Although perhaps the fastest way is to find an original movie and upload it, and continue seeding
Posts made by cannonmc
RE: More forum spamming
RE: Please modify duplicate policy
I feel it would be better if all posters did a search for duplicates BEFORE they posted.
And do we really need so many similar but not identical posts. I did a search yesterday which turned up three recent posts of the same thing but varying only in size but not much.
RE: Court hearing becomes chaotic in Eddie Izzard homophobia case
'cunt' seems to be the judicial mot du jour
PS not keen on Izzard
RE: More forum spamming
tranxuan, that was my same thought when I saw he'd got his rights back. But then with a bit of luck he is so selfish he won't want the forum again
RE: More forum spamming
tranxuan, The Jokes forum seems to have calmed down a bit.
But check out the Introductions
The worst offender there did get enough points to get his download back but I also see he has been stopped from posting in the forums.
RE: Just a Friendly Reminder
One tip the Rationator page doesn't mention is to look through your completed and uploaded lists on your profile page and see if anyone is waiting for a seed
RE: Brazilians Are All Over Olympic Wrestling, Rio 2016’s Sexiest Sport
That's the sport that gets shown in the middle of the night on an obscure channel…every four years
RE: Uganda Minister of Ethics: Gay men want to rape me.
That's what we lack here - A minister of Ethics. Oh, and a neutral newspaper like Red Pepper. Wasn't that the one that ran pictures of gay people on its front page…?
RE: More forum spamming
eastonkellon, how were you to know that someone was replying to every thread in that forum just to get enough bonus points so he could download porn again.
I hope he manages his account better from now so that we never see him in the forums again
RE: More forum spamming
Well I made it back 90 minutes in 'Recent Posts' before I ran out of pages.
At least I see he has used his seed bonus points to get his download rights back. Perhaps that is the last we see of him. He should still get a slap from a staff member, I think.
RE: Porn addiction to blame for rise n erectile dysfunction in young men, Say Top DR
I wonder if the outcome would be different if it came from a "bottom" doctor?
It was an item on our radio news this morning, perhaps a little coy because it was breakfast time
Bluefeathers, how do we get you to stop?
That is the third (or is it fourth) session that you have screwed up for the rest of the members with your spamming.
You surely have enough bonus points to get your download rights back and let us enjoy the forums…PLEASE!
I suspect you don't even know what you are doing
RE: More forum spamming
How do we get this madman to stop. That is over 100 new messages in the last hour!!
Are there no moderators around ?
RE: More forum spamming
And now the OTHER one has posted 160 posts in the last hour and the Recent Posts page goes back no further than 40 minutes ago
As he has set his settings so I can't reach him, how do we get him to stop
RE: More forum spamming
One has his downloaded disabled (and his PMs), the other is nearly below his ratio
RE: Ways to Bypass Torrent Connection Blocking and Throttling By Norton ConnectSafe
Blimey, I could cancel my connection if I used that :crazy2:
More forum spamming
Two members have been responsible for nearly 200 messages in the forums in the past few hours.
Completely screws the Recent posts pages. At the moment it goes back about three hours.
There are other ways to earn points to get your download rights restored.
RE: New Xbox 360 S
108 posts in one day, most one or two words. Download disabled. Co-incidence?