No, that isn't an issue. Actually it depends on the site script which URL is inserted. Both .tw and .ru work equally.
Posts made by Popper
RE: New torrents showing, others
RE: Hi boysam
We got a requests section at the bottom of the forum, where the "Porn Requests" get accessible once you made a total of three forum posts.
RE: Duplicate search results
There is a known glitch: If a member's torrent client sends multiple "have completed" to the tracker, it creates multiple entries of that in the data base, which will display the exact same torrent a many times in the result list with dark greenish background.
There happens the same with light green background, but I could not yet test which condition creates that.
RE: No connection could be made because the target machine activly refused it
It got removed after the tracker was online again.
RE: Tracker
Pour créer un torrent à partager ici c'est toujours
Le tracker c'est un serveur qui met en liens les membres qui ce souhaitent partager le(s) fichier(s) d'un torrent. Il a donc toujours la meme adresse. Le torrent est identifié par son "hash", une sorte de somme de control.
RE: Everything SEEDBOXES
I've no personal experience with a seedbox, but:
Seedboxes can download a torrent's files (the data files / movies) when you add the torrent to it's torrent client. While they do that, they already upload back the parts they got to others and generate usually a share ratio above 1 due to their heigh bandwidth. (and make the life for non-seedbox users difficult).
You get a download link for the .torrent file (the torrent) in our torrent list, which unlike the button works without java script.
Some members have automated the downloading of torrents to their seedbox by the RSS feed. A member has made a tutorial in the "Guides" section of our Forum.
RE: Seeding after changing downloaded file's name and directory location
I'll leave them, because what happened to you is quite typical and your experience can help others.
The tracker message "scrape not supported" origins from the fact that our tracker got the scrape support switched off. Therefore all stopped and queued torrents from will show that message.
If that happens, just Force Start helps, or fiddling with the queuing priorities, for example setting the global or individual seeding goal higher than the default 50%, giving seeding task higher priority than downloading, or reducing the number of concurrent downloads (in favour to seeding).
RE: Problemas para descargar mi propio torrent
1. Detener el torrent (no extraer)
2. Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón sobre el torrente de uTorrent / list BitTorrent 's y seleccione "Opciones avanzadas"> "Set Descargar Location …" > Vaya a la a la carpeta que contiene el archivo, carpeta, respectivamente, de la que se ha creado el torrent, confirme con "Seleccionar carpeta".
3. el botón derecho del ratón haga clic en el torrente en la lista de uTorrent y seleccione "Fuerza re-check". El torrente se debe comprobar al 100% y uTorrent mostrar "Terminado" en lugar de "Detenido" en la columna de estado.
4. Reinicie el torrent, deberá ir a la "siembra" o al menos "en cola siembra"traducción de Google:
1. Stop the torrent (do NOT remove)
2. Click with the right mouse button on the torrent in µTorrent/BitTorrent's list and select "Advanced" > "Set Download Location…" > navigate to the to the folder which contains the file, respectively folder, from which the torrent has been created, confirm with "Select folder".
3. Right mouse button click on the torrent in µTorrent's list and select "Force re-check". The torrent should check to 100% and µTorrent displaying "Finished" instead of "Stopped" in the status column.
4. Restart the torrent, it shall go to "Seeding" or at least to "Queued seeding" -
RE: Tracker
Ce n'est pas trop important quoi exacte y remplir, si c'est une URL valable. Par exemple
RE: Seeding after changing downloaded file's name and directory location
With that torrent selected in µTorrent, please look under the "Trackers" tab in the lower µTorrent window for the message in the "Status" column and the line with the tracker announce URL. What does it exactly say?
RE: Tracker ip changed to
Our tracker has and had always the scraping disabled. There is no change on that.
Changes were made so that the DDoS protection does not get active by a few hundreds of connections to the tracker. I am running about 600 torrents without issues these last days.
Your 503 error / time outs is displayed where, in your browser, or in your torrent client Transmission?
RE: Can You Help?
You will need to copy back the file(s) to the computer on which you've got your torrent client programme. Most simple to the default download folder of that programme.
For the remaining steps, look there >
The file name isn't an issue, you can change it back to the name given in the torrent's file list. However the content must be the same to the very bit.
RE: Unrelated picture added to torrent posts.
For the examples you gave in the initial post, yes, I am sure.
Regarding the new example, sorry, I can't identify which of the 10 pictures are unrelated. All look for me as belonging to the movie, comparing the 10th picture with the thumbnails with the others …
On the other hand, I believe you, so you should contact the Helpdesk identifying the not related pictures, so they get removed.
Yes, certainly sometimes some users are uploading unrelated pictures. If we identifying someone doing that systematically, we do the necessary to stop that.
RE: Unrelated picture added to torrent posts.
Well, certainly not to scratch points, because these pictures are added at the initial creation of the torrent page.
I'd not call them "idiot". These are members in the process to learn how to upload. The first needs to learn to create of find pictures belonging to the shared file and the last needs to learn to clear QTM's picture list after an upload, before the next.
Members can help by uploading related pictures and writing to the Helpdesk about the wrong picture after having done that.
RE: Tracker ip changed to
There were made some adjustments and torrents should no longer be the cause of the page not loading or of errors.
Personally I get often white screens or 502 errors, which disappear after refreshing the page. The Administrators still search for the cause of that to fix it.
QTM Installation Picture
It is important that in the last field the path points to the location of the .exe file of your µTorrent, respectively BitTorrent client programme.
By default it chooses the "Program Files" (32 bit Windows), respectively "Program Files (x86)" (on 64 bit Windows) directories, where programmes are installed by default and utorrent.exe.
If you use BitTorrent, you need to change to bittorrent.exe.
If you have installed µTorrent or BitTorrent to another location, you need to change the path accordingly. The ". . ." or "Browse" button next to the field allows to opens a file explorer window and navigate to the file.
RE: Come modificare una descrizione torrente?
Potete trovare il link "[Edit this torrent]" per modificare la pagina di un torrente indicato dalla freccia rossa nella figura sottostante. (Funziona 7 giorni dopo upload):
Che si apre questa finestra per modificare titolo, foto e descrizione:
Quando tutto è OK, fare clic sul "Edit it!" pulsante per salvare le modifiche.
RE: QTM - Keep getting "Cookies required. Turn off any cookies management program."
As a first step, can you make sure your Internet Explorer Internet Security setting is "medium-high", i.e. the default setting. Make as well your Firefox allowing cookies.