I look at potential playmates on a case by case basis. Further, I'm attracted to a combination of physical features and personality. If I'm being totally honest, there are some ethnicities or "races" if you will where I don't find many attractive guys. At the same time, I don't find it necessary to make a blanket statement like "no [whatever race]". If I don't find a guy attractive, I just say, "No thank you," or something to that effect. That's just my approach and my experience. Other people may have completely different experiences and may feel the need to make the statement up front. It can be unpleasant to hear. I know I've felt stung by people who have very bluntly refused me because they think I'm too old. In summary, two things: 1. I don't think we can really help who we're attracted to or not. 2. No one has to be rude or hurtful about refusing an interest.

Latest posts made by hozehound
RE: Is it racist to post that you're not interested in black/asian/other non-whites?
RE: R u picky abt the taste of one s pee
I prefer well-hydrated, more clear "beer piss". If it's too strong, I won't drink it.
The usual no-gos for me are very dark/strong piss, guys who eat asparagus, and guys who take B-complex vitamins. Though these issues can be remedied by lot of water/beer to dilute the piss..
RE: Spirituality and Sexual Orientation
I grew up Catholic and I still attend every Sunday. Especially when I was young, it was difficult. Trying to figure out being gay was bad enough without the church's criticism. I struggled for a while but I eventually came to see that there was a core belief that was well summarised in Christ's final commandment, "Love one another as I have loved you." Then, there was a lot that just seemed "added on" over time by people with their own particular prejudices. I decided that if I could accept and try to live in that first part then the "added on" stuff wasn't so important. There are so many who would tell me that this way of thinking is very wrong. So be it. If they want me to respect their faith views, then they have to respect mine, even if they disagree.
Two thoughts:
Anyone who can use God and hate in the same sentence is usually demonstrating a fundamental lack of understanding of one or both of those ideas.
Yes, anyone can be a good (holy) person and be gay at the same time. God made me gay and I really do thank Him for it daily.
RE: What's your preference …...Briefs or Boxers?
Briefs. I'm always watching for a nice bulge!
RE: How old were you when you find that you gay ??
I didn't have the full realization until I was about 20 or 21
I always knew I was "different" from other kids but, up until puberty, I thought that was because I was very smart and academically inclined. As I reached puberty, I got got clues like how my friends seemed to get a very physical, visceral reaction when they saw a girl they liked. I didn't seem to get that same feeling. At 16 I had my first experience. It was with a guy. After I went away to university, I realized that I'd get that same strong gut reaction my high school friends did but it happened to me when I saw a hot guy. By this time, I was playing with guys and going to bars. There was one Sunday morning when I'd just finished playing with my boyfriend at the time and I realized, "This is what I like. I like guys." I don't think that I could admit to myself that I liked guys until I realized that I could like guys and still be "me". I didn't have to act effeminate or talk with a lisp. I don't hide the fact that I'm gay but I don't advertise it either. I just don't think that my preference is relevant to every conversation or inter-personal relationship that I have.
RE: Jacking off while driving?
I used to when I was away from heavy city traffic. It had it's appeal but I don't do it any more. That's mostly because I'm too busy to go driving for fun. Still, summer is coming. Maybe some hot sunny day wearing the right pair of shorts…
Maybe I'll shoot some video doing it too... We'll see.
RE: Jockstrap vs Boxers
Jockstraps for working out or going out to play. Boxers for sleeping in.
RE: Have you ever been caught masturbating?
Yes, when I was younger by my sister. Later, as an adult my dad an I were away skiing. We shared a hote room. I thought he' was asleep on the couch so I was surfing porn and jerking off. I looked up and he was watching me. I immediately stopped and he said, "Don't stop because of me." I've often wondered exactly what he meant by that…