You can NOT see you total upload per torrent in the Profile. What you see there, is a temporary picture from the tracker, which is session based.
Session based means, that if the connection to the tracker is interrupted too long, or you pause a torrent too long, or you stop your torrent client, or you shut the computer in standby, or the tracker is restarted (this list may not be exhaustive) it is restart at zero.
However each torrent client's announce (typically each 30 minutes) added upload on a torrent is added into the grand total of upload in your Profile.
What I see right now is 1.8 GB of upload as current tracker picture on the second torrent and zero on the first you mention. Zero on the first you mention makes sense, because there was a tracker restart this night and there are no downloading peers.
It is likely that you get only slightly more that the files size as upload out of an own uploaded torrent initially. The less more, the slower the initial upload is. My own experience is 1.0 to 1.3x the file size. More will follow if you stay seeding for years and all others stopped seeding.