The problem with Catalonia is that this seccessionist movement is un-constitutional by Spanish Law. The referendums are unconstitutional.
No region can separate unless the whole of Spain accepts it and Spain won't. From what I can collect from several blogs and news, Catalonians want to separate on the idea that Spain steals from Catalonia, they say that the high income generated in the region is taken out from it.
On the other hand some Spaniards explain that that's how the goverment works, the income from the provinces is pooled together and then assigned. Also, Catalonia is not rich because of itself, the Spanish goverment invested heavily into its infraestructure (sometimes in detriment of other regions), so to some Spaniards, the Catalonians want to hog all the riches while the rest of the country suffers from unemployment.
And Catalonians aren't pushed aside by the goverment, actually the goverment abides to their whims. there are signs both in castillian and catalonian, but in Catalonia they won't even translate their signs to spanish, there are Catalonian embassies along the Spanish ones, and those are paid by the country as a whole.
It's obvious that the Catalonian leaders just try to promote seccessionism in order to turn the region into their own private minicountry so they can get all the income themselves. Puidgemont even assured them the EU would welcome them with open arms (impossible since it requires unanimous agreement and Spain and France would never concede)
And no, I'm not from the continent but since I have family in Spain I'm interested in the issue.