Omdat ons systeem gedetecteerd dat je account en een ander met dezelfde toegang.
Gebruikt u een externe gedeelde bureaublad of virual machine, door toeval?
(Sorry, Google translation …)
Omdat ons systeem gedetecteerd dat je account en een ander met dezelfde toegang.
Gebruikt u een externe gedeelde bureaublad of virual machine, door toeval?
(Sorry, Google translation …)
Well, there is as well the following setting:
Tools –> Options… –> Queue –> Seeding –> Auto Starting –> Auto Start all completed torrents with 0 peers selected in my options.
That option should make new torrents start.
I am at a loss here. Something for the Administrators to look at …
Thank you. That is very strange, even the message says you should be allowed 15 torrents at the same time.
Before going to the Administrators looking into this, I'll try if a disabling then 15 minutes later re-enabling your account will resolve the issue.
Please don't be shocked if your torrents turn red.
Can you stop them again and then start only 10 of them?
If you make a careful customized installation of the latest stable built of µTorrent (3.3.1), it comes without adversing. You just have to deselect a lot not to install with it.
Personally I still use the latest stable built of µTorrent 2.2.1, which can be got there > or by this torrent >
I've tried qBittorrent and it is a torrent client programme which got all one needs, easy to use. If you know µTorrent, you should not find it too different. It exists for all 3 major OS, Windows, OS X and GNU/Linux. Different staff is using it on all of them and are happy.
Updated illustration:
Did you follow my suggestion to STOP all downloading torrents and wait a minute, then restart them?
As you reset the passkey (I didn't ask that), you'll need to change all the torrents to the new passkey. I guess you know that …
The message said well a maximum of 15, didn't it?
Can you please verify the passkey on the other downloading torrents to be well the one shown in your profile. I've just tested it with a 4th torrent and didn't got a too many downloads warning.
If the passkey is correct. STOP all the downloading torrents. Wait a minute and restart them. You should be able to download 15 torrents at the same time. That is the maximum for non-donators (20 for donators). Improving ratio won't help.
That is a gliding window from the current moment back 24 hours, counting the downloaded .torrent files during that period.
Look through your torrents seeding with multiple files for those you haven't downloaded all the torrent's files.
Seeder can be only a peer who got all the files. Therefore the tracker will count you still as leecher on those torrents. You can temporarly stop thm while downloading.
You're right, I got what I wanted in terms of files but not getting to cast my vote in the category vote is a loss. …
Personally I download the small files like pictures, covers and descriptions on multiple file torrents, too. At the end, the download size doesn't matter, it is just a question of time to share back and usually those file are a low percentage to the total size.
Not having all files has in addition the inconvenience to count the torrent as downloading while seed by the tracker and if one has too many of such, downloads will be blocked by our tracker, because we got limits there (too).
… What is whole leeching business anyway? Are there users coming in from other places taking the torrents, i.e., not from this site? Could you elaborate on the process a little bit please? ...
This goes a little off topic and might be worth it's own discussion., but anyway, some words to it.
Bit torrent is a Peer to Peer (P2P) file sharing protocol. The emphasis here is on sharing. Not only a file is shared, but as well the upload bandwidth of all the peers, to make downloads fast and the storage space. The upload and downloads are directly between peers (users / members), not from a central download or streaming server.
Everyone participating will at some point download data files (movies typically here), which is called leeching and a peer doing that is called leecher or leeches. Someone can be at the same time downloading (leeching) and uploading (seeding) data of a torrent's files. That is what typically happens on new torrents and makes the downloads via torrents so fast. Someone who got a new part, is distributing it to the others.
Downloading it self isn't a bad thing, it is part of the sharing process.
Unfortunately some people are happy to download files, but once they got it, don't care to share back and keep the files available for others. It takes storage space and requires to run the computer and torrent client for long times. Peers with such behaviour are called leecher or leeches in the derogative meaning of that words.
We therefore have here a ratio system enforced, which requires members to keep files and share them back. Basically members who don't share enough, will find their download suspended until they shared back enough.
New members who have experience with ratio trackers will know how to keep ratio and which files to prefer to built it up and which rather not to take at start.
Our ratio system is designed in a way that new members not knowing torrents at all or only from public trackers like The Pirate Bay (just to name the most (in)famous) will get early a low ratio warning. That is meant to make them aware of our ratio requirement system, read about it and what to do to keep ratio. At that early stage, requirement 0.200 with low download amount, it is quite easy to correct the share ratio.
There is as well a special kind of experienced torrenters, which just create an account, download what they can, without sharing back, until the system blocks them (but it can't stop running downloads). Then dumps the account, to later open a new. We saw new members downloading more that 100 GB in the first 3 days until the end of their grace time …
One aspect of Rationator 3.0 introduced after we went open signup is to try to make that behaviour less attractive. At first the number of downloads of torrent files is highly limited, so not many torrents can be downloaded in the first 3 days or week. Of course they can still get some of the mega collections ...
Some words to the end:
Leeching and seeding goes in pair. What one user leeches others upload. It can't be dissociated. So with any downloads, you help other members improving their share ratio.
A share ratio around 1.000 is good. Unbalanced in either direction should be tried to be avoided. However uploader of own new torrents will likely have a share ratio above 1.000 unavoidable, except stopping to upload new torrents, what nobody here hopefully wants.
It is flat 0.5 Seed Bonus Points per hour, independently how many torrents you seed.
Remark: If you seed more, the chances are higher to do real upload, which is better than seed bonus exchanges.
Would it be clearer for you, if this:
… For every hour you have a file (or multiple files) seeding you get .5 points for every hour. ...
would be changed to:
… You get 0.5 points for every hour you have at least one torrent seeding. ...
Or how would you word it better?
Nous cherchons des modérateurs qui parlent Français nativement pour cette section.
Vous devriez être capable de communiquer avec les autres membres du staff en Anglais, savoir aider des membres francophone a uploader des torrents* et surtout avoir le temps à vous investir a faire revivre ce forum endormi.
Cette section n'est pas limité au support, mais ce veut aussi une espace d’échange libre pour nôtres membres francophone :love:
Vous pouvez postuler là >
When I download a DVD torrent, it's made of multiple files such as VOB, BUP, IFO, etc.
How do I join all these files into a single DVD file?
There is no need to join anything. Those files are exactly the files like they are stored on a DVD in the folder called VIDEO_TS. If you burn them in a folder called VIDEO_TS as data to a DVD-R, the disk should play like a DVD on your computer or a stand alone DVD player, means with menu navigation, chapter and language selection etc …
Video player on computer will usually play those DVD Data files like a DVD, if you select the VIDEO_TS.IFO file to play (that is the DVD main index file).
Of course it is possible to create a DVD ISO image from these files, e.g. with ImgBURN, but that has no advantage IMHO.
How can also convert one of these VOB files into another file format such as AVI?
Most good free video encoders / converters stopped supporting the old .avi container.
To convert DVD to .mp4 (m4v) or .mkv, I'd recommend Handbrake. You can open directly the folder with the .VOB, .IFO and .BUP files with it.
What's the best program to convert video files from one format to another (i.e. mp4 to avi, etc)?
I am not sure here what to recommend.
To pack something into .mp4 or .mkv digital container format , I'd recommend Avidemux, using the stream copy function. This that repacks only and doesn't decode / re-encode, it is fast and without losses.
To encode (which means losses in quality) into .mp4 or .mkv digital container format, I'd recommend Handbrake again.
There is as well Super from eRightsoft, allowing to convert nearly anything to anything including stream copy functions. It is basically a GUI for ffmpeg. For some reasons I don't like it.
If you really want to have .avi, VirtualDub(Mod) might be an option, but it's user interface is horrible and you need to know what you do (e.g. calculate bit rates manually).
The site is a true treasure box regarding any video treating tools.
Handbrake is good to make .mp4(m4v) or .mkv files from DVD Data files. It won't remove copy protections, though.
NB.: Help how to remove DRM are prohibited on
It is not a loss. You got what you've wanted
You can share that part back and the upload you'll do is counted by the tracker as upload. Only the tracker will never receive the signal that you've completed the download of all files. Therefore it will count you always into the leeches, because only a peer who got all files can be a seeder. That as well means the torrent will not show up in your completed download list. That can become an obstacle if you want to reload and restart seeding it, having no download rights. Else it doesn't matter much.
That to the torrent you have selected not to get all files.
The part regarding the star "*" remark, is about the process you use to get an own torrent seed or start reseeding it, by jumping on. If it is done "right", you'll never start any download attempt and therefore no have completed download signal will be sent to the tracker, which results in no entry in the completed download list. That is normal and fully correct.
So the correct upload process is:
1/ You upload the .torrent file
2/ You redownload the small .torrent file with your secrete passkey inserted
3/ You add it to your torrent client programme and direct the "download" to the data files(s) you've got already
4/ The torrent client will check the data and if they match, start seeding immediately (no download, no download completed signal sent to the tracker, therefore no entry to the completed downloads list)
Of course in above right process, that torrent will be listed in your uploaded torrent list.
Reseeding is the same process, starting at step 2/ and as you haven't uploaded the .torrent file, no entry will be made to your torrent lists, except it will appear in seeding torrents when you seed it.
In opposite to above, here an example for a process which will create a entry in your completed downloads list, when uploading a torrent, which is the "wrong" way, though it works:
1/ You upload the .torrent file
2/ You redownload the small .torrent file with your secrete passkey inserted
3/ You add it to your torrent client programme and don't direct to the data files you've got already
4/ The torrent client programme will start to try to download the data files (won't work)
5/ You stop the download and direct the client to the data files you've got
6/ The torrent client will check the data and if they match, start seeding and sends a have completed signal to the tracker, which creates the completed download entry to the Profile torrent list
There are two reasons why you don't upload:
1/ The torrent you seed got no leecher (downloader) at the moment. Keep it seeding, in case someone starts downloading
2/ You are the only leecher on the torrent you download at the moment. Nobody to send the parts you've got already
In addition your Transmission is reported as not connectible (read the earlier posts in this topic about what that means)
The trackers you name (those I know by name), are public tracker. they got much more user and because they haven't a ratio many peers leave after download. That makes seeding easy for those how stay.
To improve the connection of Transmission, make sure you've made an exception in your Mac's firewall for the port set for Transmission's connection and activate UPnP and NAT-PMT if that option exists. Sorry no Mac here, can't help you with step by step instructions.
There are different possibilities which could cause that. Basically all get down to the tracker not receiving a "have completed download" from your torrent client programme: