Posts made by spam17
RE: How big is your porn folder?
Argh, I don't know if I should be proud or embarrassed but I have a total of more than 10TB and counting. ;D I have a separate laptop for gay related items with 1TB of memories which is connected to a hard drive dock which at the moment have 3x 4TB drives, now on my 4th, but that includes gay movies, short movies, documentaries, series, etc.
Are the files categorized in any way too?
RE: What was the first image/video/thing that turned you on, the first time?
It's funny because I still remember the picture of men that made me feel… thirsty ^^.
It's when I was 9 or 10 and that's picture of male model on the box of men underwear. Actually, It's boxer of my father's underwear because I was just a kid at that time and kid's underwear doesn't have model on the box.
I found the empty box and kept it without any thinking. It's a brown hair with deep blue eyes white male model. He's so handsome and his body is so pretty. I kept this picture for a quite long time until I realised that I'm a gay human and burned that picture because of the sin I felt.
I am 26 now, have 1TB of gay porn but I still remember that picture clearly. I wish I could find that picture again :(.1TB.. only?
RE: What do you like about older men?
Emotional maturity not always came in an Older man, but they sure have sexual experience
RE: Incest experience
Had a couple experiences while growing up. The first was with a neighbor boy. I had to have been 10 or so at the time and he was a year or two younger. We went into my grandma's spare room and put on some of her dresses and pantyhose, then rubbed against one another. The next time was with my brother around that same time period. He is about 2 years younger than me and we would catch some Skinemax or HBO porn from time to time. We'd get excited with it all and get naked on top of one another, but it all consisted of grinding. The next was a few years later for my brother's birthday party. He, myself and 2 friends played truth or dare. Suffice it to say, but a number of dares involved streaking, grinding and other stupid things while nude. That's about all I can really remember. I can't say I'm proud of any of it, but most of the memories are fairly foggy and I never speak of it. This is my first time ever writing about it all.
That must be a whole story!!
RE: Number of Dicks in your Mouth at Once
2. anybody who says 3 is violating the laws of physics. hahaha!
Then I call the bluff on mr. Newton! ;D
i'm calling him out. hahaha! ;D
RE: My first time being bottom-any position suggestions?
always be on top :crazy2: :crazy2:
Loosen up with a dildo on your own beforehand. Learn to recognize the sensation of your 2nd sphincter, the involuntary one. Use much more lube than you think you need!
Tell us your experience afterwards!
RE: Gag Reflex Help
relax your tongue and the correct angle is always helpful
What is the correct angle in your opinion?
RE: What game are you obsessed of?
Lately I've been obsessed with Pokemon Uranium, but my #1 game of all time has to be Catherine.
I guess for the time being at least..
RE: Internet speed
Not bad..
Not bad? That is great! here in our country, you'll be lucky if you get 10 mb/s and that is why we have one of the slowest internet connections and one of the most expensive when it comes to charges…..In our home the package we are paying is around (converted)
$70.00/monthAustralia is fairly slow on the uptake
I would be happy if our country have that "fairly slow" uptakes like yours
RE: Monster Cock Teen Threesome
I've been trying to find the Title of movie where this is taken. :blownose: I hope someone here knows anything.
Do you have any idea of any name of these guys?