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Posts made by Popper
RE: Что значит The last 50 banned Duplicate Accounts
RE: Voir téléchargements terminés et en cours
Bonjour azertyuiop2
Regardez dans votre Profile en cliquant sur votre nom dans "Welcome back, …" puis faites défiler la page vers le bas.
Cliquez sur "Show completed torrents" (Afficher les torrents terminés), pour voir les téléchargements terminé.
Cliquez sur "Show leeching torrents" (Afficher les torrents en téléchargement), pour voir les torrents en cours de téléchargement -
RE: Know its current and completed downloads
Look in your Profile by clicking at your name in "Welcome back, …" then scroll down to the bottom of that page.
There click on "Show completed torrents" to see the completed download.
Click on "Show leeching torrents", to see the torrents you are currently downloading -
RE: What do the 3 different colors for torrents in the search list mean?
May be I should add, that if you don't download all data files of a torrent's file list, it will never "complete" and remain light green, though you got all selected files to download.
RE: Phantom Downloads
It is not necessary the account which is compromised. It might just have been the passkey. There are many ways a passkey can leak, e.g. through the torrent sharing function of BitComet, through uploading a .torrent file from here to another site, through file sharing software like eMule, Ares or Limewire, etc … (that is why we and other private tracker prohibit the sharing of .torrent files on other tracker, always make a new for the other tracker)
If you think the account is compromised, you should not only reset the passkey, but use another e-mail and change the password, too.
There are only few complains the last year, it was used to be more frequents previously.
RE: Leeching completed torrents
Please drop in a PM when you are seeding > https://www.gaytorrent.ru/sendmessage.php?receiver=191566
RE: Utorrent help - uploading a new torrent
When you open the .torrent file with µTorrent, a window like below should be shown:
Question: Do you get that window?Assuming yes, you need to click the ". . ." (or "Browse", depends on version) button and navigate to the folder which contains the movie file. Then confirm with "Save" or "Select Folder". In case of a warning from µTorrent that the file are already there and the question to overwrite the files, answer No. Then you'll need to do a recheck, if it doesn't do it automatically.
It looks you resolved the issue already. We are sending out a message to after some time not seed new torrent's uploader, giving instructions on possible solutions. -
RE: How do I move a post?
That moderator is apparently me.
However the question I asked "Has it got a name?" wasn't answered by you (yet).
If you got the name (and studio), you should mentioned it.
If you don't know the title, say so and the request will be moved as indicated (by me), because it must be moved to the other section.
and by the way, this isn't a guide but a forum support question and will need to be moved by a moderator, too. -
RE: Leeching completed torrents
Only peers which got all files of a torrent's file list can de counted as seeder. If these are multiple file torrents and you chose not to download all files, you'll appear still as leecher, though you seed what you've downloaded.
Uploaded data will be counted as such by the tracker of course.
However such torrent still counts to the limit of at the same time downloading torrents and won't count for seed bonus points.
This is inherent to the bit torrent protocol and all trackers I know work like that. it isn't GayTorrent.ru specific.
This is something to be added to the FAQ -
RE: What do the 3 different colors for torrents in the search list mean?
Torrents of which you have downloaded the .torrent file from the site. See the "Home" page news about the browse page upgrades.
RE: I've just been promoted to power user!
That is just a code, displaying the name of whoever looks at that signature. If I look, I'll see my name …
RE: How do I move a post?
You can't. He should be able to move it … which post and to where?
RE: Harddrive > 2.2Tb anyone?
Which version of Windows are you using? For native 3 TB support, you'll need Vista with a Service Pack (not sure 1 or 2) or newer.
It as well depends if you want to migrate the existing Windows to it or just as additional data drive. Additional data drive is easy. Just use a GPT disk instead of MBR. Attention, changing from MBR to GPT will delete all partitions and data.
Some chipset driver on all mainboards may cause trouble, too.
There are utilities available from HDD manufacturers to work around that.
Read for example there > http://www.seagate.com/support/downloads/beyond-2tb/
The DiskUtility is free, WD offers as well a free version of it
RE: Utorrent332 - How do I reinstate a seeding Torrent removed accidentaly?
OK, so you went the second method
RE: Utorrent332 - How do I reinstate a seeding Torrent removed accidentaly?
At the moment, rename nothing, please. This is interesting to see what is wrong with the instructions to be better formulated.
I've got three questions:
1. Did you try the first or the second way?
2. Is your µTorrent uploads folder the folder to which µTorrent saves downloads when they are not yet completed?
3. What is the link to the torrent page on GayTorrent.ru?Thanks in advance, I'll then answer what to do next (and what went wrong). You can then as well indicate what you've understood differently and perhaps even make a suggestion how to improve the wording.
RE: Utorrent332 - How do I reinstate a seeding Torrent removed accidentaly?
The first:
Copy the movie/data file(s) into the default download folder/directory of the torrent client programme. That is where new downloads go first.
Go-to the description page of the torrent to reseed and click "Download" to get the .torrent file and open it with your torrent programme. The torrent programme shall find the files(s) already being there, check it to 100% and start seeding.
The second:
Go to the description page of the torrent and click "Download" to get the .torrent file.
Open it with your torrent program and direct the download to the folder (aka directory) containing the data file or folder from which the torrent was created. Otherwise, the torrent program will search for the files(s) in the default download folder
The torrent program then will check the file(s) to 100% if found and matching. If the re-check doesn't start automatically, force a re-check. It should then switch to seeding as soon as the torrent is started.
The Guide in the forum got a pictured detailed description for µTorrent/BitTorrent
RE: Ratio
Zaad downloads te uploaden credit (nieuwere torrents = meer verkeer) verdienen
1. Zaad downloads tot 0,5 zaad bonuspunten per uur (ruil voor upload krediet) verdienen
2. Reseed oudere torrent bezoeken met slechts een / nul seeders te verdienen uploaden krediet. Dit betekent opnieuw downloaden. Torrent file en wijzen naar bestanden op de harde schijf.
3. Upload nieuwe torrents te verdienen uploaden krediet wanneer anderen downloaden. Dit is mogelijk zelfs met downloaden rechten opgeschort
4. Upload nieuwe torrents om zaad bonuspunten begaafd van andere leden ontvangen dank u
5. Download en zaad freeleech torrents. Dit kost geen download bedrag en geeft u krediet uploaden op deze zware verkeer torrents
6. Stem categorie op voltooide downloads op 2 zaad bonuspunten per stem verdienen
7. Zoeken naar dubbele torrents en verdien 50 zaad bonuspunten per bevestigde verslag.
8. Foto's dienen voor torrents met <10 totaal foto's tot 1 punt per goedgekeurde foto verdienen
9. Plaats uw persoonlijke affiliate lidmaatschap link naar andere gebieden van het internet of naar vrienden. Je verdient 250 seed bonuspunten per nieuwe gebruiker.
10. Maak donatie voor uploaden krediet (helpt ons server kosten) -
RE: Waarom word ik gewaarschuwd?
Dit gaat niet over zaaien of downloaden van bestanden torrent met een torrent client programma, maar op het web site.Using Azureus bezoeken of een andere zal niets veranderen.
Hebt u geen toegang tot GayTorrent.ru tijdens uw vakantie op een andere manier?
RE: Waarom word ik gewaarschuwd?
Wat kan ik doen om dit te voorkomen, want wat heb ik aan meerdere accounts op hetzelfde IP-adres? ik ben de enige gebruiker op dit IP-adres.Je werd gewaarschuwd, niet vanwege het IP, maar omdat het dezelfde computer werd gebruikt om toegang te krijgen tot meer dan een account.
Daarom mijn vraag over het gebruik van een verre machine, die kunnen worden gedeeld met andere gebruikers … bijvoorbeeld een soort seedbox die kreeg ook een desktop envirement.
Wij (u en wij) moeten begrijpen hoe dit gebeurt, anders is het niet zinvol om opnieuw inschakelen van de rekeningen, alleen maar om ze opnieuw blokkeerde de volgende dag.