my best mate Jenny since the age of 6 im 42 now

Latest posts made by antstorm
RE: How long have you been best friends with your current best friend
RE: G'day from down under
howzit garn mate
pull up an eskie and make ya self cumfy ay -
RE: Gay Marriage Plebiscite Australia
Democracy works both ways mate ,if you want your voice to be heard you have to be willing to hear the voice of those that may not like what you represent and the values you uphold, the alternative is this leftist new world fascism called Political Correctness an enforced language control, thought control and a doublespeak introduced to an entire population without people realizing they are being deceived and manipulated , you cant have "equality" Equality is a dream that is perpetuated to give people false hope, but it is never going to happen. Those of you that think “if we strive for it and push for equality, it will happen someday.” No, it won’t. Not being pessimistic – just realistic. Being equal requires giving up power and there is only so much power in the world. Those that have the power will never want to give it up, not for any reason. Equality does not exist and it never will. seeking protection of the law and equality are two different things , i will never be equal to a woman and nor will a woman be equal to me , that is the truth.
As an Australian i say let the plebiscite happen the Irish had a plebiscite and those that voted “yes” won with a very comfortable margin of 62.07% to 37.93% No.
you cant change the fact that John Howard amended the marriages act in 1984 to include "to the exclusion of ", what has been done , has been done , but to silence those in this community , our community gay straight , makes no difference to me , is a slippery slope into fascism.every voice needs to be heard , whether you or i like it or not.
even the term you used "hate speech" is a rhetorical flourish with no actual meaning. It is a garnish, constructed in the victim factories of the social-justice mullahs of the politically-correct to control ideas and censor words through intimidation.
the word Hate means to greatly dislike , so , they dont like that you or i are gay , so what ?? dont beg for anyones acceptance , you arent a slave and you dont have a master.
you cannot force people to agree with you -
RE: Internet speed
Australia is fairly slow on the uptake , but you have to realise that its a big arse place with billions and billions of dollars needed to upgrade to FTTP and FTTN
so to compare it to say UK or EU would be like comparing an apple to a zucchini -
RE: How to be anonymous in the Internet?
just stay away from
they are not secure
RE: I need a VPN any suggestions.
Try Astrill @ hxxps:// It comes at around $6 per month / $70 per year - it's worth every penny.
Astrill have massive horrible ratings in relation to customer service a grading of 10% satisfaction is BAD
RE: I need a VPN any suggestions.
NordVPN Private Internet Access but personally for me i go with Pure VPN for the fact that i can customise my security depending on what i want to do eg anon , or anon P2P or geo restriction bypass , at the click of a button.
RE: Have you ever met some muslims who come out?
I'm a muslim and I had tried to came out .. The result is terrifying and luckily I managed to reduce the catastrophe and out of the radar (bullies). What have I learned ?… In a muslim country like Moderate Malaysia, you don't have to shout that you're a gay. Just relax.. no one bother if two men live together. Just don't cross dress and do public display affection (PDA). I know people get satisfaction for being able to express them selves but.. this population will never accept "sexuality is not a choice".
Same here in Indonesia. They are still heavily intolerant of LGBT and think that they must be eliminated, despite the fact that Islam never promote violence. It's kinda sad really…
it is utterly obscene to say that islam and its pedo prophet never promote violence. ISIS, Taleban, Lashkar e taiba, hizbt u tahr,…. anever ending list of fanatic extremist islamists and you dare say islam is peacefull. it is the worst cancer plaguing this earth.
as bad a cancer as the hindus and the christians