Let's be civil guys! Really?
RoyalCrown's stated goal was to restore civility to this group.
In fact, it is more civil now than it has ever been.Anyway.. I find it odd that RoyalCrown wants civility.. while at the same time making it a habit to make blatantly false statements that he invented himself.. and expects to be treated with respect. :blink:
Liberals propose things that feel good to them. They don't care about cost or laws or sense. They just do what feels good. Then when you try to debate they just vanish.
RoyalCrown's stated goal was to restore civility to this group.
In fact, it is more civil now than it has ever been.Anyway.. I find it odd that RoyalCrown wants civility.. while at the same time making it a habit to make blatantly false statements that he invented himself.. and expects to be treated with respect. :blink:
Yep, I stated the goal and then you WSWs completely ruined it. I tried being reasonable for months and you spat in my face. I don't care if you–-a BigotBot---respect me or not. I don't want the respect of someone like you. I made an olive branch to you and you snapped it, Frederick. Maybe you should have thought twice before you turned down my many opportunities. Oh, and WSW = White Supremacist Warrior, it's the label that best describes you, mhorndisk and raphjd from now own. Do you like it? :cheers:
That is the dumbest shit ever. I have been in relationships with Oriental, Latino, African, and Muslim, you name it. You are totally off the wall. You are trying to promote bigotry by putting out your propaganda. I am not racist. I think there are beautiful people in every race. I just want people to follow the law so I know I'm not dating a psychopath! Let them show their damn ID at the border! Otherwise you are the one who is being racist. You want them to be above the law! That's RACISM! You're too stupid to understand that! And your red fist is a symbol of fascism, blatantly. You don't care though, you only care that your feelings are recognized. You don't care about the cost. You just want yourself to feel good. Let me tell you something hunty. This is life. You're never gonna feel good, unless you learn that happiness is 100% your own responsibility. So just STFU.
RoyalCrown's stated goal was to restore civility to this group.
In fact, it is more civil now than it has ever been.Anyway.. I find it odd that RoyalCrown wants civility.. while at the same time making it a habit to make blatantly false statements that he invented himself.. and expects to be treated with respect. :blink:
Yep, I stated the goal and then you WSWs completely ruined it. I tried being reasonable for months and you spat in my face. I don't care if you–-a BigotBot---respect me or not. I don't want the respect of someone like you. I made an olive branch to you and you snapped it, Frederick. Maybe you should have thought twice before you turned down my many opportunities. Oh, and WSW = White Supremacist Warrior, it's the label that best describes you, mhorndisk and raphjd from now own. Do you like it? :cheers:
If you start that shit, expect to be muted.
I'm sick of SJWs using hate filled language to vilify their enemies.
Liberals propose things that feel good to them. They don't care about cost or laws or sense. They just do what feels good. Then when you try to debate they just vanish.
The best example of liberal irresponsibility is probably Crazy Bernie Sanders. Bernie wants everyone given a job, paying a minimum of $15 an hour.. with taxpayer subsidized full healthcare for all, housing for all, free education for all, and in exchange.. all you have to do is turn over nearly your entire salary to the government.. so instead of working for $15 an hour. .you are really working for practically NOTHING.
There is a word for that.. COMMUNISM.. and it doesn't work. -
RoyalCrown's stated goal was to restore civility to this group.
In fact, it is more civil now than it has ever been.Anyway.. I find it odd that RoyalCrown wants civility.. while at the same time making it a habit to make blatantly false statements that he invented himself.. and expects to be treated with respect. :blink:
Yep, I stated the goal and then you WSWs completely ruined it. I tried being reasonable for months and you spat in my face. I don't care if you–-a BigotBot---respect me or not. I don't want the respect of someone like you. I made an olive branch to you and you snapped it, Frederick. Maybe you should have thought twice before you turned down my many opportunities. Oh, and WSW = White Supremacist Warrior, it's the label that best describes you, mhorndisk and raphjd from now own. Do you like it? :cheers:
If you start that shit, expect to be muted.
I'm sick of SJWs using hate filled language to vilify their enemies.
Yep and if you mute me you will be removed as this forum's moderator for allowing Frederick and mhorndisk to spam this forum and call others "moonbats" and other derogatory terms. If they can do it, so can I. You call me SJW and a black supremacist, that means I can call you a WSW and a BigotBot. You are who you are. If it doesn't apply, let it fly. Your anger tells me all I need to know. The truth is I spent months coming to the table, finding ways to agree with you and making an honest effort to bring more civility to this forum. I even praised Frederick for finally stating and defending his arguments. You were the ones who spat in my face and derailed my efforts. This is the way you wanted it, so don't get upset now that I'm giving you the same treatment you've been giving me.
Threatening admin
WOW, you clearly think you have a lot of power on this site.
If someone is going to whine on the helpdesk (last week) about me and try to get me fired, then don't come here acting like an ass clown calling names and threatening staff.
I have been more than fair with both sides, especially the left. I have been extremely soft on the left for fear that they would cry at the slightest warning they may get.
I was called a racist simply for pointing out that a congressman (at the time of the incident) told 2 proven lies. I never mentioned his race or anything else. Using the demands from the left, I should have muted this person immediately and never let them back on the forums. The same person called me an asshole, but I still didn't mute him.
I have been lied about, as have others who aren't leftists.
I must say I see insults, bad language and ad hominem comments from all sides. Quite what any of it has to do with politics or debate passes me by
I must say I see insults, bad language and ad hominem comments from all sides. Quite what any of it has to do with politics or debate passes me by
I think you will find that now that the cork has been put in the hole, this group will finally be a lot more civil.
It's actually quite ironic in that people who have threatened me in my life all wound up destroying themselves.
Here's a few examples:
Many years ago, this one crazy woman was trying to convince people that LASIK was a bad idea. She would post false information daily for years. She is how I found out what a nut Kathy Griffin is. She once pulled a stunt in which she lured me to a meeting at a restaurant pretending to be someone who wanted to have LASIK done. Instead, she sent this very well known psycho guy who was pretty much a LASIK terrorist. I knew what that guy looked like because I saw his mugshots. When I arrived at the restaurant, I was slightly suspicious - so I parked far away - and walked to it. I had my wifi laptop with me. After I discovered the woman was not there, I got this message roaring with laughter over how I had been set up. I looked around and there was only 1 person outside watching me. It was that guy in the mugshots. Apparently, that woman sent that guy thinking he would beat me up. When I looked at him, he realized I recognized him, and he literally RAN away. That guy got nabbed for violating his parole by leaving the state he was from, and put in jail. The woman was so nuts, that her business went bankrupt, her kids hated her, and her husband divorced her.Another time, my adopted sister was plotting to have her boyfriend kill me. Her boyfriend is a drug dealer. I heard what her plan was. She even purchased a .38 caliber gun to kill me with, and was keeping it in her backpack in her car. She didn't know that I knew that she brought her backpack to her friend's house in her car to have a lesbian sleepover. I went there, I had a key to her car, and took the gun from her backpack and disposed of it. That girl wound up getting her ass cut off from financial support. She was getting about $30,000 a year.. now she gets nothing.
I've had 4 other similar incidents with other people, and they all wound up destroying their own lives.
As long as there are self-righteous egotists in this group (and that seems to be a membership sine qua non) it will never be civil.
You must make friends easily if you've had so many attempts on your life. I just wonder if you might pause and think why occasionally.
Nah, silly me. The awful thought passed through my head that it was a shame none succeeded but I dismissed that thought as unworthy
PS Could I just thank Frederick for his latest vote on my reputation, it's 3-1 in my favour as of now
As long as their are self-righteous people in this group (and that seems to be exclusive) it will never be civil.
You must make friends easily if you've had so many attempts on your life. I just wonder if you might pause and think why occasionally.
Nah, silly me
I have people threatening me because I don't put up with crap.
In fact, next week, I will probably have someone else threatening me. A financial advisor conned my father out of 4.5% of his life's savings… illegally. I am no dumey. I have carefully gathered all the information and legal advice I need... and will be confronting that man next week. He will either return the money (unlikely) or I will put him out of business, which will be a huge loss for him, because he is leasing a large office which has a 5 year lease.. and he won't be able to use it anymore when his license is revoked. You can bet that he isn't going to take that lightly. As George Bush once said "Bring It On!" :cheesy2:By the way.. I forgot to mention something about Mr. Crown - RC. If you notice, he kept complaining about a lack of civility.. when in fact he was one of the main reasons for any problems that existed. When his attempts to debate failed, he began intentionally baiting people by calling them out by name and making blatant threats, and telling bold, outrageous lies. He was doing his best to incite a cyber riot.. and failed.
I think I will now relax with a soothing cup of matcha green tea.
Liberals propose things that feel good to them. They don't care about cost or laws or sense. They just do what feels good. Then when you try to debate they just vanish.
The best example of liberal irresponsibility is probably Crazy Bernie Sanders. Bernie wants everyone given a job, paying a minimum of $15 an hour.. with taxpayer subsidized full healthcare for all, housing for all, free education for all, and in exchange.. all you have to do is turn over nearly your entire salary to the government.. so instead of working for $15 an hour. .you are really working for practically NOTHING.
There is a word for that.. COMMUNISM.. and it doesn't work.Ahh yes, sweet communism, where a guy can sit on his couch playing video games making just as much as a heart surgeon. Actually there are some of those guys making more than heart surgeons now… I have a friend from Syria who told me about their capitalist system, and how they laugh at us. They go to the doctor, are seen right away, then go next door to the pharmacy to get what they need for a total of $20, which includes the doctor visit, and the doctor owns several houses. The reason - competition. This friend of mine said she was wrongly diagnosed by a western doctor and says the migrant crisis is fake because they want to destroy the West. She said nobody in their right mind would want to leave Syria to come here. It's funny how leftists get up here screaming all day about how horrible they have it over there, but actually have no idea. George Clooney certainly isn't taking in any refugees. He doesn't have Syrian friends!
Liberals propose things that feel good to them. They don't care about cost or laws or sense. They just do what feels good. Then when you try to debate they just vanish.
The best example of liberal irresponsibility is probably Crazy Bernie Sanders. Bernie wants everyone given a job, paying a minimum of $15 an hour.. with taxpayer subsidized full healthcare for all, housing for all, free education for all, and in exchange.. all you have to do is turn over nearly your entire salary to the government.. so instead of working for $15 an hour. .you are really working for practically NOTHING.
There is a word for that.. COMMUNISM.. and it doesn't work.Ahh yes, sweet communism, where a guy can sit on his couch playing video games making just as much as a heart surgeon. Actually there are some of those guys making more than heart surgeons now… I have a friend from Syria who told me about their capitalist system, and how they laugh at us. They go to the doctor, are seen right away, then go next door to the pharmacy to get what they need for a total of $20, which includes the doctor visit, and the doctor owns several houses. The reason - competition. This friend of mine said she was wrongly diagnosed by a western doctor and says the migrant crisis is fake because they want to destroy the West. She said nobody in their right mind would want to leave Syria to come here. It's funny how leftists get up here screaming all day about how horrible they have it over there, but actually have no idea. George Clooney certainly isn't taking in any refugees. He doesn't have Syrian friends!
Clooney is one of the celebrities that pledged to leave the USA if Trump was elected.. and did.. but quickly moved back. Obama said he would move to Canada if Trump won.. but did not. By the way.. seems that you never see Barry and Michael photographed together anymore.
You missed the latest one where Michael (oops I mean Michelle) grabs what appears to be a big ding dong in her crotch area as it bounces around… It's the latest internet craze...
You missed the latest one where Michael (oops I mean Michelle) grabs what appears to be a big ding dong in her crotch area as it bounces around… It's the latest internet craze...
Ru Paul should send Michael a roll of duct tape!