it. I am certain it went beyond debate because I have all the early stuff on a disc that a friend made for me when I asked about his credit. I think he joined and nabbed everything available at that point but it could be he just nabbed, no judgement. I have never again joined a porn site at a price & though closest I came to thinking about it was chempigs.com, now that I have a line of credit of my own things are different. When I recently obtained credit my first thought was "online pornography" but nope, took 4 months me to make my first purchase.
I bought a dubiously cheap item directly from China, which is a bit tempermental but at the price who can complain, that makes my online porn experience far more enjoyable than any paid membership ever would.
Informal Fraternity X Poll
Like I said, informal, the results are anything but binding. I can and have stomached quite a bit in the way of extreme to jilt my jaded libido but personally find FratX going a bit beyond accepted for 'mainstream' porn. I also find the whole prolapse thing in str8 porn currently a sign the apocalypse is upon us. Understand I am no prude, just surprised at what one get away with and still make a prophet. :cheesy2:
RE: Clearly wrong category question (by newbie)
I had totally forgotten I posted this inquiry here. I now patrol the Bareback section like Officer Pennyfeather at the end of the month trying to fill his quota. :police: My only reward being the reward of knowing the condom police have an antithesis in me.
RE: SITE POLL –-- Intravenous Drug Use in Self-Published Porn Torrents
when will i learn to keep my trap shutdon't hate me because i am beautiful, hate me because i got the poinTs taken away
To be fair, if I remember correctly in "Liam Cole's Slammed" Intravenous Drug Use is only implied, not actually seen. Same as the injestion of gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid, how can one be sure without proper testing…
Side note: As I understand it, in certain jurisdictions if one is caught with alleged illegal substances one should request testing because not only then do you know for sure what the alleged substance is, it may also be a perfectly acceptable substance. Where I live, in a building not even from last century but from the one before that astute businessman (or thieves) break off parts of the not insulation but something just inside the outer wall and sell it to tourists as, well not sure what exactly but I do know those tourists are likely upset because it is not the souvenir they were hoping for.
RE: Which torrent client do you use/prefer?
The sooner everyone realizes Windows is a virus & Apple is jonestown flavored kool-aid the better we will all be.
In the Beginning… Was the Command Line. Linux is & always will be military grade hardware for the battle weary veteran of countless civil wars.
Don't reign on my Victory Parade. :cheers: -
RE: Voting?
And voting for categories is worth it, take it from me, and after the system registers your category vote it automatic like takes to vote the rating. My leopard print hanky means yes I am an art critic.
RE: SITE POLL –-- Intravenous Drug Use in Self-Published Porn Torrents
First: I voted allow (& also this was the first time I ever wondered what would happen if I WERE TO CREATE A SECOND THIRD OR FOURTH profile just to skew the results of poll not ratio)
Second: By previous responses it seems in general some are not aware of this genre or of it's availability. See Rule 34.
Third: I for one do not judge but last I checked Slammin' Perverts is readily available here, are we distinguishing between profesional and amateur needle work? Wait Liam Cole's Slammed has been upped as well. If the only difference, or the poinT is being made that there is a difference between the 2 how is professional status determined.
Remberance Day 2014 seems so far away but note I will campaign for this poll until that day.
Hope you guessed my name
:anal2: :ride: :churn:
! :69: is for girls
I have been a power top, I have been a power bottom but now, please to meet you :bananaw: a power user.
Don't ask me I already know.
I am into suck and fuck and prefer to skip the suck.
Polyurethane available upon request but never under no circumstances will latex be employed. (I also have a female condom I want to try with someone special but then again not that special if we need protection)
I have been dropped on my head a number of times but not the one of my shoulders if u kno wot i >:D
Equal parts nuture vs nature.
Fool me once don't expect a reprieve. I will fight to the end for your religious rights even tho they are just fairy tales. When I go to church Dick Wadd answers my prayers.Keep it up (or don't be so afraid of your clear jelly substitute or of hurting me with it)!!!
Hawaii is the ultimate destination for everything.
Clearly wrong category question (by newbie)
I am not certain and would like to make sure before I do so, if a torrent is listed in a category it very much doesn't belong in is it appropriate to "report the torrent"?
More than 2 or 3 times now I have downloaded torrents listed as "Bareback" in which condoms are being used and I wonder how to prevent other people like myself who are allergic to latex from downloading said torrents. Nothing nastier (when you suffer from latex allergy) than being exposed to latex in a situation where you expected none.
I honest to goodness do have a latex allergy & those reactions can be downright nasty even though I know I won't get them from watching porn. Mind you everyone told me hairy palms was a myth and I shave mine twice a week. :cheers: