There's plenty of things to hate about Sheriff Joe Arpaio, but being a white supremacist is not one of them. He is no white supremacist. He might hate everybody, but he certainly never treated white people better than anybody else.
Arpaio was convicted of contempt. Arpaio always considered himself to be above the law in all things. So do most pigs to a degree. If they don't abuse the law themselves, they certainly do back up the other pigs that do.
As far as this pardon goes… one might say that Trump should not have pardoned him.. HOWEVER.. one could also say that since he is no longer a sheriff, he should not have been convicted in the first place. .
The truly despicable thing is when some moonbat states that Arpaio is a convicted white supremacist which is a blatant LIE.
Trump will pardon Hillary too, when they get around to convicting her.
Republicans control ALL congressional investigative committees. They control both the Senate & House of Representatives. They could have launched multiple investigations into Hillary. They could have charged her with something from the phony Benghazi Republican circle jerk material. There will be no charges against Hillary you WSW BigotBot. You've been duped, as usual. Good luck getting any major legislation done with Supreme BigotBot #45 trashing any chance by not even providing a tax reform guidance plan to Congress. I see a government shutdown, defaulting on payments and NO TAX REFORM in the near future :cheers: