Donating Question
Hi All,
I am new to the world of torrents. I know shocking in this day and age but I have a question as far as donations to the site. On the 10 euro level it says you get 10 GB. Does that mean you have 10GB worth of downloading space? I was trying to understand but didn't get grasp what it is saying.
Sorry to sound daft but any help would be appreciated.
Hi, leeniedo. Torrents are based on sharing data that you have downloaded which is why it is important you keep your torrents running even when you have completed.
You need to keep a certain ratio between what you download and what you upload (share back to others). I see you have fallen victim to the new member syndrome.
To your particular question, if you donate Euro10 you will get an upload credit of 10GB which is enough to give you back your downloading rights. That is, it would take your ratio way above the minimum required by the site.
There's a number of ways to increase your ratio: keep seeding, earn bonus points to swap for upload credit by voting a category for anything you have downloaded, posting messages in the forums, adding (relevant) pictures to existing torrents. If you post your own torrent you get upload credit AND the possibility of bonus points.
Finally, here, if you download popular freeleech torrents you will be credited with any upload but you gather no download so that can boost your ratio
Thanks for the info cannonmc. It is very useful.
The new member syndrome is based on my own stupidity can't say the same for others.
Once I figure out the uploading from my iMac I will have plenty to share but in the meantime will still donate.
Thanks again.
Just donated so waiting for that to show up.
Wanted to say was reading another thread of yours canonmc that had some very useful information that I will probably refer back to. You do seem to be the guru on here.
Still waiting for the site to show that I have donated. I sent a message showing my paypal transaction but not sure how long it takes for a response back.
I'm glad I could help. Feel free to give a shout if I can help further.
Uploading is pretty easy. You can't use the Quick Torrent Maker on you iMac but manually uploading is simple, especially after the first one. If you have uploaded elsewhere then you will have no problems.
PS Not a guru, just someone with spare time
PPS Are you keeping the torrents that you have downloaded seeding?
Hi cannonmc.
I think I uploaded a link to torrent. It has said "seeding" for a little over 3 hours so no clue if I did it correctly. Its a vid someone was looking for on here.Β I have never uploaded before so hoping once I figure it out it will be like riding a bike.
I made the mistake of deleting the files I downloaded as I didn't realize I should have kept them. Pays to read before.
Still waiting on a Mod here to change my status. Not sure how long that takes. I noticed after the fact people on here saying the site doesn't take paypal but the link was under donate so that was how I did it.
I didn't quite follow when you said you think you uploaded a link. Did you upload the torrent or just a link?
To upload a torrent using the upload page, just follow the steps. Create your torrent first (put anything you like in the 'Tracker' box). Make sure you search for a duplicate first, then do the steps one by one (you don't need to fill in the 'URL' and 'NFO' boxes but you must include at least one decent picture).
When you get to the end and it says 'Do It', click and you will upload a torrent. Once it is uploaded you then need to download that torrent and when your client asks where to save you must point it to the exact same file you made the torrent from. It will check the file and if all is OK the torrent will become visible (a couple of minutes delay)
I don't know how long it takes to change your status. But if nothing happens, contact the Helpdesk (button at top) and give them all your details fo the payment.
It shows I have the torrent sitting in my downloads. So that end must have worked. Will play around with getting a picture and such tomorrow. I'm dangerous will a little knowledge.
Contacted the help desk with the info a couple of hours ago so will just wait and see what happens.
Off to dinner. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Judging by your current ratio the donation worked
Sort of worked. Donated 10 euros received 5.00GB but under my donate button it looks like it should have been 10GB. Hopefully I won't wear my welcome out at the Help Desk.
And sorry to keep asking questions. I was taking a screen capture using vlc. It takes the picture but have no clue where on my computer it is saving it. You would think I was blonde or something.
I am sure the Helpdesk won't mind you contacting them - you after all, unlike most of us, are a paying customer
My reading says you should have got a 10GB credit.
Don't apologise for asking questions, that's why there are forums for doing just that.
The simplest way I have found to take snapshots andΒ make thumbnails is to use Media Player Classic HC - not only is it a good player, but with a couple of clicks you can get a full contact sheet.
After many times of 'losing' stuff when saving, I save everything like that, initially, to my desktop. I can then sort out a final place after.
And keep seedingβ¦
Once I get the hang of this my "seed" will be all over the place.
Hi cannonmc
Don't mean to bother you but using the guide online and it says "It's advisable not to use My Documents, the Desktop or any other folder within the partition with the OS files on it." My question is where do you save it then?
I'm in all day so going to figure this out today or before I die. Whichever happens to happen first.
Not sure which guide you mean but that is rather hard on people who still have their original one partition with their OS on it as it was when purchased.
My default for saving files from anywhere really (mp3, podcasts, pictures, set-up files, pdfs, text files,even movies) is my Desktop so I know exactly where they are and they are easy to find.
Podcasts are deleted after I listen to them, pictures will be filed if I want to keep them or deleted if they were part of an upload. Set-up files will be tried (and perhaps kept on another partition) and maybe moved to my 'saving data partition).
I'd suggest you don't try to figure anything today, just put your feet up and enjoy the holiday weekend, even it isn't one where you are
PS I see you've been downloading again
Just keep those torrents seeding
Other than being a Sunday, no holiday on this end.
I grabbed a lot of causa vids for a friend of mine last night.Β I kept the majority of my videos on one of several My Passport Ultra external hard drives. I just have to keep track which is porn, which one is movies and which is music.
Enjoy your holiday. No more questions today. I promise.
Just to clarify the original question at hand, when you make a donation, you pay x amount of Euros for Y amount of upload credit. What this means is it adds that much data transfer to your upload total. This does not necessarily mean that you will receive Y amount of download credit, depending on how low your ratio is and how big the difference between your upload and download totals.
So⦠If you need to seed 10 GB of data to get your download rights for example, the 10 GB upload credit will only push you to your minimum ratio, just enough to get your download rights back more or less... Just a heads up.
I usually store the re-downloaded .torrent file to the folder where I have the prepared description and picture for that movie. Or sometimes to the Desktop.
I usually just delete the re-downloaded file once I have started the seed because uTorrent saves a copy to its own folder