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Posts made by Popper
RE: I uploaded three torrents and as usual i then go to details and download them…
When the uploaded torrents are going to "searching peers" or "downloading" after having added the re-downloaded .torrent file to the torrent client, no download is charged immediately to an account.
Actually a download of data should not be possible, because it is you having the data files. Only if someone else got the exact matching data files ad jumps on your upload seeding it instead of you, you'll get to download data.
Therefore it is unlikely that you were charged with any download on these torrents, if you recognize immediately that your µTorrents tries to download the files.
RE: Torrent, no sube ni baja
Entonces tratan de adoquín la configuración de seguridad de Internet de Windows a "medio-alto", que es su defecto.
RE: Torrent, no sube ni baja
Por favor, asegúrese de que su navegador Chrome por defecto permite que las cookies
Chrome > Menu symbol (arriba a la derecha) > Settings > Show advanced settings > Privacy > Content settings > seleccionar Allow local data to be set (recommended)
Lo siento mi Chrome está en Inglés.
A continuación, intente volver a utilizar QTM V1.10
RE: Torrent, no sube ni baja
¿Cuál es el navegador web por defecto. Quiero decir el navegador que se abre al hacer clic en un enlace en un correo electrónico.
RE: Duda sobre un simbolo ♺
En realidad se trata de un símbolo de reciclaje ya que se utiliza en la Comunidad Europea para el marcado de material de embalaje y los productos (no asociado con una indicación de que el material, por ejemplo EPS (Expanded Poli estireno) o 04).
Nosotros usamos este símbolo para indicar torrentes antiguas que han sido promovidos a la cima de la lista, cambiando la fecha. Una especie de reciclaje. La fecha ipload original se indica a continuación, al principio de la descripción "Original upload: aaaa-mm-dd |"
Parece que el navegador de severo utiliza un conjunto de caracteres que no incluye el símbolo …
(Traducción Google)
RE: Rationator follows download rather than ratio
Look, it is in steps. Assume you need to be above the minimum share ratio requirements to download (else the tracker will block connection). Then the corresponding upload steps are:
Needed upload for minimum share ratio at max limit of step > baseline .torrent files / 24 hours
0.40 GB > 1
1.25 GB > 1
3.00 GB > 2
10.00 GB > 3and when you are above the minimum, means more upload, it increases the .torrent files / 24 hours. So when you reach a share ratio of 0.55 ratio while keeping below 10 GB download, you'll get 1 more and if you reach 0.80 while keeping below 10 GB download you'll get 2 more .torrent files / 24 hours. As said it doesn't like to look like more upload / higher ratio than the minimum is increasing the .torrent files / 24 hours, but it really is.
The amount of share ratio you are above the minimum is multiplied with the baseline value and added to it (rounded).More upload > better share ratio > more .torrent files / 24 hours.
RE: Rationator follows download rather than ratio
It might not look like on the first glance, but the number of .torrent file download in a gliding 24 hours window is actually driven by the actual ratio.
Let me explain. First, the more you download, the higher the minimum ratio to keep download rights (tracker controlled). That means you need to have uploaded more to actually use the .torrent files to download the data files. So basically with the steps, your upload needs to increase faster than the download, because of the increased minimum share ratio.
Then the table shows only the Baseline amount torrent file download in a gliding 24 hours window. The actual amount is calculated by adding the product of the ratio difference exceeding the minimum of that step by the baseline value. This means if your share ratio is higher than the minimum, means more upload than the step requires, you get more .torrent files allowed. So higher share ratio and upload, means more .torrent files.
Lets take your example. 2 + ((0.500 - 0.300) * 2) = 2.4 rounded 2. However if your share ratio would be 0.550, it would give 2 + ((0.550 - 0.300) * 2) = 2.5 rounded 3.
RE: can't download torrent.
Please select a torrent from in your µTorrent, then the "Trackers" tab in the lower µTorrent window part. There look for the line with the tracker announce URL and please indicate the message in the "Status" column.
That message gives us some hints on possible issue causes.
RE: Tracker ip changed to
Try to reboot your modem/router (the box from your ISP). If that doesn't help. Write to the Helpdesk and indicate your IP. You get your IP by typing "what is my IP" in Google search for example.
RE: Tracker ip changed to
Our tracker has scrape deactivated. A torrent must be started to receive the peer list.
RE: I have lots of torrents available to seed yet no peers are connecting. Help
The question regarding priority a torrent client programme gives is something better asked and answered by that torrent clients support.
There are many parameters which can influence that. Vuze/Azureus got many user options, but it is a science on it's own. µTorrent/BitTorrent is mostly a black box, you can only give higher priority by the target ratio setting.
How many torrents you keep started, is up to you. I'd say it depends on your share ratio, your wish to share more and your hard drive space(s).
How many torrents you should set active depends mostly on your internet access upload speed. You should at very least have 10KBytes/s free for each of the allowed active uploading torrents.
RE: Category drop down is not populating
The most likely reason for that is not to use the latest version of QTM. Only QTM V1.10 is working correctly together with the site.
If you use an earlier version, uninstall QTM (Windows "Start" menu > All Programs … > QuickTorrentMaker folder > uninstall) and then download and install the latest version.
RE: QTM Questions / Answers and suggestions
I got this message "UNABLE TO LOAD "qtm.torrent": torrent is not valid bencoding".. torrent file for my uploaded vid doesn't show on torrent 3.3.2… now i only have 2 days before i loss my privilege to download videos and maintain my ratio balance.. PLS HELP ASAP.. :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
Which version of QTM are you using?
RE: Problems with 19nitten videos
No problem here with VLC or Windows Media Player to advance the position bar to any point and having that clip continue to playback.
Likely your installed MPEG-1 codec causes the issue. Try to install the CCCP (combined community codec pack), open source and free.
RE: After downloading torrent it shows connecting to peers for 14 hours…..
The answer to your question is yes.
However, if you mean the SheAniMALE torrent, you are already charged 0.02% of download. The problem with that torrent is that the seeder isn't connectible and only you leech.
RE: Tracker ip changed to
The first thing to do, is to verify the IP your PC gets. For that, go to the "Start" menu, there select "Accessories" and then right mouse button click on the "Command Prompt" and select "Run as administrator".
Then in the window with black background which opens, type "ping tracker.gaytorrent**.ru**" without quotes and hit enter. Note the IP, timeout isn't of interest. Next type "ping tracker.gaytorrent**.tw**" and hit enter again. Note the IP.
If either of the two IPs is the old, type "ipconfig /flushdns" in that window. If it says sucess, type again the pings, which if your ISP DNS server got updated should show the new IP
If the new IP is shown with the ping's, reboot your PC.
In case only the .ru tracker ping shows the new IP, you could change in your torrent client's torrent properties the tracker from .tw into .ru
RE: I have lots of torrents available to seed yet no peers are connecting. Help
Yes, it can be that random. It depends on a lot of factors, the other seeds, the leeches and their available free bandwidth as well on your free available bandwidth and priority settings in the torrent client programme.
The different torrent clients negociate directly between each other about upload / download pieces.
RE: Problemas na busca de torrents
Parece que eu não estava claro na minha explicação. Exibimos em verde mais escuro fundo de torrents que o download do arquivo de dados (por exemplo, o filme foi concluído. Esta informação é enviada pelo programa de cliente torrent para o tracker, que apenas registra-lo.
No caso da torrente em seu quadro, tenho verificado a "lista pegou" e aparecer várias vezes na mesma. Existem alguns programas cliente de torrent que não informam erroneamente várias vezes para ter concluído o download, mas o BitTorrent você utiliza agora não se sabe por que …
(Google Translation of:
It seems I wasn't clear in my explanation. We display in darker green background torrents of which the data file download (e.g. the movie was completed. This information is sent by the torrent client programme to the tracker, which just records it.In the case of the torrent in your picture, I have checked the "snatched list" and you appear multiple times in it. There are some torrent client programmes which do report wrongly multiple times to have completed the download, but the BitTorrent you you use now isn't known for that ...)