Is this something any one else has gone through?
Yup, been there, done that, got several t-shirts. :poorthing:
One guy in particular: I was sooooo in love, he was brutally handsome, we were the best of friends, and I hung in there with our "friendship" long enough (20+ years) to finally get it through my head that he was basically just a jerk and a lousy drunk, lol. Although my lust for him didn't allow me to see who he really was for many many years. Long story short, when I finally moved away to another state after more than a decade of being his loyal friend, his wife at the time confided in me that he was no longer the same and missed me terribly. They finally divorced years later (…I wonder why?), and he decided to come visit with me all the way across the country, despite me informing him that I really no longer felt the same way about "things" as when we knew each other back in the day. He came anyway - despite my warning, and I realized finally that I really couldn't stand him very much aside from the fact that he was an attractive man 20 years earlier when we had first met. He basically threw himself on me during his visit, I couldn't have cared any less by this time, and couldn't wait to get him back to the airport to send him on his way (…where he now lives with his mother!).
All this is to say, give it some time with your attractive straight friend. You may realize in time that there really isn't all that much to him that is worthy of your interest. Sometimes we just really want the thing that we think is unobtainable. My advice to you at this time: He knows you're into him, just stand your ground, be his friend, and trust me… he'll eventually come to YOU. And if he's lucky, you'll still be into him when he does. But more than likely, you'll find someone else by that time that suits your fancy better than him (who will also likely be more worthy of your time). "Straight" guys like to play games, all hard-to-get 'n' shit, when they think we worship the ground they walk on. And many of them know instinctively when we do.
Put another way: You can say that many of them have GayFriendWantsToFuckMeDar, and they often try to use it to their own advantage.