Good to hear all round, hhh. If you need any more help or tips just shout
Posts made by cannonmc
RE: Uploaders, if the title of your torrent is “X” and the video title is "Y"…
RE: I Like this Grant
Tried sending you a PM but your setting are turned off…
That's because he is a Mod and we lesser mortals aren't supposed to contact staff directly, health and safety or something
However there is a method of sending anyone a PM, regardless of their settings.
RE: How to report collection within a collection dupe?
To my mind that would be a dupe because anyone can download any parts of the original by ticking the boxes they want.
It would also be rude because I never see anyone here saying thank you to the original poster, no matter where they got the files.
RE: I wanna be a gay porn star
By thinking carefully beforehand.
If you still want to try, many of the studios have a Want To Be Model? link for instance Falcon or Titanmen
There are also model agencies you can contact.
RE: Uploaders, if the title of your torrent is “X” and the video title is "Y"…
hhh, I think you are trying to use uTorrent for something it's not designed for.
I like the pop-up dialogues for saving because I specify where I want the file to go BEFORE starting the download. Others like one download folder and then deal with things after. Each to his own.
You need to do the renaming in your file exploring programme. I think you would need to stop seeding while you do that. Then to restart you would need to use the Advanced/Set Download Location and point to the renamed file. And start it again.
If you restart the original torrent it will just start downloading the original file because you start automtically.
You need the save dialogue if you want to point uTorrent to the renamed file.
RE: More forum spamming
I do use the report button if it reaches intolerable proportions. I did notice one of the worst ones had gone from muted to moderated. So presumably now anything he posts has to be approved.
I don't object to forum postings but I think sometimes these people are so self-centred they don't think about the effect on other users
RE: Boyztube Download
It does say 'full members' and people who upload can download.
Presumably a full member is one who takes out a subscription after they sign up.
If you upload a video longer than 15 minutes you get 24 hour full membership.
As for recording streaming video I am my own search right now as I want to grab something fro Netflix
RE: HIV+ and AIDS Stigma
That is sad in so many ways. It would be nice to know that he left all his money to an AIDS charity but I fear the relatives will have got their hands on it
RE: Derp
Firstly :hiya: and welcome.
You should be able to download the torrent of your own upload and start seeding - you don't need to download the file, you already have it
Meantime, keep your downloads seeding. You never know when someone will pop up and need your seed.
Remember to vote in the category bonus. Not many points but you don't need many to get into credit.
And a well-populated freeleech can do wonders. Stay with it
RE: Scat images? Anyone else bothered?
Oh dear, wrong side of the bed anyone…???
I have never seen a picture on this site, by accident, of anyone eating shit. Especially since the 'scat' category' was introduced.
I don't understand the 'deep offence' caused by scat images. They are not for me but everything that comes out one end has gone in the other end, often with pleasure.
I don't think any picture on here has made me feel physically sick. If I don't like something, I don't look.
And I have an 'innate ability' to ignore adverts on Facebook or trolls anywhere. It's a trick but handy
PS "facetious: Of manners etc.: polished, urbane.
2 witty, humorous, amusing" (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary) -
RE: More forum spamming
There is absolutely nothing wrong with posting a few comments. This thread was started because two people were posting literally hundreds of one word or one smiley replies in a very short time solely to get enough points to restore their downloading rights.
RE: Any good gay series to watch ?
Do you mean the person with disabled download rights who has so far posted 128 forum messages today ???
RE: Portable sling stand
Is that Fort Troff - ?
RE: Portable sling stand
Should that be ?
A credit card needed to register there
RE: Wrong: To many Torrents.. Your current limit is 15 at the same time …
Just in passing, when do you watch them all… ??
RE: Reporting Duplicates
In a naughty moment I did wonder what would happen if I uploaded a duplicate then reported it as a duplicate.
And no, don't even think about it. The staff have enough to do without this…
RE: Uploaders, if the title of your torrent is “X” and the video title is "Y"…
Boy, hhh, for a first forum post you got your money's worth
I'll just reply to the file name part. It is a good idea to rename files to something meaningful before making a torrent to post,
However in my experience of using uTorrent you can rename files, either while saving or after download. If you want to reseed you need to point uTorrent to the file you downloaded (with its new name) and not just a folder containing it.
However the problem would then be the reverse. You would have to remember that you renamed "xvideos.com_3fc8bb0bf51ff06fb486025ce6841c28-1.mp4" of the torrent file as "much_easier_name.mp4" on your hard disk.
uTorrent checks the file data, not the file name.
RE: Gay Themed (Non porn) uploader(s)
Popper, I'd go along with all of that except trying to find a definition :crazy2: Perhaps we could follow the 'we know it when we see it' doctinre
OurGTN also has an 'Other' category which covers a lot of subjects, some of which have their own category here, some of which aren't allowed.
But it is a handy label.
RE: Gay Republican Iowa Senate Hopeful: Im Not the Perfect Candidate Because Im Gay
A gay Republican? Samuel Johnson's quote sprang to mind
'Sir, a woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.' …