The parent directory creation failure is new to me, so I can't tell much. My guess would be that your user acount hasn't the right to create directories in the directory chosen as download target location. Try to change that to another place.
For the scrape error, that is a "normal" error for all torrents from our tracker which are not seeding or downloading, but queued or stopped. Our tracker got that function disabled. In comparison to other torrent client programmes, Vuze shows that error prominently and hasn't a default work around queue priority setting for non-scrape trackers.
Try these settings:
Tools > Options > Queue -> Seeding > First Priority > A share ratio under [1:1], set the rest to ignore and uncheck Torrents with 0 Peers
Tools > Options > Queue > Seeding > Ignore Rules > uncheck Ignore torrents with 0 peers
as well the following setting:
Tools –> Options... --> Queue --> Seeding --> Auto Starting --> Auto Start all completed torrents with 0 peers selected in my options.