It's been pretty routine to just watch the media misrepresent people and facts for a long while now to help with bolstering their people's own personal politics or agendas.
I know about Trump and all that. He's been in the newspapers everyday even in Mexico's.
Obviously, many people here don't like him due to his remarks on the Mexicans, but honestly, most of our population is easily swayed by politicians. LOL you should see Mèxico's political class, you would die on the spot. They made 2 protests regarding Trump…and the highlight of the event was the rivalry between the two groups doing it.
Trump is no saint, but I conced he knows how to keep the spotlight on himself at all times.
Truth is, people don't like immigrants because they come from a different background. Maybe it was easier long ago because all those cultural identities would end up in the proverbial melting pot and form something new, like the Classic American identity. Nowadays though, maybe as a counter to all the globalization, those identities refuse to melt with others and fight to be the main one.
Merkel really blew it when she allowed immigrants enmasse to enter Europe to reach Germany, and screw it again when she tried to make the other members of the EU take them in when she realized Germany couldn't handle such big numbers. Add to that the terrorist attacks that happened later in France and is no wonder separatist parties are becoming more influential.
Now, Brexit...while leaving the EU (well, as I undertand it, UK was never a true member of the UE like the countries in the mainland, it was a special case) might not be beneficial, the process was done according to law. If the government tried to balk away from it, that would be a kick in the teeth of Democracy. Is the goverment of the mayority after all, not of the unison. So all my good wishes to May, since she has some complicated shit to take care of. (And it wasn't even her idea - btw, Cameron is a pussy for not having the bollocks to undertake this process...hey, maybe that's the reason English people love women in power, like the Queen and Tatcher?)