Just so we're clear, you have about zero education on the history of this country.
Just so we're clear, you do not know how to put things into context just like #45 doesn't.
Just so we're clear, you don't speak for all whites.
You're pathetic…
You can spew all you want about Civil Rights and Mr Luther King, but in reality you are lobbying for a society where victimization and guilt allow black people to progress. I thought Luther King was about EQUALITY.
Honestly, I was appaled when I discover there are black people who believe white people should kill themselves (and even worse when I found out there are white people who feel that way), because in Mexico there are very few African-descended people.
Equality comes with recognition from the other...white people accepted black people were equal to them and deserved the same rights. Without that it would be an imposition and hence, there wouldn't be true equality.
Play the victim card all you want, it fits you.
And I'm glad you don't speak for all the black people out there. Because it is due to individuals like you that people take polarizing views.
Are you done? Because I didn't read any of that crap since it is most likely completely irrelevant to anything being discussed on here.